Shrek ninth monster in Douluo continent

Chapter 144 A Strange Dreamland

Chapter 144 A Strange Dreamland

If they are good enough, maybe he and Wanwan can pass on the position of God and have fun.

Tianhen said: "One is called Tang Wulin, and the other is called Gu Yuena."

Hearing these words, Fufeng was very disappointed. There is not a single disciple of the Immortal Sword Sect, is it down?Or talent is really not enough.

If it was 2 years ago, it would be fine, and the heirs will grab a lot.

Now that the position of God is tense and the difficulty of assessment has increased, this has also led to the fact that there has not been a suitable successor for thousands of years.

Fufeng shook his head, said goodbye to Tianhen, and left.

I never thought that these words were actually heard by the God of Destruction and the Goddess of Life, and they were also moved.

In Douluo Continent, these two are indeed stronger than their peers.

Their talents, even ten thousand years ago, were far higher than those of Fufeng and Qingwan.

At night, the wind blows gently, mottled shadows dance on the ground.

Qingwan lay in her husband's arms, sleeping soundly.

In a pure white world, Qingguan opened her eyes, there was no one around her, and Xiaofeng didn't know where she was at the moment.

At this time, a majestic voice came from nowhere.

"Qingwan, you don't belong to this world. Your arrival disturbed the balance of this world and changed the ending of many people."

"You should go back, everything will be reshuffled."

Qingwan was not afraid, and was about to release her divine power, but found that she had become a mortal at this moment.

She panicked, and quickly asked: "Who are you? I asked myself that I didn't offend you, why did you treat me like this?"

"I am the way of heaven, and I am also the law and balance of the world. Now, you should also return to your world. This place is just a dream."

"After you wake up, you won't remember anything. Okay, go back, go back to your world."

As soon as the words fell, Qing Wan fainted again.

After sleeping for an unknown amount of time, he finally woke up, and what came into view was the ward of a modern hospital.

After a while, the nurse came in, startled.

After a while, the doctor was called in, and everyone shouted that it was a miracle that the vegetative person woke up.

The doctor asked: "Do you feel any discomfort?"

Qingwan shook her head, tears falling silently.

This voice is not an auditory hallucination, it seems that it really came back, really, farewell to Fufeng and the others forever.

The doctor comforted: "Don't be sad, this is something to be happy about, and you don't have to worry about medical expenses, the driver is fully responsible."

Qing Wan asked, "Where's my cell phone?"

The nurse next to him took it out of the cabinet beside him and handed it over.

Qingwan turned on her mobile phone. It has only been more than 20 days since the car accident, but the memory of that world is so real.

The doctor said: "Your body has not recovered yet, and you need to observe for a few days. You should rest well, and you must ring the bell if you have something to do."

Qing Wan nodded and watched the doctors leave.

She thought that if this book was so popular, someone would definitely write a fanfic, so she checked it online.

Qingguan: The protagonist of Douluo Continent derivative works...

Then, I searched this book again. The story in it is her personal experience. Who is the author, Young Master Luo Li?
Why does he know so much?Then...will he, have a way to return to that world?
Thinking of this, Qing Wan immediately downloaded the software, left a message at the end of the novel, and asked: Is this story true?

After a long time, the author finally replied.

Young Master Luoli: Huh?This is my adaptation of the original book, written with my rich imagination, not real.

Qingwan collapsed, could it really be a dream?
Suddenly, she remembered something. The last time she was hit by a car and fell into a coma, she entered that world.

Now that I want to go back, do I have to... die again?

She didn't dare to gamble. If she lost the bet, she might never see Fufeng again in her life. This was the last thing she... didn't want to see.

In the evening, the driver came.

He smiled and said, "Great, you finally woke up. Is there any other discomfort? When will you be discharged from the hospital?"

With an apologetic expression on her face, Qingwan said, "I'm sorry for troubling you."

At this moment, a middle-aged woman also came in, holding flowers and some fresh fruits in her hands.

The man introduced: "This is my wife. I heard from the doctor that you are already awake. We came here specially to see you."

Qing Wan said: "Probably, I will be discharged from the hospital tomorrow."

After leaving the hospital, she must find a way to return to that world. She cannot let Fufeng face the eternal loneliness alone.

The man said again: "That's good."

The woman asked: "Where do you want to go? If you have nowhere to go, can you be your son's wife?"

Qing Wan was taken aback for a moment, then shook her head and said, "Sorry."

The couple knew the meaning of this sentence, and they didn't force it. They chatted casually and left.

The next day, the doctor came to make rounds.

After the physical examination, Qingwan was fine, so she was discharged from the hospital that afternoon, and came to the suburbs unknowingly.

She met an old monk who said, "Your fate is not in this world, but in another, magical world."

Qingwan was startled, then stopped the monk and asked, "You know?"

Does that mean that she can return to that world and stay with Fufeng forever.

The old monk nodded and said only: "Sometimes there must be something in life."

After speaking, he bypassed the people and left.

Qingwan froze in place, after a long time, she still hadn't recovered, and then she passed out unconsciously.

——Western God Realm.

In the bedroom of the royal palace, Fufeng sees the woman in his arms, crying and sad for a while, feeling very distressed.

He gently called the woman's name, "Wake up."

After a while, Qingwan woke up, and Fufeng was beside her at this moment, and she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, everything is not real, everything just now is just a dream.

But even if it was a dream, it was so real that she couldn't help but start to worry.

Qing Wan asked: "You will always be with me, right?"

Fufeng nodded, put a kiss on her lips, and said softly: "Yes, I will always be with you."

Qing Wan leaned into the man's arms and said, "I had a dream."

In the dream, everything is so real.

With a sigh, he continued: "Fufeng, I am not from this world, this is a world formed by the scriptures."

Then I talked about the author, Mr. Luoli, and the novel Douluo Dalu, and finally I talked about the way of heaven.

Fufeng was very distressed, and quickly comforted him: "Don't be afraid."

Qingwan closed her eyes, "But I am really afraid that one day I will leave you and let you face the boundless loneliness alone."

Fufeng hugged the person in his arms tightly, "Don't be afraid, dreams and reality are always opposite, we will not be separated."

(End of this chapter)

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