Chapter 200 Crying Love Brain (1)

"Brother, do you think this bearish parents will give us money?"

A tall giant panda orc asked the giant panda next door.

"If they dare not give it, we will tear up the ticket!" The giant panda wearing a half-blindfold said viciously.

Xi Ning, who was tied to a chair by two male giant pandas, was about to burst apart when she heard the conversation between these two cute and stupid pandas.

Ah, no, it should be that the whole bear is about to crack.

"I actually became a giant panda, I'm really speechless." Xi Ning glanced at her tied hands and feet.

Not to mention, one black and one white body, chubby and pretty.

[Ximing, the plot is coming. ] Pudding sent the plot to Xi Ning all at once.

This is a modern orc world. Besides Chuanzhou, there are 33 other states, and the orc groups living in each state are different.

The original owner is called Panda Guo, a male and female orc who has reached the age of eighteen, and a citizen of Sichuan Province.

The original owner's family is quite rich, but none of them is normal.

Father is mother's faithful licking dog, no matter how mother hurts him, father will never divorce.

He also said that after he divorced his mother, he would not be able to survive.

Dad was green from head to toe by mother, so green that he panicked, but he had no complaints, and was willing to be hurt by mother, the queen of the sea.

Even if someone said that my mother cheated on other male giant pandas in front of my father, my father would still blame others for talking too much and destroy the relationship between him and my mother.

In order to win my mother's heart, my father specialized in cooking and cooked delicious food every day, but he still couldn't please his wife.

On the other hand, my mother often changed boyfriends. She not only cheated on giant pandas, but also cheated on South China tiger orcs, Baodaozhou black bear orcs and so on.

The male orcs my mother likes will try their best to fall in love with each other, no matter whether the other party has a partner or a family.

My mother also said that she didn't want to destroy other people's feelings, she was going to join other people's families to make the family more harmonious.

The original owner once persuaded her mother not to betray her father, but her mother said that she just made a mistake that any female orc in the world would make.

No matter how much the original owner persuaded, my mother never looked back.

She still carried out her plan to fall in love with other male orcs, completely ignoring her father.

Not only that, but the giant panda brothers beside my father also advised my father not to divorce my mother and let him bear it, all for the sake of the children.

They perfectly interpreted the classic saying, 'Brothers persuade peace and not encourage division'.

No matter how the brothers are cheated, they will try their best to persuade them to make peace, and their main focus is to make Dad wear the green hat to the end.

Dad looked at the boyfriends next to his mother, and felt that he didn't work hard enough, so he didn't let his wife value him.

In order to let his wife take himself seriously, he worked harder to earn money and cared more about his family.

As for the elder brother, the giant panda Bao, compared with his father, he is really better than blue.

My brother is also a senior dog licker, he licks to the end and has nothing.

The elder brother has a giant panda Ru, the goddess of white moonlight, and the other is a giant panda from a wealthy family.

The goddess is very good-looking, and she is also a school bully who fights very well.

Many male giant pandas in the school fell in love with giant pandas at first sight, and they instantly turned into dog lickers, treating each other as a qualified little fan.

If the giant panda is a queen, she can change boyfriends faster than she can change clothes.

The best licking dog around her is the giant panda Bao.

When Giant Panda Bao confessed to her, she said that she only regarded Giant Panda Bao as her younger brother and had no love for men and women.

He said so, but he kept hanging on Panda Bao, and often said ambiguous words, causing various emotional misunderstandings for Panda Bao.

Under the pursuit of the sugar-coated shells, the giant panda Bao was completely powerless to parry.

He knew that Giant Panda Ruo was a full-fledged sea queen, but he still felt that the other party was a high-ranking goddess and that he was not worthy of the other party.

A month later, a handsome male giant panda transfer student came to the school.

After seeing the male orc, Giant Panda Yan, suddenly the boyfriends around him were all rouge and vulgar fans, and they couldn't compare with this male giant panda who was like an exile.

After getting along for a while, Giant Panda Yan found himself in love with Giant Panda Ru, the Queen of the Sea.

The two often got together and acted like a boyfriend and girlfriend. After a long time, they naturally became formal boyfriend and girlfriend.

The giant panda Bao who heard the news couldn't bear it this time, and instantly blackened.

He kept trying to find trouble with the giant panda Yan, but was taught a lesson by the giant panda Ru.

Seeing the goddess being snatched away by the green tea panda Panda Yan, Panda Bao became more and more unconvinced as he thought about it. He tried his best to bully Panda Yan and became a vicious cannon fodder male supporting role.

With the impetus of the love brain of Giant Panda Bao, Ru Heyan's relationship quickly heated up.

The good times didn't last long, and a year later, Giant Panda Yan was diagnosed with leukemia, uremia, cataract and other diseases that seriously damaged his health.

At this time, if the giant panda finds the giant panda Bao, let him go to the hospital for matching.

Giant Panda Ru said: As long as Giant Panda Bao is a good match and willing to donate some of her organs to Giant Panda Yan, then she will marry Giant Panda Bao.

Hearing this, the giant panda Bao fell in love with a brain attack, and immediately went to the hospital for matching.

Once the matching was done, all the organs of Giant Panda Bao matched very well with Giant Panda Yan.

After discussion, Giant Panda Bao is willing to donate part of his organs to the other party.

After a month of recuperation, the two got married successfully, and Giant Panda Bao became the husband of Giant Panda Ru as he wished.

Yan, a giant panda who was recuperating in the hospital, was sad when he found out that the female he liked had married another male, and decided to go abroad and leave this place of right and wrong.

Five years later, the giant panda Yan flew back from a foreign country.

After learning that he was back, the giant panda rushed to the airport to pick him up and asked him out for dinner.

Panda Bao, who was waiting for Panda Ru to come back at home, became black again after hearing the news, and started to make trouble for the other party.

He hurt Panda Yan, and Panda Ru protected him, and the three of them began to play extreme pulling.

In the end, giant panda Ru really couldn't stand giant panda Bao, divorced him, and kicked him.

Turning around, Panda Ru and Panda Yan are married.

After being divorced, Panda Bao, he was very unconvinced, and still went to find trouble with Panda Yan, and even paid for murder.

After Giant Panda Ru learned the news, he took revenge and killed Giant Panda Bao's family.

Panda Bao saw his father, mother and sister being killed. He was very sad, but he still loved Panda Ru.

He knew that his parents and sister were killed by the giant panda Rupai, but he was not angry at what the other party did, he only blamed himself for not killing the giant panda Yan.

In order to snatch the giant panda Ru back, the giant panda Bao resorted to all means.

Giant Panda Yan is a narrow-minded male. He was not convinced that the other party bullied him so much before and did not return the damage.

Now the giant panda Baodu and the giant panda Ru are divorced, and he still comes to seduce his wife, this is absolutely unforgivable.

In order to make Giant Panda Bao disappear in front of his eyes, Giant Panda Yan bought the murderer and made Giant Panda Bao leave this world completely.

The original owner, Panda Guo, wanted to protect himself, guard the family property, and take revenge on the bastard who hurt himself and his family.

After digesting the plot of the lemon, the whole bear split open:
"No, no, this kind of plot is outrageous, the brother of the original owner really deserves to die!"

"Let's just say that this kind of plot can't be written without ten years of cerebral thrombosis. It's just out of the sky!"

There are two love brains in the family, this kind of family is too scary.

[Xi Ning, let's do our best to fulfill the original owner's wish. For other things, we can do it if we can, and let it go if we can't. 】

Pudding also felt that the plot in this world was outrageous, bloody, and stupid!

Xi Ning tore off the hemp rope that bound her hands and feet with brute force.

"Look, brother, this female bear broke the hemp rope!" The giant panda, who looked stupid, yelled.

Xi Ning didn't want to listen to his nonsense, so she punched him flying.

Another giant panda became angry when he saw his brother being hammered by Xi Ning, and even threatened Xi Ning.

Listening to the other party's trash talk, Xi Ning punched him in the face.

She knocked out the two males, took them both to the police station, and sent them to jail.

On the way home, Xi Ning felt a little speechless when she encountered such a thing as kidnapping.

"There are two full-level love brains at home, what should I do?"

To get along with two family members with abnormal brains, Xi Ning felt tired just thinking about it.

She didn't think she could help the two of them.

As soon as Xi Ning arrived home, the servant walked up to Xi Ning and handed the slippers to Xi Ning.

"Thank you, Auntie." Xi Ning passed the schoolbag to the other party by the way.

It is really troublesome to have two love brains in the family, but the money in the family means that Xi Ning can enjoy life.

Even if it's not for them, for her own stable life in the future, Xi Ning doesn't want to see her father and brother die like this.

An hour later, both Abba and brother came back.

The elder brother is six years older than the original owner. He has graduated from university and started working in the company.

He is a true love brain, but he is also a very powerful academic master.

During his university years, he dominated the rankings all the year round and won the first-class national scholarship every year.

"Xiaoguo." Dad called out loudly in the living room.

"Here we come." Xi Ning's voice came from the second floor.

She walked down the stairs slowly, and carefully looked at the two people in front of her.

"Looking at their appearance, they don't look like people with a sick mind. How can they become love brains?"

Xi Ning couldn't understand this kind of embarrassing personality.

"Is Mommy coming home?" Dad asked.

After working in the company for such a long time, he missed his wife very much.


After thinking for a while, Xi Ning spoke again:
"Dad, you should divorce your mother. Every time I see my mother hurting you, I feel very uncomfortable. She is not worthy of you."

Xi Ning's words were sincere, she really felt that this queen mother was not worthy of the cheap father in front of her.

34 states, so many orcs, why do they have to be hanged on a tree?
"Xiao Guo, we giant pandas are sentimental animals, your mother just followed her nature."

After finishing speaking, Dad walked to the dining table with a lonely figure.

"Xiaoguo, you shouldn't provoke the relationship between mom and dad, no matter how you say it, she is our mother." The giant panda Bao said seriously.

Lemon: "."

"It can't be saved, it really can't be saved, love brain poisoning is too deep, even if you send them to dig wild vegetables, it's useless."

Xi Ning felt so desperate, she really didn't want to lose the stable life in front of her because of the love brain of giant panda Bao.

If this family is gone, I need to work hard for everything, which is too tiring.

The next day, Xi Ning came to the school and started her life as a senior high school student again.

Life in the third year of high school is boring and tense.

As a former provincial champion in science and now a student again, Xi Ning said that there is no pressure.

The classmates around me are also quite good, there are not so many idiots with abnormal brains.

"What should I do to break the connection between my brother and that sea queen?" Xi Ning felt that this question gave her a headache.

"Xiao Guo, what are you thinking?" Xiao Ke, the giant panda at the same table, asked.

"I'm thinking, what should I do to cure the love brain."

So far, Ximen can't think of any good solution.

Hearing Xi Ning's words, Xiao Ke persuaded Xi Ning to give up: "Forget it, love brain can't be cured, so don't waste your efforts in vain."

After school, Xi Ning returned home, turned on the computer, and used her own hacking skills to check the phone of giant panda Ru.

Her pair of furry giant panda paws were typing hard on the keyboard, making the sound of typing constantly.

Xi Ning found that giant pandas have 18 boyfriends on WeChat, and they are busy dating them every day.

"This scumbag is really hard to beat, and I don't know why this idiot, Giant Panda Bao, likes her!"

Xi Ning anonymously sent all the photos and videos of giant panda Ru in her mobile phone to her cheap brother.

If the other party still doesn't wake up, Xi Ning can't do anything for the time being. She really can't think of a better way to deal with it.

"Please, please, please wake up, really don't be a love brain, it's too scary!"

Thinking of the result of the death of all four members of the family, Xi Ning was furious.

It was the idiot Bao Panda that made his family die without a place to die.

What Xi Ning couldn't understand the most was why the giant panda Bao went to the hospital for matching, and all the organs were matched?
Did the author who wrote such a silly plot take his brains out?
There is also the statement of the giant panda who went abroad to "cross the robbery", what kind of visa did he get?
He doesn't have a green card from a foreign country, and he doesn't know a foreign language. How did he survive the five years in a foreign country?

[Xi Ning, don't study too closely, this kind of book is like this, and many plots can't stand up to scrutiny. ] Pudding sighed.

Xi Ning didn't deliberately find fault, but felt that this kind of plot was really stupid and seriously insulted people's IQ.

On the other hand, Bao Bao, the giant panda who received the photos and videos anonymously sent by Xining, was furious.

He knew that his goddess was a sea queen and that she had many boyfriends.

Knowing and seeing the relevant evidence is another matter.

I was willing to be her licking dog, but I never got her response.

Giant Panda Bao forced himself to calm down:
"A Bao, A Bao, calm down, you know that Ah Ru is a goddess that everyone loves."

"Father also said that giant pandas are sentimental animals. This is their nature and they are very resistant."

"Ah Ru didn't like me. I must have done something bad. I should try to make myself better. One day, Ah Ru will know that I am good."

After a few minutes, Ah Bao calmed down and deleted all the photos and videos he received.

Relying on such obscene things, if you want to destroy the status of the goddess in your heart, don't even think about it.

(End of this chapter)

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