Shrek ninth monster in Douluo continent

Chapter 24 Absorbing Soul Bone

Chapter 24 Absorbing Soul Bone
Fufeng unleashes the Wuhun Immortal Sword, and the fourth soul skill Zhuxian Sword Formation is fully activated. He enters the formation with his real body and controls four artifacts to launch an attack.

Ning Rongrong immediately released the Wuhun Nine Treasures Glazed Tower, releasing all strength, speed and soul power boost.

Fu Ce also fully bloomed the fourth soul skill Santu River Flower, and cooperated with Fu Feng to launch his strongest attack on the two opponents.

The man in black and Shi Nian smiled slightly, and at the same time showed their strength at the level of a soul sage, as if they had already won the battle.

But it's a pity that they were influenced by the two formation spirit skills of Zhulu and Santuhezhihua, and their strength is only at the level of the soul sect.

Right now, they couldn't hold the Bing Ling Arrow and Zhu Xian Sword Formation at all.

Before the mental attack was released, they were killed by their joint efforts, and not even a whole body was left behind.

Suddenly, two shiny objects appeared on the ground, Qingwan walked over, picked it up and saw two soul bones.

Soul bones are extremely precious, these two are the most precious head spirit bones.

Qingwan handed it over to Fufeng, "Let's go back first, and show Dad that we are making a decision, he knows this best."

Fu Ce had no objection, looked at Ning Rongrong, she also had no objection.

The four of them hurried back to the academy and came to the master's office. After closing the door and the window, they took out the two spirit bones.

Yu Xiaogang was stunned, picked it up and looked at it, and said, "A gem-like soul bone, and a spirit-like soul bone, where did they come from?"

Qingwan talked about the events of those years, and the man in black said, "His Wuhun is a black butterfly, and it seems to be a spiritual attack."

Yu Xiaogang guessed it, "It's You Ye, Martial Soul Dream Butterfly, just like Can Meng back then, also good at mental attacks."

Fufeng became angry, "Wuhundian, you are so brave."

Fu Ce smiled slightly, and said, "Don't worry, after the game is over, I will trouble them again."

Fu Feng nodded, "Then just bear with it."

Qingwan looked at her father and said, "They asked before, what is the relationship between me and Guangling Douluo, and who is Guangling Douluo?"

Yu Xiaogang explained: "The fifth enshrinement in the Elder Hall of the Wuhun Hall is the Wuhun Guangling Divine Bow, with a soul power of 96."

Ning Rongrong seemed to remember something, "I heard from Grandpa Jian that Guangling Douluo seems to have a woman like Bai Yueguang."

Qingwan has already imagined a bloody drama, but this should not be possible, maybe there are other Guangling Divine Bows in this world.

Yu Xiaogang smiled and said: "Don't think too much, those offerings are not so leisurely, they won't stare at you."

Qingwan nodded, "That's right, no matter who I am, I will always be my father's daughter, and I will always be under Shrek."

Yu Xiaogang picked up the gem-like soul bone and handed it to Ning Rongrong.

Fufeng said: "Hurry up and absorb it, it is very suitable for you, and in the finals, you should be able to use this spirit bone."

Ning Rongrong looked at everyone, nodded gratefully, picked up the spirit bone and sat down on the spot to absorb it.

Yu Xiaogang picked up another spiritual wisdom skull with a lifespan of about 5 years, which should come from the soul master Mengdie.

This spirit bone is very suitable for control and auxiliary systems, Tang San and Wan Wan are very suitable for it, who should it be given to?This is a difficult problem.

Qingwan said without hesitation: "Father, give it to third brother."

Fu Feng nodded, "My Immortal Sword Sect does not lack soul bones, besides, the prize this time is four yuan, and Wan Wan will definitely have it."

Yu Xiaogang made up his mind, so he said: "You guys call Tang San to come over, it's good for the competition to absorb now."

Qingwan nodded, and pulled Fufeng out.

Fu Ce looked at Ning Rongrong, the girl's charming face stirred his heart at this moment, maybe it would be good to join the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

After a while, Tang San came, seeing Teacher Du giving the spirit bone, he was instantly stunned, "Where are they?"

Fu Ce smiled and said, "This is not suitable for me."

Yu Xiaogang forcefully said: "Wan Wan asked me to give it to you. With this soul bone, you will be more handy in the competition."

Tang San didn't delay, took the spirit bone, and began to absorb it.

Outside, Qingwan took Fufeng to the cafeteria, started to practice after dinner, and tried her best to break through the soul king.

In the following matches, Shrek went forward indomitably.

Finally, they met the next formidable opponent, they were the Blazing Academy, one of the five elemental academies.

On the soul fighting arena, the two sides are facing each other, and the atmosphere is tense.

But Fu Ce said with a smile on his face, "Why don't you surrender? If you go together, you won't be my opponent."

Tang San reminded: "Leave a few for us."

Dai Mubai also said: "That's right, every time it's fun to fight, we all sit there and fight mosquitoes."

Fu Ce nodded, "Okay, I'll protect the support, you guys go up together, but don't lose, let me be lazy to the end."

Tang San nodded, "Of course, you won't have the possibility of making a move."

Huo Wu became angry in an instant, and said, "You guys are really arrogant. If you win against the Elephant Armor Academy, you are confident that you can win against Blazing Huo."

Fu Ce stretched his waist and said, "If I make a move, you have no chance to make a move."

Huo Wu said: "Then let's try."

Immediately afterwards, the referee announced that the game officially began.

Fu Ce stepped back, found a comfortable position and lay down, closing his eyes was very comfortable, as if he was on vacation.

Ning Qiu released his martial soul, and his strength, soul power, and speed-boosting soul skills were fully activated, and he stood at the back of the team.

Dai Mubai immediately faced the two soul masters Huo Wushuang and Huo Jian, and his rich combat experience did not let him lose in the slightest.

Huo Wu approached Tang San, the two fought, never thought that Huo Wu would be completely suppressed by the Blue Silver Grass.

Liu Qianhan fought against the fire lion soul master, the golden thunderbolt power collided with the flames, and the thunderbolt was even better, causing the opponent to retreat steadily.

Xiao Wu found Huo He soul master, and launched a peak duel.

Others also had their own opponents, and it seemed difficult to tell the winner for a while, and the battle situation suddenly became anxious.

At this moment, on the high platform.

Emperor Xue Ye was a little anxious, "Why didn't you take that support strategy? It's almost lost now."

Ning Fengzhi smiled, "Your Majesty, I won't lose."

Salas said: "That's not necessarily true. After all, it's an attribute restraint. Shrek is still very dangerous."

Ning Fengzhi continued to laugh and said, "Then, let's continue reading."

On the ring, Tang San released the fourth Wannian spirit ability Blue Silver Prison, trapping all opponents in it.

Huo Wu used the fire resistance ring, and the cage remained motionless.

Tang San smiled lightly, and said: "If it was before, the flame was indeed very restrained against the blue silver grass, but it's a pity that both ice and fire are immune now."

Huo Wu was furious, tried a few times, and finally shattered the cage with the force of the flame explosion, "That's all."

Others followed suit, breaking the cage almost instantly.

The two flame assistant soul masters assisted with all their strength, and Huo Wu began to charge the fourth soul skill, "Try my move of Huo Wu Yaoyang."

(End of this chapter)

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