Shrek ninth monster in Douluo continent

Chapter 25 Tianshui is crazy

Chapter 25 Tianshui is crazy

Huo Wushuang led everyone down the stage, and said, "Few people can block this move, so you should come down."

Tang San said: "Thank you for your kindness, but I can."

Then, entire patches of blue silver grass spread across the arena, forming protective shields to protect teammates.

Huo Wu's strength had reached the level of a soul king, and her body was wrapped in thick flames. The two flames assisted her to step down before she broke out completely.

The three Contras immediately released their defensive shields, the power of the flame explosion did not overflow, and the entire arena was covered in flames.

Everyone thought that Blazing Huo had won, but after the flames dissipated, Huo Wu was exhausted, and everyone in Shrek was still intact.

Fu Ce finally got up from the ground, "Your soul power is exhausted."

Huo Wu was not reconciled, and glared at Tang San viciously, "One day I will definitely defeat you."

After saying this, he fainted.

The referee immediately announced that Shrek had won this duel.

Ning Qiuqiu released a burst of soul power that landed on Huo Wu, looked at the audience, "Take her back."

Jiang Zhu releases her martial spirit and immediately heals Huo Wu.

After a while, Huo Wu woke up. Seeing that her opponent was helping her, she immediately exploded, "You don't need to be kind, let's withdraw."

Seeing that she was almost recovered, Ning Qiu put away her martial soul, walked over and stretched out her hand, "It's a competition, not a life-and-death duel."

Huo Wu looked at the handsome and elegant young man in front of her, her heart was moved uncontrollably, and then she couldn't help but gave him her hand.

Ning Qiu helped the little girl get up and said, "Have a good rest."

Huo Wushuang immediately rushed forward and hugged his sister back, "Thank you, but we are opponents."

Ning Qiu withdrew his martial soul and nodded: "Of course."

Fu Ce walked over and looked at them, "If I really go all out to attack, only the attacking soul saints will block me."

Huo Wushuang thought of the Elephant Armor Academy and was still lying on the bed. He couldn't help but feel grateful at this moment: "Thank you for releasing the water."

Fu Ce shook his head, "You're welcome, as I said just now, this is a competition, and we have no deep hatred, so there is no need to kill."

The control system is indeed almost invincible in one-on-one, but will he give the enemy a chance to control himself?

In the auditorium, the Kamikaze Academy is also there.

A student asked: "Boss, your future girlfriend, Huo Wu, seems to be lost."

Feng Xiaotian was furious, and said: "It's just to assist the soul master, Xiao Wu will always be mine, I'm going to deal with him now."

In the stands, Emperor Xue Ye laughed loudly and said, "That's right, this is just a competition, there is no need to hurt the friendship between the various colleges."

The audience seemed touched and burst into applause.

Jiang Zhu withdrew her martial soul, Chi Huo and Shrek left the arena, and the next duel began on the ring.

In the lounge of Blazing Academy.

Huo Wu sat quietly, her face flushed slightly, and her mind was full of the appearance of the auxiliary soul master.

Seeing this, Huo Wushuang asked, "Have you taken a fancy to him?"

Feng Xiaotian became angry in an instant, and said viciously: "I'll go meet him now, a support, what right do you have to compete with me?"

Huo Wu became anxious, "You are not allowed to go, he is the one I like."

Huo Wushuang thought for a while, a disciple of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect, he is still the Nine Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda, he might be from the sect master's lineage, it would be nice to marry Huo Wu.

Feng Xiaotian looked at them and seemed to have no objection, "I will defeat Shrek, I am the strongest."

Outside, it was heard that Tianshui College was passing by.

Xue Wu smiled and said: "Zhi Huo lost really fast, Ice is the master of the continent, we will definitely win against Shrek Academy."

Shui Bing'er echoed, "We will definitely beat Shrek."

Yue Yi said: "However, that Immortal Sword Soul Master is troublesome, but one person can destroy the entire Elephant Armor Academy in seconds."

Shui Bing'er was extremely arrogant: "That's because we didn't meet us."

It happened that Shrek was passing by, Fu Ce just took a deep look at the group of girls in Tianshui, and didn't say much.

After leaving the fighting spirit arena, they started discussing.

Fu Ce asked, "Who are they?"

Ning Rongrong explained: "Tianshui Academy, according to rumors, only accepts beauties with ice-type martial spirits. The strength is not strong, but it is particularly difficult."

Fu Ce suddenly had more expectations in his heart, "If we fight against them, will we win?"

Tang San smiled, and asked: "Do you also have times when you are not confident?"

Fufeng said: "Among the ice-type soul masters, I have only fought with Wanwan, so I don't have enough experience. I need to pay more attention to Tianshui Academy."

Qing Guan smiled and said: "If you are really scared, when we meet Tianshui Academy, I will play."

Fu Feng shook his head and said, "No, you are the biggest hole card."

Tang San also said: "That's right, you can't play on the spot, at least you have to wait until the duel with Wuhundian, then you can surprise yourself when you play."

Fufeng comforted: "Okay, don't mess around."

Qing Guan said with a bitter face, "I'm not messing around, every time I watch you guys play, I'm so bored."

Xiao Wu felt distressed and said, "How about we exchange?"

Dai Mubai shook his head, "Impossible."

Xiao Wu said: "I'm trying my best to hit level [-], so why doesn't Master agree? Besides, Wan Wan won't reveal her full strength."

Qingwan nodded quickly, and said: "Yes, I promise, only use the first soul skill, and it will never be exposed."

Fufeng really couldn't bear to continue to refuse, so he nodded, "I'll accompany you on stage, watch you, and prevent you from getting on top."

Qingwan stuck out her tongue, "I don't know how to do it."

Tang San smiled helplessly, and said: "Okay, you just have to be careful not to expose it, otherwise I won't be able to explain it to the teacher."

Qingwan fully agreed, then took Fufeng and ran away first.

After returning to the academy, go directly to the master's office.Yu Xiaogang was writing a book, and seemed to know that his daughter was coming, with a doting smile on his mouth.

Qingwan hugged her father from behind, "I want to play, I promise I won't reveal my full strength."

Yu Xiaogang shook his head, "No."

Fu Feng also came, and he said: "Master, don't worry, I will watch her and never let her get too high."

Yu Xiaogang said: "The two of you won't play until the final, don't even think about it, just practice hard."

Qing Wan was upset, and pushed her father away, "I've reached level 49 spirit power, how can I break through level [-] so fast."

Yu Xiaogang said very sternly: "How many levels are you now?"

Fufeng said honestly: "Last night, I broke through level [-]. I have been waiting for Wanwan, so I didn't tell the master."

Qing Wan also said: "Dad, I'm already level 49, and I'm going to break through level [-] soon, don't worry."

Yu Xiaogang was very satisfied, and said: "Okay, from now on we will retreat, when will we break through level [-], and when will we compete with me."

Qingwan turned around with a bitter face, "Okay, I'll go to retreat now, but Dad, you can't lie to me."

(End of this chapter)

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