good old days

Chapter 600: Marrying a Wife and Forgetting the Mother

Liu Wanjun was afraid that Huang Yingying would suffer a loss, so she asked her classmates to squeeze into the crowd together.

Sun Jianwei was also afraid that he would be caught, so he grabbed the money that was due from others and ran away.

Before running away, he didn't forget to slap him, "It's legal for me to sell things. I have good intentions and want more students from your school to go to college. If you don't appreciate it, forget it. I will never give it to your school again in the future." People are selling information, if you want to blame them, just blame them!"

Huang Yingying and Liu Wanjun chased for a hundred meters, but Sun Jianwei escaped on his bicycle.

Before I could catch my breath, I was surrounded by people.

Everyone talked a lot, some said they had bad intentions, and some asked them whether the information was fake.

Huang Yingying was speechless and pointed at the direction in which Sun Jianwei escaped, "Didn't you see that he ran away with a guilty conscience! If the information is true, why did he run away?"

Someone who bought Sun Jianwei's information argued: "He ran away after hearing you say you wanted to sue him. Being reported for selling things in front of the school will definitely cause problems."

The last thing people who spend money want is that the information they buy is fake.

Six yuan a book was quite expensive, but in order to have more hope for their children to go to college, they gritted their teeth and spent the money. If anyone tells them that the information is false, they cannot accept it.

Huang Yingying didn't want them to be misled by the information, so she raised her voice and said: "I haven't read the information on Chinese, English, biogeography, but the first 80% of the information on mathematics, chemistry, and physics has problems. If you are not afraid of being misled, just use the information." review."

Some parents said: "Just ask a teacher to check whether it is true or false. If he dares to lie, we will go to the police station and sue him."

"Is it useful to sue him? You don't know who he is!"


Seeing that many people were sensible, Huang Yingying said: "If he comes again next time, please don't be fooled again."

She planned to go to the police station to report a case that someone was selling fake information at the school gate to defraud money. Although she did not know who Sun Jianwei was, the police would only pursue the case if the case was reported.

Sun Jianwei will not come to this school again, but is planning to move to a residential area around another high school to hawk.

He was very anxious and copied more than 300 copies. He had only sold about 50 copies before. If the bad reputation spread too widely, he would really not be able to make money by selling materials.

Simply because the capital is very big and has many schools, finding a place to sell far away from his home and school is not a problem.

The college entrance examination was less than two months away, and the materials he copied out had to be turned into money as soon as possible. After this, he could stop.

During weekend tutoring, Jiang Xinyu heard from Huang Yingying and Liu Wanjun that a scammer went to the school gate to sell information to make money again. She was also sorry that the scammer was not caught.

It’s okay to find ways to make money, but the problem is not to harm others.

In June, I went to Houhai with my mother-in-law to see how the courtyard house was being repaired. On the way, I stopped by her second sister's house to see her.

Jiang Yuzhu's belly is not small now. She is still more than three months away from giving birth, and she has gained a lot of weight.

"Have you heard? Song Minghan was taken away by the police for investigation."

Jiang Xinyu had a question mark on her face. She didn't even understand what happened when Song Minghan's testimony led to his own father being investigated. Why was he taken away by the police for investigation again?

Jiang Yuzhu handed her the canned fruit and added: "It seems to be related to the imprisonment of Jiang Baoqin's family. His father had informed people about it, and Song Minghan was also involved, and now he is under investigation."

Song Wenxing was found to have a lot of problems, and a lot of things and people were involved. His whole family was in trouble, and Mr. Song was unable to save his life and was so anxious that he was admitted to the hospital.

Jiang Xinyu saw that she had been eating and reminded: "Eat less, or the child will suffer when it is too big."

Jiang Yuzhu touched her belly: "The doctor said I might be pregnant with twins."

Jiang Xinyu said: "Then you have to pay attention. Walk more often on weekdays. Don't sit and lie down every day without exercising."

Giving birth to a baby these days is no joke. Recalling how painful it was to give birth to her baby, she had absolutely no courage to have another baby.

"My eldest sister wrote to me before, saying that my mother might get remarried. She is a teacher at the University of Technology in our city. She was previously assigned to our brigade. You should also have an impression."

Jiang Xinyu herself is a migrant and regards Chen Xiuyun as her responsibility. She did not object when Chen Xiuyun adopted Xiaochuan, but it was absolutely impossible for her to treat Xiaochuan as her biological brother. She would not stop her from marrying again. After all, everyone has it. The right to choose your own life.

She looked at Jiang Yuzhu, who had been silent for a while: "Do you have any objections?"

Although her mother had agreed to adopt Xiaochuan Jiang Yuzhu, she was actually not happy, and Jiang Xinyu could tell.

Jiang Yuzhu shook her head, "I'm not against it. I originally thought that if I had the opportunity in the future, I would bring my mother to work in the capital. We can both take care of her here. If she remarries, she will not be allowed to stay in our city in the future. Is it in?"

Not to mention that Jiang Yuzhu had thought about it, Jiang Xinyu had also planned it. She would ask her mother to find a job at any school through her connections. Xiaochuan would bring her as soon as he came. They would not delay taking care of Chen Xiuyun when they arrived in the capital. They were so far apart and only had to take care of Chen Xiuyun every year. I can only send something back.

It's a pity that Chen Xiuyun had his own plans and never wanted to come to the capital.

If Chen Xiuyun remarries, Jiang Xinyu estimates that Chen Xiuyun will have to write to their sisters during the summer vacation to ask them to go back and tell them about the remarriage.

The people who decorated the courtyard had previously decorated Zhou Qi's house. Wang Sumei saw that they were working very neatly, so she stopped coming over to keep an eye on them every day. Anyway, Zhou Qi and Jiang Yuzhu were close, so he could help them keep an eye on the decoration and provide advice on how to repair it.

The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law waited until Zhou Qi came back with the lunch box before preparing to leave. Before they went out, they met Zhang Tongzhi who was carrying something. So the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law stayed and talked for another twenty minutes.

After the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law left, Zhang Tongzhi took the cold old duck soup to the kitchen to heat it up. She would not cook for her daughter-in-law except for the fact that her daughter-in-law was pregnant with twins and had to take care of Zhou Qi.

Jiang Yuzhu didn't know what lies Zhou Qi told in front of his mother, so Zhou Qi followed him to the kitchen with some caution.

"Mom, just let her go. If you can't do it, I'll warm her up."

Zhang Tongzhi had already noticed that something was wrong in the kitchen. There was a layer of dust on the stove. He opened the cabinet on the wall. The seasonings inside looked similar to the last time she came here. The bag of sesame seeds was also infested with worms. The scene in the kitchen doesn't look like it's often turned on for cooking.

She looked at Zhou Qi with a sullen face, and Zhou Qi's words about Jiang Yuzhu being virtuous, sensible, washing, cooking and taking care of him rang in her mind.

Hehe, her son is a good one. There is nothing wrong with the saying that he forgets his mother after marrying his daughter-in-law.

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