Chapter 3 Shrek

Dai Mubai took the lead in using the first spirit ability White Tiger Light Wave, directly hitting the opponent's door, the speed was so fast that it was too late to dodge.

Fufeng didn't intend to dodge, and directly released the second soul skill Sword Spirit Guardian, directly blocking the blow.

Xiao Wu was a little worried, "Will we lose?"

Qingwan comforted: "Don't worry, he won't lose, he's just beating casually, he hasn't taken it seriously yet."

Tang San asked: "This is not serious yet. If he is serious, then he can do even leapfrog challenges. He is so strong."

Dai Mubai had already fought Fufeng for several rounds, it was still tied, the two finally stopped.

Qingwan felt strange, stepped forward and asked, "You lost?"

Fufeng shook his head, "No."

The attack power of the Immortal Sword and Martial Soul is higher than that of the Seven Killing Sword, and it is almost invincible at the same level, how could it lose.

Dai Mubai laughed loudly, and said: "You are a very good opponent, if you don't fight, you don't know each other, I will let you guys have this room."

Fufeng didn't refuse, and said: "Thank you brother."

Then, the young master left with his arms around the twins.

The manager immediately greeted them, offered them the accommodation fee with both hands, and said very respectfully: "Your accommodation fee will be completely free for a few days."

Tang San was taken aback, and looked at Fufeng.

Xiao Wu was also a little embarrassed, almost smashed the store, and she had to get back the accommodation fee, a little embarrassed.

Fufeng coughed, took back the money, and said, "Then it's better to be respectful than to obey. Please manager, take us there now."

The manager nodded and immediately led the guests upstairs.

These are two adjacent rooms, one is called Red Ocean, and the other is called Blue Love.

There are red roses and blue roses.

After discussing with each other, two girls live in one room and two men live in one room, which can avoid suspicion and is convenient.

Before resting, Tang San took out a very cloudy crystal.

Fufeng was a little curious, "You must have been cheated."

Tang San shook his head, put the crystal on the table, took out a hammer, and smashed it hard.

The impurities in the crystal are floating in the air, and they are small particles.

Fufeng asked: "What is this?"

Tang San explained: "Tang Sect's exclusive hidden weapon, the Dragon Beard Needle, is used to destroy the enemy's defense."

Fufeng felt amazing, "No wonder you have to buy it."

The profiteer was allowed to sit on the ground and raise the price. It turned out that it was not the big boss, but this crystal, which was really useful.

Tang San nodded, collected the particles, "This should be of great use, well, let's rest, we still have to go to the academy tomorrow."

Fufeng said: "You should break through level [-] as soon as possible."

Then the two sat on the sofa and began to practice. The next day, they took the two girls to have breakfast before setting off.

Several people walked for a long time, and they were still walking on the fields in the countryside.

Xiao Wu was a little tired, "Is it so remote? Did the master give you the wrong direction? Or have we been deceived?"

Fu Feng said: "There should be no mistake, Shrek is right here."

Several people continued to walk forward, came to a village, searched for a while, and finally came to Shrek.

A few pieces of wood formed an arch, with a green villain pattern on it, and the words Shrek Academy behind it.

Inside was a table with a cash box next to it.

An old man was in charge of life-saving procedures, and next to him was Dai Mubai, who seemed to be a thug today.

It's all here, and a few people stand in line at the back.

A parent yelled: "Liar, refund the money. My son is a genius, why is he not qualified?"

An old man said: "His soul power is not yet level twenty."

Dai Mubai said: "Your soul power is less than 12th level, and you are over [-] years old, you don't need to waste time here."

The old man yawned, showing his soul emperor's strength.

There are only a handful of masters with this kind of strength in the entire Soto City, who would dare to offend them?
When the people who signed up saw this situation, they all left.

Suddenly, the old man looked at the noble girl in front of him and asked, "Does your family agree with you coming here to study?"

The girl said, "It has nothing to do with the family."

Hearing this, the old man said to the people behind him: "Take her down, go directly to the fourth pass."

Dai Mubai nodded, but didn't move, he found Fufeng.

Then there was a cool black-haired beauty with a super good figure, her strength was over level 25, and she went directly to the fourth level.

Tang San and Xiao Wu are both level 29, successfully registered.

Fufeng and Qingwan didn't speak, and directly showed their martial souls, fairy swords and light feather bows, and then two yellow and one purple soul rings rose.

The old man measured the bone age and was stunned. "Genius, you are the real geniuses. The 12-year-old soul master, Flender, is going crazy."

Qingwan smiled slightly, but didn't say much.

Fufeng found her family to help hunt her soul ring, and she was very grateful for that.

Dai Mubai coughed, "Let's go directly to the fourth level, and if we pass, we can enroll."

The old man drove them away directly, afraid that they would fly if they took a step too late.

Seven people came to the fourth level, which was actually an open space, and a strong man was dozing off while sitting on a chair.

Dai Mubai woke up the strong man, "This year, six people came to take the fourth test directly, and two are 12-year-old soul masters."

The strong man was stunned, such a genius, and then said: "I know how to test, tell them my strength, and take the test later."

Dai Mubai felt that the teacher was going to do it himself, so he said: "Don't get on top, keep it."

The strong man nodded, indicating that he understood.

He still has this sense of propriety, he is a soul sage, how can he bully these children?
Dai Mubai walked over and introduced: "Your examiners will be Mr. Zhao, Zao Wou-ki, Dali Vajra Bear, level 76."

The noble girl exclaimed: "Zhao Wou-ki, Fudo Myo?" Then she introduced the heroic deeds of this powerful man.

Fufeng said: "Okay, let's introduce each other. Fufeng, Wuhun Immortal Sword, 33rd level Soul Master, strong attack system."

Qing Wan went on to say: "My name is Qing Wan, I am a martial soul with the Light Feather Bow, a level 32 long-distance attack soul master."

Tang San: "Tang San, Blue Silver Grass, Level 29 Control System."

Xiao Wu: "Xiao Wu, soft bone rabbit, level 29 assault system."

The noble girl said: "Hello, my name is Ning Rongrong, and my martial spirit is the Seven Treasure Glazed Tower, a level 27 auxiliary system."

In the end, the cold beauty said: "Zhu Zhuqing, a Nether civet, a level 28 agility attack."

Dai Mubai looked shocked, and then returned to normal.

Tang San asked: "Shall I arrange tactics?"

Fufeng shook his head, and said: "You don't have enough experience, let me arrange tactics, at least there is some chance of winning."

Tang San was speechless, acquiesced to his words, and listened to his arrangement seriously.

"I'll be the main attacker. Wanwan interferes with Teacher Zhao from a distance. Ning Rongrong assists us. Xiaosan will be responsible for protecting and assisting."

"As for Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu, let's adapt accordingly."

Everyone felt that there was no problem, Fu Feng said: "Teacher, we are all ready, we can start."

(End of this chapter)

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