Chapter 199 Cyberpunk (20)

A group of people, after Xi Ning operated it once in front of them, they began to make their own subspace equipment.

It takes some time to manufacture subspace equipment, about three to ten minutes.

For this little time, everyone can afford to wait.

They are all looking forward to what kind of subspace equipment they will make by themselves.

Three or ten minutes later, all of them got the subspace equipment they made.

"Try to use it. If there is no problem, it can be mass-produced and put on the shelves today." Xi Ning urged.

After a while, everyone used the subspace equipment in their hands one after another, none of them failed, and all of them could be used normally.

All of them chose the largest size at present, ten meters.

That night, [People]'s online store put this subspace device on the shelves.

[People] The cheapest subspace equipment costs 5 yuan.

Compared with the outrageous fruits and vegetables, this price is very conscientious.

When it was put on the shelves, [People] also posted the video of Xining trapping Asuka on the company's major accounts.

In order to gain popularity, [People] spent money on an advertisement, which was not very long, only 29 seconds.

The 29-second advertisement represents the first collaboration between [People] and 'Su Yue'.

Adding up the four characters Minmin and Su Yue, there are exactly 29 strokes.

As for the advertising spokesperson, Xi Ning herself is very willing, because she can get another sum of money as the spokesperson.

What's more, she is the inventor and producer of subspace equipment, and she has absolute voice and persuasive power.

At the beginning, when consumers saw this advertisement, they thought it was a lie.

In today's high-tech world, it is not difficult to shoot a high-quality advertisement.

After watching the ad, people came to [People]'s major accounts to swear at people and spray all kinds of madness.

Xi Ning looked at the brainless operations of these keyboard warriors, and felt that these people were probably hopeless:

"No matter how the world develops, things like keyboard warriors will never perish. It's really hard to deal with."

Faced with all kinds of swear words on the Internet, Xi Ning didn't even bother to explain, no matter how much she and the [people] explained, those who didn't believe it still didn't believe it.

When someone is raving about it, someone has already quietly placed an order and decided to amaze all the keyboard warriors.

The courier was quickly delivered to the hands of the consumers, and the consumers quickly opened the subspace equipment in their hands according to the instructions.

There is a part of the conspicuous package. In order to let more people know that I have a subspace device, I took a lot of videos and posted them on the Internet.

The consumers who bought it are very satisfied with the sub-space equipment jointly created by Xining and [People].

In just three days, the first batch of manufactured subspace equipment was all sold out.

Some people who didn't buy it earlier regretted it to death, screaming on the Internet.

On the second day, Ximen showed another batch of subspace manufacturing machines to increase production.

At present, the best-selling subspace device is one meter in length, width and height. Such a device meets the needs of tourism, further education, and business trips.

"A lot of money, it's so cool to be woken up by money every day!" Xi Ning was quite satisfied with her current life.

But when he thinks of the outrageously expensive fruits, vegetables and meat, Lime feels distressed.

She made up her mind to purify the land, water, animals and plants.

The necessities of life needed by human beings have all returned to the previous normal level, and everyone's quality of life can be further guaranteed, the pressure of life will be reduced, and social conflicts will not be so acute.

A bottle of [-]ml [earth spring water] appeared from the lemon tool.

The ground spring water in her hand is completely incomparable with purified water.

However, Xi Ning couldn't use all the abilities of [Shangshu of the Ministry of Justice], and couldn't manifest the purified water.

"Hey, it's really a luxury to have a cheap and delicious meal."

Every time he sees the outrageous prices of fruits, vegetables and meat, Xi Ning feels helpless.

In the next half month, Xi Ning spent a lot of time researching, and added the Yimu aura that he could use, and successfully made the ground spring water have the ability to purify.

Looking at the new purified water source that she created, Xi Ning was full of joy:

"Finally succeeded, it's really not easy."

The next day, Xi Ning took the ground spring water she had prepared and came to [People], and asked Manager Shen to put the ground spring water in the store.

Manager Shen opened his mouth into an O shape after learning that the spring water in this place can purify the land, water sources, animals and plants.

"This is too powerful. You have come to the company less often recently, and I thought you were sick. I didn't expect that you developed such a powerful thing again!"

Manager Shen firmly believed in Xi Ning's words.

There is no need for Xi Ning to worry about the following matters, and everything can be left to the [people] to deal with.

"Then I'll trouble you. You need to keep an eye on the rest of the matter. If you don't understand something, you can ask me directly."

After finishing speaking, Xi Ning yawned a few times.

In the past half a month, in order to develop new functions of ground spring water, Xi Ning only slept for four hours a day, and was really sleepy.

"Leave it to me, go home and have a good rest. When you are free, it's not too late to come to the company."

Even if Xining doesn't come to the company, [people] will send the money to Xining on time.

On the way home, Xi Ning met people from Yizhou Parkson again:
"Help, don't these people know what it means to give up? Every time I send people, I send them to the police station. Why don't they learn to be good!!!"

Xi Ning has already become irritable, and she can't wait to kill the helmsman behind Yizhou Parkson.

Xi Ning showed a big sword, ready to send all the troublemakers to the hospital.

"Ms. Su Yue, please wait a moment, we are not here to trouble you, we are here to deliver a letter." A man in a suit handed a handwritten letter to Xi Ning.

In this day and age, handwritten letters are a rarity.

After handwriting the letter to Xi Ning, the five of them started the flying machine and left before Xi Ning's eyes.

"This time, it's really confusing to leave so readily."

Xi Ning was curious about the letter sent by the other party, and when she opened it, her whole body was torn apart.

There is also a USB flash drive inside the envelope, Xi Ning took it out and inserted it into the terminal.

"I really didn't expect that Su Yue, the original owner, was actually a cloned artificial human. This technology is a bit hard. Moreover, the mother is also a clone of the helm of Yizhou Parkson. What an outrageous setting."

Xi Ning felt that the news contained a lot of information, and she returned home with a heavy heart.

Pang Wei and Qibao, who were resting at home, were a little worried when they saw Xi Ning's absent-minded look:

"Xiao Yue, what's wrong with you? Is there something wrong?"

Pang Wei reached out and touched Xi Ning's forehead, but she didn't notice the soaring body temperature.

"Mom, I'm not sick, but I'm a little depressed after hearing a very explosive news."

Xi Ning sat on the sofa and told Pang Wei about her encounter with Yizhou Parkson employees.

He also handed the letter and USB flash drive to Pang Wei.

After reading these two items, Pang Wei was also surprised for a moment.

Pang Wei always thought that she was a child of a poor family, but she didn't expect that she was actually a clone, and she was not Su Yue's real mother:

"Xiaoyue, no matter what, you will always be mother's daughter, and you will not change because of other things. I just don't know if this memory tampering drug has hidden side effects."

"You will always be my mother. As for the memory tampering medicine, there should be no side effects for the time being, otherwise, we wouldn't be able to live for such a long time."

Needless to say, Xi Ning is very curious about this memory tampering drug. She wants to study this miraculous drug.

The next day, Xi Ning didn't wake up until noon, and Pang Wei didn't wake her up.

She knows that Xi Ning has been working very hard recently, often until the early hours of the morning.

Even if both of them learned the truth of the matter, it did not affect their mother-daughter relationship.

What made the mother and daughter the most happy was that all four members of Su Caiwen's family died.

This news was a surprise to the two mothers and daughters.

Xi Ning and Pang Wei didn't care about their identities.

Xi Ning will not let go of the dog man who captured Pang Wei, and the old woman behind Yizhou Parkson.

If it weren't for these two people, I and my mother wouldn't have suffered so many disasters. Everything was caused by capital behind the scenes.

"It's a pity that the dog man who took away his mother didn't know the plan of that old woman in Yizhou Parkson. Otherwise, he might have died a long time ago."

After some inquiries, Xi Ning learned that the man who captured Pang Wei had been favored by this old woman.

The man who had tasted the taste of love fell in love with this old woman who was old and decrepit but rich in money.

In order to get her attention, he joined the old woman's experimental team and cooperated with others to find humans with special blood.

After searching for a long time, I found Pang Wei, an experimental subject with a healing factor in his blood.

It's just that he didn't expect that the special experimental subject he found was actually a clone of his sweetheart. Unfortunately, he had never seen the real face of the old woman.

Until now, apart from the old woman's family, few people know her true face.

Every time a public speech, program recording, commercial ribbon cutting, etc., the old woman will use [makeup mask].

Just when the old woman thought that Xi Ning would contact her after reading the handwritten letter and the contents of the USB flash drive, Xi Ning did not have this idea.

Xi Ning just wanted to kill this damn old woman and that dog man quickly.

The old woman also said in the letter that she wanted to reach a cooperation with Xining.

Xi Ning is not interested in her proposal at all.

I and [the common people] cooperate well, but if I have a sick mind, I will change partners halfway.

After resting at home for three days, Xi Ning came to [People] company again.

This time, Lemon brought something new.

"Manager Shen, I'm here again." Xi Ning knocked on the door of Manager Shen's office.

"Please come in."

Manager Shen felt that it was the best choice for Xi Ning to rest at home.

In less than a month of cooperation between Xining and [People], they have brought two super-defying high-tech creations to [People], which is so powerful that I don't know how to describe it.

【People】During this period of time, they became famous and attracted a lot of partners, earning money and earning money.

Manager Shen stood up from his seat and walked over to the sofa.

Xi Ning walked to the sofa, and took out something that was highly similar to a camera from his own subspace equipment.

Manager Shen took a look at the camera, but did not find any difference: "What is the use of this camera?"

He didn't believe that the high-tech creation Xi Le took out was an ordinary camera.

Lime is not a secret, and is extremely frank:

"This is called a chastity camera, and it has several interesting functions."

"When you take this camera and take a picture of a human being, press the white shutter to detect whether the person is perfect or not."

"In the photo taken, a white dot the size of a thumb appears in the upper right corner, indicating that this person is perfect, otherwise he is not."

"Press the red shutter to detect whether the other party has an STD. If the other party has an STD, the name of the STD and the time of illness will be automatically displayed on the photo."

"Press the green shutter to detect whether the other party has cheated. You can know whether the cheating object is a man or a woman. It can also display the time, place and number of cheating."

After listening to Xi Ning's explanation, Manager Shen didn't speak for a long time.

Is this a high-tech creation that normal people can imagine?
"Well, I want to ask, why did you invent this chastity camera? Could it be that you were cheated?" Manager Shen was really curious about the purpose of Xi Ning's invention of this camera.

"It's just that I just can't understand the sea king and sea queen who is full of viscera and harms people everywhere. With this thing, it can help many people avoid these poisons in the world."

When Xi Ning said this, Manager Shen felt that she had a big picture.

Not only invented ground spring water that can purify land, water sources, animals and plants, but also ensure everyone's life.

It is too broad-minded to invent a chastity camera to ensure everyone's health.

"I see. I'll have someone put the item on the shelves right away. I just need to trouble you to make a CNC machine tool for producing chastity cameras."

Xi Ning was also unambiguous, and immediately went to the production workshop, showing a large number of CNC machine tools.

On the other hand, some people who followed the [People] store burst into laughter when they saw [People] put this chaste camera on the shelves.

"Hahaha, is this serious? Is this really invented by Su Yue? I'm going to laugh like crazy!!!"

"Laughing to death in the toilet, how did Su Yongda's brain grow! The subspace equipment and ground spring water invented before are really amazing. Now this chastity camera, I just want to say, well done!"

"Let's just say, with this chastity camera, you can avoid the dirty sea king and sea queen. This is a good thing for singles, you must buy it!"


People who like the invention of lemon, love it so much, but the appearance of the chaste camera has angered a lot of sea kings and queens.

If everyone holds a chastity camera when they are dating, the fish pond that they have worked so hard to manage will explode.

The sea kings and sea queens continue to attack Xining on the Internet, humiliating all kinds of unlimited.

Neptune and Queen Hai's mindless remarks angered those who liked Cime's invention. These people turned into keyboard masters and sparred with Neptune and Queen Hai on the Internet.

Relying on their superiority in numbers, they scolded Sea King and Queen Hai to shut up.

Neptune and Queens of the Sea simply cannot win over so many people who like the invention of Citron.

Xi Ning herself didn't care about these stupid scolding, and continued with her work and life.

A week later, Xi Ning activated [Shangshu of the Ministry of Justice] and went to the old woman's residence.

Xi Ning's hacking skills are not bad, and it is not difficult to find her hiding place.

Coincidentally, the old woman was taking a walk in the garden of her home with the man who captured Pang Wei.

Looking at the hot-eyed scene in front of her, Xi Ning felt a little disgusted:
"Money is really irresistible."

After finishing speaking, Xi Ning flew in front of the two of them, raised the manifested giant sword, and chopped off their heads.

In order to ensure that the people he killed were old women and dog men, Xi Ning activated the [Shangshu of the Ministry of Justice] and displayed a detector.

After some testing, it was determined that the person who died in his hands was this pair of dogs and men.

"Both of you are dead, and the life of my mother and I will be peaceful in the future."

Before leaving, Xi Ning burned the bodies of the two with a fire, completely preventing the other party from cheating.

After the fire completely burned the two of them to ashes, Xi Ning turned around and left.

As soon as Xi Ning left, a group of bodyguards came to the garden.

She set up a barrier to keep everyone else out.

When he came in to deal with these two scumbags, Xi Ning also activated his invisibility ability.

The bodyguards had no idea who killed the helm of Yizhou Parkson.

On the other hand, Xi Ning, who returned home, took a bath for herself and caught up with the sleep.

In the following days, Xi Ning occasionally invents some small things, or else, just go outside to play and enjoy life.

A year later, Xining successfully won the Inventor Award, one of the highest honors in the Federation, [Year].

During this year, the land, water sources, animals and plants of the entire Federation have all been purified, the diet of all human beings has returned to a healthy state, and the environment has improved a lot.

In the beginning, 36 super chaebols joined forces to block [People] and Xining, but it was useless.

What Xining invented can be said to benefit all mankind, and the plutocrats can't stop it, let alone block it.

Seeing the rise of Xining and [Common People], the 36 chaebols wanted to kill them.

But in the face of high-tech creations such as combat robots, high-altitude fighter jets, and armor combat uniforms developed by Xining, there is no way.

For the next 60 years, Xining won the [Year] award every year.

Ximen was also successfully selected as No.1 in the list of federal heroes.

In the textbooks of every continent, there are must-learn articles about Xining. Xining is a person that students cannot avoid.

There are also many people who were inspired by the story of Xi Ning, longing to become such a powerful person as Xi Ning.

Five years later, Xi Ning was just a hundred years old. She lay on the rocking chair and left this world with a smile.

The person who handles the affairs of Xi Ning is the new chairman of [People], the lovely and smart granddaughter of the female president.

Upon learning of the news of Ximen's death, the entire Federation and all regions lowered their flags at half-mast and observed a silent tribute.

The death of Xi Ning is a great loss to all mankind.

Pang Wei had passed away 25 years before Xi Ning's death.

In her whole life, Pang Wei felt that she was very lucky to have such an excellent daughter as Xi Ning.

As for Qibao, it died earlier. When Xi Ning was 60 years old, Qi Bao completely left Xi Ning. Birth, old age, sickness and death are natural laws that no one can avoid.

In this world, Xi Ning has no regrets.

She took good care of her mother and Qibao. She was happy all her life and the whole family was healthy.

[Congratulations for completing the commission of the small world of cyberpunk, getting [-] points, and a one-month lifespan, meow. 】

 The plane is over.

(End of this chapter)

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