Shrek ninth monster in Douluo continent

Chapter 23 Victory Weevil Academy

Chapter 23 Victory Weevil Academy

On the high platform, Emperor Xue Ye asked, "Have they fought?"

Bone Douluo replied: "I heard that the old suzerain Huyan suffered a disastrous defeat and almost became a cripple. It was the Immortal Sword Soul Master who showed mercy."

Emperor Xue Ye said: "The strength of this junior must be pretty good."

Hu Yanzhen's face was very ugly. He had seen this with his own eyes, and he always thought that he must call back. Today is his chance.

Ning Fengzhi laughed and said: "With the Immortal Sword and the Nine Treasures Glazed Tower, the Elephant Armor Sect is in danger, and the Huyan Sect should stay calm."

Hu Yanzhen said: "Can he still hit nine times?"

On the ring, Fu Ce turned his head slightly, "Back back, Qiu will give you full support, and I will go up alone, that's enough."

Tang San worried, "Are you sure? Do you want me to help you?"

Ning Qiuqiu released his martial soul, and his strength and soul power were fully amplified. At this moment, the amplified effects were all 40.00%.

The Martial Soul of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda has a characteristic. After reaching the realm of the Soul Sect, every time it breaks through a realm, the effect of the increase will increase by ten percent.

This level of increase is the best in the world, so the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda martial soul can be said to be the number one auxiliary martial soul in the world.

After receiving the boost effect, Fu Ce raised the corners of his mouth slightly, "Today, I will show you what the world's number one attacking weapon, Martial Soul, is."

Hu Yanqing laughed, "One hits nine? Are you really confident?"

Hu Yanli said: "Come on, consume him to death, let him taste today, what kind of consequences will there be if you talk big."

The nine members of the Elephant Armor Academy collectively released the first soul skill Iron Wall, holding a shield in their hands and pressing forward together.

Fu Ce didn't talk nonsense, he released his first soul skill Duan Lang, and the nine shields instantly shattered into pieces.

The audience was shocked, the defense of the iron wall, even if Kamikaze and Thunder were fighting with all their strength, they could not crush this first soul ability.

In the hands of Xianjian Wuhun today, it is like tofu.

Fu Ce then released the fourth soul skill Santu River Flower, and the scene was instantly covered by a strange red formation.

Each attack comes with killing power, all attributes are increased by 30.00%, and the enemy's combat power is weakened by 50.00%.

Then came his third soul skill, Liuge, in which countless strands of sword energy were instantly released, with devastating lethality.

The Elephant Armor Academy did not defend and counterattack, and released the soul skill mammoth giant force and death crushing in succession, but the domineering sword energy directly beat them to serious injuries.

Fu Ce released the second soul skill Xiaoyao again, his body became unreal, his speed was five times faster, and he dodged all the power attacks. Immediately afterwards, he released the first soul skill Duanlang.

Under the blessing of Santu River Flower and Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda, the power of attacking soul skills was magnified by four or five times.

Hu Yanli couldn't bear it and passed out. The other eight were fine, but they all vomited blood and fell down, but they couldn't get up either.

In the stands, everyone was too shocked to speak.

Elephant Armor Academy is one of the Five Element Academy, why did they lose so quickly?It won't be a match-fixing match.

Other people from the Five Elements Academy also focused on Fu Ce, thinking together how to deal with this sword spirit master.

Fu Ce withdrew his fourth soul skill and looked at the audience, "However, it's really sad to forget the great reputation of the Immortal Sword and Martial Soul after more than a hundred years."

Ning Fengzhi looked at Bone Douluo, and asked, "Excellent reputation?"

Bone Douluo explained: "The Immortal Sword is invincible at the same level, and the Seven Kills Sword is only second to the Immortal Sword. A hundred years ago, the Haotian School would call themselves the younger brother."

Emperor Xue Ye laughed, feeling that his younger sister married a good man, and with her in such a powerful sect, the Heaven Dou Empire is not afraid of the Spirit Hall.

Hu Yanzhen was so angry that he couldn't speak, his father lost ugly, and his grandson lost so ugly today.

The referee immediately announced: "Shrek Academy wins."

Fu Ce smiled slightly, and looked towards the audience, "Immortal Sword and Martial Soul are invincible in the same realm, and no Martial Soul can restrain them, so don't waste your efforts."

Tang San walked over and asked in a low voice: "Is it too public?"

Dai Mubai nodded in agreement, if it goes on like this, if someone is watching, it will be a big trouble.

Fu Ce didn't take it seriously, and left the ring first.

The others followed one after another, and they were stopped by the dean as soon as they left the arena. Flender smiled and said, "The advertising effect is very good."

Dai Mubai's eyelids twitched, suddenly he had an ominous premonition.

Sure enough, the dean took a half-person-high poster from the soul guide: "This is your task, and you must distribute them all."

Qingwan had already thought of a way, and took a stack very readily.

Fufeng was puzzled, so he also took a stack, and asked in a low voice, "Wan Wan, where are we going next?"

Qing Guan whispered, "We'll meet at the milk tea shop."

Flender said sternly, "All work separately for me. Don't come back until the posters are distributed."

Everyone didn't say anything, everyone took a stack and separated.

Qingwan immediately released her martial soul, sat on it, came to the air, and threw all the posters down, and the post was finished in a short while.

She withdrew her spirit and came to sit in the milk tea shop.

After waiting for a while, Fu Feng came in and said, "Wan Wan, where do you want to go to play? If you go back so early, you will be suspected by the principal."

At this time, Fu Ce also came, "Xiaofeng, let's go together, I'm not very familiar with this place."

Qingwan couldn't refuse, so she agreed.

So the double date turned into a threesome, they went to the commercial street to enjoy delicious food, and then met Ning Rongrong.

Qingwan walked over, "Rongrong, is your poster finished?"

Ning Rongrong shook his head and said, "Throw it all away."

Fu Ce also said: "What a coincidence, mine is the same. I don't lack these few gold soul coins, besides, he doesn't know the truth."

Fufeng said: "I threw it into the underworld, this stuff is just to ruin my image, whoever likes it will do it."

Qing Wan then invited: "Since we met, how about we go together?"

Ning Rongrong looked at Fu Ce, nodded, "Sure, I'm familiar with this place, I'll take you to a more interesting place."

Qingwan nodded, "Okay, thank you."

They came to a shopping mall, which contained all kinds of exquisite products, but the prices were a bit high.

The two girls had a great time and wanted everything they saw.

Fufeng looked at Wanwan dotingly, paid for everything she liked directly, and put it into the soul tool.

Before you know it, the sun is going down.

They walked towards the academy together, but they didn't arrive at that section after walking for a long time, Fufeng and Fuce became suspicious.

Qingwan guessed in his heart that Shi Nian might be nearby.

Fu Ce protected Ning Rongrong behind him, and then the Immortal Sword Domain was fully opened, and the surrounding environment instantly dissipated, turning into a wilderness.

After a while, Shi Nian appeared, followed by a man in black. He smiled and said, "Don't even think about leaving."

Qingwan released the Light Feather Bow of Wuhun, "Then let's try it."

The man in black was taken aback for a moment, and then asked: "Little girl, is Wuhun the Divine Bow of Light Ling? Who are you, Light Ling Douluo?"

Qing Guan ignored it, and directly released the fourth soul skill to compete. The scene was covered by a layer of golden magic circle, and the opponent's defense was reduced to the minimum.

(End of this chapter)

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