Shrek ninth monster in Douluo continent

Chapter 22 The Tragic Team 2

Chapter 22 The Tragic Second Team

I don't know who operated it behind the scenes, but the last match was between Shrek and the second team of Tiandou Royal Academy.

In the waiting room, Yu Xiaogang looked at everyone and asked, "Who is going?"

Fu Ce stretched his waist and said, "It's just a bunch of trash, there's no challenge at all, so I won't go."

Dai Mubai said: "I'll go."

Fu Feng smiled slightly, his eyes were cold, and said: "Tang San, Xiao Wu, Dai Mubai, Liu Qianhan, Zhu Zhuqing, four substitutes."

After everyone heard it, they didn't have any opinions, so it was decided.

The first two duels were played back and forth, and the last match, Shrek's match against the second team of Tiandou Royal Academy, attracted a lot of attention.

On the high platform, Emperor Xue Ye felt disappointed, "Xiaofeng didn't play, it's a pity, I can't see his match."

Ning Fengzhi smiled and said: "Maybe he is the hole card."

Salas didn't say a word, just now he heard His Majesty say how powerful Shrek is, now it's a mule or a horse, pull it out for a walk.

In the arena, the four soul sects on Shrek's side shocked the audience.

The second team of Tiandou Royal Academy also has four soul sects, but unfortunately, they are all useless materials with no combat experience.

At the beginning of the match, the assistant was sent off the ring by Zhu Zhuqing, and the others were trapped by Tang San's ten-thousand-year soul skill Blue Silver Prison.

Jiang Zhu activated her martial soul, Dai Mubai launched a group attack on the White Tiger Meteor Shower, defeating all opponents, and then the others went up to make up for the damage.

The whole process did not exceed 1 minute, and the referee was stunned.

At this time, the leader of Tiandou Royal Academy's second team said angrily: "I want to complain to Shrek Academy, they deliberately killed people."

Fufeng entered the arena and said calmly: "Are they dead? In order to take care of you, our Immortal Sword Soul Master did not appear."

Qing Wan also came, "They don't need treatment, let's withdraw."

Jiang Zhu withdrew her martial spirit, and all the second team of Tiandou Royal Academy passed out, and within a few months, they couldn't get out of bed.

How arrogant is this? In order to take care of the opponent, he deliberately weakened his own strength and even healed the opponent.

However, what kind of martial spirit is Xianjian, is it very strong?
The referee looked at the high platform, Emperor Xue Ye nodded slightly, and then he announced: "Shrek Academy won this match."

Salas had a strange expression: "Tiandou Team [-] is very competitive, but unfortunately I still have important matters, so I won't bother His Majesty, let's celebrate for them."

Emperor Xue Ye didn't pay too much attention to it, instead he felt better, laughed a few times, got up and left.

On the ring, Tang San said: "Xiaofeng, thank you."

Fu Feng smiled slightly, without saying a word, and pulled Wan Wan away.

The others followed one after another, and when they reached the gate of the academy, they saw Ning Fengzhi and Jian Douluo.

Ning Rongrong introduced them one by one, and when it was time for Fu Ce, she blushed.

Ning Fengzhi nodded slightly, and said with a smile: "You guys performed very well today, but you are also being targeted."

Qing Wan didn't care, "Then beat them all."

Fufeng looked dotingly, and said with a smile: "Yes, I have conquered them all, but you have to forget one thing."

Xiao Wu reminded: "You can't play."

Zhu Zhuqing smiled slightly, "You can work together with your share to defeat the opponent."

Everyone followed suit, and then entered Shrek Academy together.

Tang San and Ning Fengzhi discussed the matter of hidden weapons, and after resting for a few hours, the others were all called to the director's office.

Yu Xiaogang said: "Your opponent in the next match is the Elephant Armor Academy, and behind them is the Elephant Armor School."

Liu Erlong looked serious, and said, "It's the strongest defensive sect, the Elephant Armored Sect, with its unique martial spirit Diamond Mammoth, with both strength and defense."

Ning Fengque added: "This time the players are all direct disciples of the Elephant Armor Sect. They weigh over two hundred and have well-developed muscles."

In fact, this is also their enrollment criteria, because the thickness and strength of the body can reduce the consumption of soul power.

Ma Hongjun asked suspiciously: "Can you beat the immortal sword?"

Qing Wan went on to say: "It's really not possible, I'll go, my second soul skill breaking soul ignores defense."

Dai Mubai looked at Zhuqing, and asked: "Shall we use the martial soul fusion technique? This time, it's the Elephant Armor Sect."

Zhu Zhuqing nodded, "Yes, only this time."

But Fufeng asked: "Do you have any misunderstandings about the world's number one attacker, the Wuhun Immortal Sword?"

Qing Wan asked: "You mean you can beat the Diamond Mammoth?"

Fu Ce smiled softly, "Many years ago, the head of the Elephant Armor Sect fought with an elder of my Immortal Sword Sect, and they were both Contras at that time."

Dai Mubai asked curiously: "Who won?"

Oscar is envious, but unfortunately, he is a food soul master, so he can only stand behind his teammates and be protected.

Fu Ce said: "Diamond Mammoth suffered a disastrous defeat, Wuhun was almost crippled."

Yu Xiaogang heard about this incident, at the time he thought it was a joke, but now that Fuce said it was true, he felt relieved.

Liu Erlong asked: "Then how do you arrange it?"

Tang San looked at Fufeng, and said: "You should arrange it, you are very good at formation."

Fufeng said seriously: "Zhuqing will take over from Jiangzhu, Ningqiu will take over from Liuqianhan, Tang San, Dai Mubai, Fuce, and the four of you."

At this time, Flender came, nodded and bowed, invited Emperor Xue Ye in, and introduced everyone one by one.

Emperor Xue Ye smiled, "Xiaofeng, in the opening match, I wanted to see you fighting, but you didn't even play."

Fu Feng laughed and said: "Wan Wan and I are the trump cards, so we won't play."

Qingwan smiled and said, "Tomorrow's opponent is very strong, are you here to encourage us?"

Emperor Xue Ye nodded, "Children, come on, help the empire bring back a champion, and hit the Hall of Spirits."

Tang San nodded slightly, "Naturally. Your Majesty, I'm sorry for today's match, we're going to avenge ourselves."

Emperor Xue Ye didn't care, "That's because they owe it to them."

Everyone chatted for a while, and then dispersed.When it was time for dinner, Emperor Xue Ye stayed and left after eating.

In a blink of an eye, it was the day of the game.

Behind everyone in Shrek, there was an advertisement for toilet water, which once again attracted the attention of the audience, but luckily it was not a toilet advertisement.

On this day, there were so many people who came to watch the competition, they almost all wanted to see if Shrek would win.

The referee introduced: "Team Shrek has added two new faces, his name is Fu Ce, Wuhun Xianjian, level 44, assault type."

"The other is Ning Qiuqiu, Wuhun Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda, level 41 Soul Sect, he is worthy of being called a junior."

Then came the others, all of whom seemed to have good strength.

Next, the game officially begins.

Hu Yanli laughed loudly, and said: "You guys should go back, with such a small body, I can crush you with one finger."

Dai Mubai got angry, and was about to turn back when someone took the first step.

Fu Ce smiled and said, "Hu Yanli, go home and ask your grandfather, how ugly your grandpa lost when he fought with the Immortal Sword Soul Master."

Hu Yanli only felt that he was bluffing, "You can brag, wait a while, I will convince you."

(End of this chapter)

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