good old days

Chapter 601 Sun Jianwei exposed

Zhou Qi felt like lying in his heart, but felt that the problem was not big, and asked calmly: "Mom, why are you looking at me like this?"

Zhang Tongzhi put away the dishes and sneered, "I think I have given birth to a lover who will love my wife."

Zhou Qi chuckled: "I learned this from my dad."

Looking at her mother's expression, he pretended not to notice why his mother was angry and said: "I am busy with work and she is busy with study. I usually eat at work and she also eats at school, but she will cook it for me on weekends. delicious."

Zhang Tongzhi pointed to the worm-infested sesame seeds and the seasonings that looked untouched in the cabinet: "Does this look like cooking? I don't think she even knows how to use this stove."

Zhou Qi was also a little angry, but suppressed his anger. He knew his mother very well. She was a person who was soft on others but not on hard ones. The more stubborn you were with her, the bigger her temper became.

He didn't even understand why his mother cared so much about such trivial matters. His parents usually ate at work, so why did he have to have his wife cook for him when he was here? If it wasn’t just a meal, how could something happen if it happened?

While the mother and son were talking in the kitchen, the sound of the washing machine rang, and they saw Jiang Yuzhu coming out of the laundry room through the kitchen window.

Zhou Qi's washing machine is placed in the small room, and the water pipe is connected. The drainage outlet is also very good, and it can be drained directly into the tree pond outside the yard for watering.

Jiang Yuzhu came out of the laundry room and went to the drying area to collect the clothes. After collecting the clothes, she watered the green plants in the yard. She seemed quite busy.

She remembered Jiang Xinyu's words that pregnant women should exercise properly to have a better pregnancy.

To wash clothes, you just throw them into the washing machine, then take them out and throw them into the drying bucket, and then fill them with water. It is much more convenient than washing by hand. It doesn’t take much effort to collect the clothes and water the green plants. See I just did whatever work came my way.

The current conditions of her family are much better than those in the village. In the village, she has to carry water, collect firewood, and dig grass to feed the pigs. She has been doing these jobs for many years, and she lives in this building with electrical appliances, The yard has convenient water and electricity, so she doesn't find it difficult to do housework at all.

After finishing the small work, she picked up Zhou Qi's dirty shoes and went into the laundry room.

Zhou Qi quietly breathed a sigh of relief, pointed at Jiang Yuzhu and said to his mother: "Mom, you see, she is doing all the big and small work at home. Now she doesn't forget to clean my shoes. She has a big belly and is still If you still have a problem with her while she's working, that would be too harsh."

Zhang Tongzhi snorted again, but his tone sounded like he was relieved.

"If you feel sorry for her, take her back to live with your grandma. There is a nanny at home, so she doesn't need to do anything."

As he spoke, Zhang Tongzhi picked up the pot and started washing it in the pool. After cleaning it up, he started to heat the soup.

Of course Zhou Qi disagreed, "This place is close to my work, and I don't want to run back and forth. The doctor also said that moderate exercise for pregnant women is good for health. If the nanny does all the work, will she be too busy to panic? It's not good for the child either. good."

Living with parents and elders is really inconvenient. Jiang Yuzhu is not happy, and neither is he.

Zhang Tongzhi had a slight smile on his face.

As long as the son doesn't let his daughter-in-law take advantage of him, it's fine.

After the soup was boiling, Zhang Tongzhi cooked two more dishes for the two of them, which were paired with white-flour steamed buns brought back from her work. Jiang Yuzhu ate them quite deliciously.

Her mother-in-law had already left, and Jiang Yuzhu said calmly: "Your mother cooks quite quickly."

What she wanted to ask more was, why did her mother-in-law have such trouble today? How could she cook for her?

Zhou Qi hugged her head and kissed her on the face, "My wife is smart, beautiful and capable. I am lucky to marry you."

Jiang Yuzhu blushed.

After marrying Zhou Qi, she heard some gossip, saying that she and Zhou Qi were not the same family. Her mother-in-law's critical eyes had not changed from the beginning to the end. Zhou Qi always said that marrying her was his blessing.

She is obviously more blessed. There was movement in her stomach. Jiang Yuzhu touched her belly in surprise. Zhou Qi moved his head over in excitement.

The couple clearly felt fetal movement, so Zhou Qi shouldn't be too excited.

"If we really have two children, I want the older one to be a son and the younger one to be a daughter, so that we can have both children at once."

Jiang Yuzhu smiled: "What if we have two daughters?"

Zhou Qi said: "My daughters are my daughters, twin daughters. Just thinking about them makes me want to pick them up and cherish them as hard as I can."


The Children's Day school had a day off, and Chen Jinhua drove over to take Jiang Xinyu and her children to the camp to join in the fun. There were people getting married in the camp today.

"Jiajia is going abroad soon, to Boston as well. I have written a letter to Chen Yi and asked him to take care of her in the future."

In fact, the school that Chen Jiajia first applied for was not close to the city where Chen Yi was located. He found a way to ask someone to apply to another school to arrange for him to go there.

Jiang Xinyu frowned slightly and asked Chen Yi to take care of Chen Jiajia? It really is…

In order to send Chen Jiajia out, and because he was afraid that Chen Jiajia would suffer hardship abroad, Chen Jinhua used all his family wealth to exchange for U.S. dollars, and Feng Man also tried his best.

Jiang Xinyu was stunned, Chen Jiajia really had a good father and mother.

She wants to go out, but this year there are still no places for her department in the school. As for paying for herself, her family's financial resources are not enough to cover the expenses. It is better to stay in China and take advantage of the loopholes to earn more money to buy some property for the family.

The camp is very lively today. The person getting married is Liu Wanjun, her third brother, who is married to Yi Zhihua from the art troupe. The girl's parents are also from this compound.

Jiang Yan was being held by Chen Jinhua and eating there. Jiang Xinyu and Zhou Jin were sitting together and talking with a few familiar people. Yu Qing and Huang Yingying saw her and hurriedly came over.

Most of them are young people, and the topics are various. The college entrance examination is in a month. The high school sophomores in the compound inevitably talk about the college entrance examination, and Sun Jianwei's story of selling information is brought up.

Zhou Jinfu's family is somewhat related to Liu Wanjun's family, so she came today.

Zhou Jin was stunned when she heard Sun Jianwei's name being mentioned by high school students. Her second uncle was effectively divorced from her second aunt's natal family last year, and she had almost forgotten Sun Jianwei's name.

Jiang Xinyu was confused after hearing this, and was a little afraid to confirm. Did she know the Sun Jianwei they were talking about? Just ask Huang Yingying to be more specific.

"Didn't we call the police the last time Sun Jianwei went to the school to deceive people? There was insufficient information, so the police probably didn't catch him, but he went to the family courtyard near the school at the sugar factory to sell information, and Xue Yang recognized him..."

Speaking of this, Huang Yingying glanced at Zhou Jin.

Zhou Jin's expression remained unchanged, "You continue talking without looking at me."

Huang Yingying had nothing to say. After Xue Yang recognized Sun Jianwei, he told others that there is no airtight wall in the world, and the story of Sun Jianwei selling fake information to cheat money spread.

Zhou Jin's expression remained unchanged, and he was already scolding Sun Jianwei in his heart.

The second uncle and second aunt are one family, and the Sun family is her in-laws. It is really embarrassing for Sun Jianwei to do this kind of thing.

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