Shrek ninth monster in Douluo continent

Chapter 143 Meng Hongchen Has It

Qian Xiaoyi nodded, he is a little annoyed now.

If Xiao Ning ran into him and she misunderstood him, then he would have to sleep in the study tonight, which would be miserable.

Feng Zhiyou warned: "Xiao Yi, you'd better be careful."

Those women, in the face of catching rape, all have superior IQs. If something happens to you, no one will be able to protect you.

Qian Xiaoyi said: "I didn't do anything wrong to her, she shouldn't do anything to me."

After all, nothing happened, not to mention that he didn't overstep the bounds of the fairy, so Xiao Ning shouldn't be angry.

I have thought so much in my heart, but I am still a little scared now.

Feng Zhiyou seemed to have guessed it, and suggested: "Otherwise, let's just confess and see her reaction."

Qian Xiaoyi felt that it made sense, and said: "Then listen to you, if something happens to me, you must remember to help me."

Feng Zhiyou nodded, "I see."

After chatting for a while, it was getting late, and the two broke up.

Back home, Qian Xiaoyi saw Qing Ning in the room, coughed, and said, "Honey, I have something to confess."

Qing Ning nodded, not taking it seriously.

From her point of view, with her father, elder brother, and mother around, Xiao Yi dared not do anything that would offend her.

As long as it is not this kind of mistake, other things are not a problem.

Qian Xiaoyi lowered his head and said smoothly, "Honey, I went to find Xiaoyou today, and I met a goddess on the way, and she--has taken a fancy to me."

Qing Ning was puzzled, and quickly asked, "Who is it?"

The entire God Realm knew that she was married, and her husband was the God King of Order—no, those people might not know.

Qian Xiaoyi shook his head and said, "Honey, I don't know."

As for other goddesses, as long as they are not familiar with each other, or there is no need to contact them, he will never have more interaction.

Qing Ning said, "Next time you go out, do you want to cover your face?"

In this way, there shouldn't be too many people coveting, she doesn't have to be so tired, and she doesn't want to be on guard.

Qian Xiaoyi nodded, "I listen to my wife."

After finishing speaking, he immediately put divine power on his face. In the eyes of some woman, he is a bad old man.

In this way, it should not attract so many peach blossoms.

Qing Ning couldn't help laughing, and said, "Xiao Yi, you don't have to be so afraid of me, I don't eat people."

Qian Xiaoyi said: "It's not fear, it's respect. I'm also worried that you will think too much, that you will be sad and sad."

Qing Ning threw herself into the man's arms and said, "The God Realm is very free, but I can't go anywhere. I'm a little bored. I want to go out and play."

Qian Xiaoyi asked: "Would you like to go to the Eastern God Realm?"

Let's go meet those gods. I remember the last time I met, it was several years ago, and I miss it a little.

Qing Ning shook his head and said, "Forget it."

On the other side, at the home of the Destiny God King, good news finally came out.

Meng Hongchen was pregnant, Qingwan and Fufeng rushed over, and after a while, Bai Zeshenjun and the others also arrived.

Qing Wan urged: "Son, take good care of your wife."

Fu An nodded and said, "Mom, in order to take good care of Xiaomeng, I plan to ask for paternity leave in advance."

Qingwan nodded, "Yes."

Fufeng looked at his wife tenderly, and said with emotion: "We are going to be grandparents soon, time flies so fast."

Qing Wan said: "I feel that I am already old."

Lord Bai Ze said: "Wanwan, how old are you? It's obviously not much different from when you were young."

Qingyi nodded, "Gods don't grow old, it's just that your mentality is old. After handling official duties, mother will take you back to the feeling of youth."

Qingwan was puzzled, but still nodded.

Guangling Douluo said: "Your mother wants to take you to play games. Recently, she has become obsessed with a competitive mobile game, but the technology is too bad."

Qingyi's face immediately sank, "What did you say?"

The threat in his eyes was very obvious, Guangling Douluo quickly changed his words with a smile on his face: "You are very powerful, it's all because of them."

Qing Yi gave up and asked her daughter, "Would you like to play?"

Qingwan thought that it was boring anyway, so she nodded and said, "Okay, I will listen to my mother."

At this moment, Yu Xiaogang also came and said, "Which game? What a coincidence, my wife and I are also playing, we can form a team."

Qinglian said: "Add me one more."

Meng Hongchen was very curious about this game, so he asked, "Honey, why don't you play this game with me."

Fu An nodded, "Okay, I'll play with you."

Looking at his wife's happy appearance, Si Qin's eyes were doting.

Qingyi's hands were itchy right now, so she took out her mobile phone, "Why don't we start a game now, I want to be a star."

The mobile phone was still uploaded from the Douluo Continent. At the beginning, people didn't accept it. After a long time, they found it very convenient, and then it became popular.

Qingwan also took out a mobile phone and found the game her mother had mentioned, and its name was "Douluo Dalu".

Meng Hongchen also downloaded this game and was looking forward to it.

After a while, enter the game.

There are many characters in it, some of them are gods who ascended to the God Realm from Douluo Dalu, but there are only four skills.

Yu Xiaogang entered the game, invited them into the room, and clicked start. After a while, he entered a pitch-black battlefield.

In the battlefield, there are three roads, which are the middle road, the bottom road and the top road.

Each side has nine defensive towers plus a base, whoever destroys the opponent's base first will be the final winner.

Soon, Qingyi was rejected by everyone.

She is a black hole in the game, either sending it off or on the way to it, if the teammates don't know each other, they should have reported her long ago.

Fufeng was worried that his wife was tired, so he specially made tea and washed fruits.

The others looked at the game screen quietly, and they all felt that the game was quite interesting, and they would try it later.

Playing and playing, they forgot the time, and it was dark outside.

Qingwan was already tired, so she yawned, put away her phone, leaned into her husband's arms, and said, "Take me home."

Fufeng shook his head helplessly, picked up his wife, and left first.

The others also gradually dispersed.

On the way back to the palace, I met Tianhen, who was watching the stars with his wife.

Tianhen walked over and asked, "You guys, haven't you rested yet?"

Fufeng nodded, looked at his wife in his arms, and said, "She's been playing too late, I need to control her in the future."

Tianhen was puzzled and asked, "Play? What are you playing?"

What is it that makes the Empress so fascinated?Could it be a video game that has become popular in God Realm recently?

Fufeng nodded and said, "A game called Douluo Dalu."

Ordinary people in the world are still very happy to make their own lives more convenient.

Tianhen was not interested in that, so he changed the subject, "Recently, I heard from the Time God King that two new stars appeared in Douluo Continent."

Fufeng became interested, "Oh, who is it?"

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