good old days

Chapter 602 Chen Jiajia’s guilt

The Xue Yang mentioned by Huang Yingying is the engagement partner of Zhou Yi, the youngest daughter of Zhou Qi's third uncle's family.

After hearing this, Zhou Jin knew that it was certain that Sun Jianwei had fabricated and deceived people.

Jiang Xinyu didn't know who Xue Yang was, but she already knew what Sun Jianwei had done.

Before, she was still thinking about which "talent" could be responsible for selling information, but after finding out that it was him, the thought came to her mind that it was indeed him.

Opening a cram school is definitely a way to make a fortune, and selling college entrance examination materials to earn money from students is also a good way to make money. If he does it in a formal way, he may not be able to succeed in the future, but his heart is obsessed with money.

After Huang Yingying and others finished speaking, she paid attention to Zhou Jin's face and lowered her voice and said, "Sister Zhou Jin, someone has already gone to the police station to report him."

Zhou Jin nodded: "Liars should be educated by the police. You did the right thing."

What she did was right. She wanted to go back and tell her second uncle what had happened.

After attending the wedding, Jiang Xinyu returned to Chen Jinhua's house to pick up her children. Chen Jiajia was also there, but she was sitting in the living room looking a little ugly.

When Chen Jinhua saw her coming back, he said, "Okay, I have something else to do in the afternoon, so you can go back on your own."

Little Jiang Yan had a popsicle in her hand. When Jiang Xinyu came, she held up the popsicle and put it in her mouth, "Mom, eat it."

Jiang Xinyu was not sure if he had ever fed this popsicle to anyone else, so she picked him up after refusing.

After saying hello to Chen Jinhua and walking out, Chen Jiajia sat motionless in the living room.

Jiang Xinyu was waiting outside, while Chen Jiajia continued to fight for her love in the room.

"Dad, can't you help him?"

Chen Jinhua calmly looked at his daughter who was confused. He didn't know what she had learned over the years. She was so damn shrewd that she didn't learn anything. She didn't seem to have the political acumen she should have, or maybe she had , but gave up because of Song Minghan.

"You want me to do something against my principles for him?"

She had never thought about how something happened to Song Minghan when he was going abroad. Is Chen Jinhua such a good-tempered person? After bullying his daughter, he just beat her up and sent her to the hospital and then accepted her as if nothing happened?

"If you don't want to go abroad, forget it. I won't interfere with your affairs in the future. For the sake of a man, you can treat your future as a trivial matter. I am very disappointed in you."

For so many years, Chen Jinhua had been in a high position and was already very powerful. Now his face became serious and the feeling of oppression became stronger, which made Chen Jiajia tremble in her heart.

After a while, she finally mustered up the courage to plead: "Dad!"

"I didn't say I couldn't go abroad, I just wanted you to..."

Chen Jinhua glanced at her and said in a gentle tone that made her heart heavy, "So you even lied to me about the reason for going abroad?"

Chen Jiajia argued: "I'm not."

Chen Jinhua stood up to go out: "Okay, I have something else to do. If you study English hard and pass the exam just for him, don't recognize me as your father in the future."

He had never thought of accepting Song Minghan as his son-in-law, and asking him to agree to their relationship was as hard to accept as swallowing a fly.

The bus leaving the camp was full of guests attending the wedding banquet today.

Chen Jiajia was the last one to come up. She sat there with a face drawn as if someone owed her a lot of money.

"Sister Jiajia, I heard that you are going abroad?"

Chen Jiajia didn't talk about sex at all, but subconsciously straightened her back and raised her chin slightly, "I'm leaving in a few days." At this time, she was feeling guilty. Song Minghan was in jail, but she couldn't do anything for him, and she still had to Leave him alone and go abroad.

Yes, she never thought of giving up this opportunity to go abroad. She worked hard to learn English and pass the exam just because she wanted to go out and see the foreign world. The brothers and sisters she knew who had gone abroad had said that life abroad was completely different from that at home.

How could she give up such a good opportunity?

Jiang Xinyu sat on the bench, holding her child in front of her, and did not ignore Chen Jiajia's conversations with others when chatting with others.

She raised her eyebrows slightly, feeling sympathy for Song Minghan for a second.

She is not optimistic about long-distance relationships in this era. When Chen Jiajia goes to the United States and sees the colorful world abroad, will she slowly take back all the love she gave to Song Minghan as time goes by?

Cigarette factory family courtyard.

After receiving the report, the police from the police station found Sun Jianwei's home.

There is no one at Sun Jianwei's house at the moment. Sun Guixi has gone to work in the factory. Sun Jianwei is processing the remaining unsold materials elsewhere. Sun Yaodong runs to Wang Liang's house and is receiving guidance from Guo Hong.

After hearing the police's intention, people in the compound naturally wanted to find out what happened to Sun Jianwei.

Police: "Someone went to the high school gate to sell information. We came to him to find out the situation."

People who don’t know why ask: “Is it illegal to run a small business?”

There are markets on the streets, so why are people still arresting people for selling things? Is it not allowed to sell things in front of the school?

The police explained: "It's not that selling anything is illegal, it's that there's something wrong with the information he sold, and someone came to report him."

A neighbor from a hospital said: "I don't know where Sun Jianwei went, but not long after his brother left, he went to the newly built family building to review with his books."

All the neighbors know the personalities of the two Sun Jianwei brothers. Sun Jianwei is unconventional, while Sun Yaodong, the younger brother, is honest and studies every day. I heard that his grades are quite good now.

The neighbor led the police to Wang Liang's home, where Guo Hong was giving lessons to several people in the main room of Wang Liang's home.

The college entrance examination is coming soon, and Guo Hong is also very concerned about the learning status of several students, so last weekend she agreed to give extra make-up lessons to a few students on June 1st.

When Sun Yaodong heard the police's intention to come, he felt nervous and stammered in his words, "He went out after ten o'clock. I don't know where he went."

He pursed his lips nervously. The police looked at him suspiciously and asked, "Do you know that he went out to sell questionable study materials? As his younger brother, you have no idea where those materials came from?"

Sun Yaodong was so nervous that he couldn't speak. His brother asked him to help copy materials. He had read several study materials for liberal arts, and there were no big problems. Thinking that he could review and help his brother, he took the time to help copy a few materials. However, the few copies he copied were nothing compared to the hundreds copied by his brother, Su Qingqing and two other people.

Sun Yaodong was so guilty that the police had problems when they saw him, and they also had problems when they saw Guo Hong and the other three high school students.

"Are you also involved in selling information?"

Sun Yaodong shook his head hurriedly, "This matter has nothing to do with them, they don't know it, so I copied a few college entrance examination question analysis sheets for my brother. I didn't think there was any problem. The rest were copied by Su Qingqing, my brother and his friends. .”

Sun Yaodong had to tell the truth.

He didn't expect that something would go wrong again, and he was so worried that he almost cried.

The policeman raised his chin: "Okay, let's go, come with us to your house to wait for someone, and then go back and take notes."

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