Chapter 4 After Enrollment

Zhao Wou-ki immediately lit a stick of incense, released his martial spirit, and seven optimally proportioned spirit rings rose from his body.

Holding the fairy sword in his hand, Fufeng took the lead in the attack, the yellow soul ring rose, and the first soul skill, the epee Wufeng.

A gigantic long sword appeared in the air, with powerful lethality, it directly slashed at Zhao Wuji.

Ning Rongrong's two soul skills were all released, and all teammates got a 30.00% increase in strength and speed.

Qingwan first used the first soul ability Piercing Cloud, and then superimposed the second soul ability Breaking Soul. The power of each ice arrow reached the level of a soul emperor.

Because breaking the soul is to enhance all attributes by [-]%, and at the same time, the penetrating power of each ice feather arrow is doubled, and it ignores defensive soul skills.

Zhao Wuji directly used the first soul skill to immobilize King Ming's body, and was about to catch the ice feather arrow, but this layer of protective golden body unexpectedly shattered in an instant.

Tang San took the opportunity to tie up the teacher's hands and feet with blue silver grass, Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu acted immediately, attacking the teacher from behind.

Zhao Wuji was beaten back a few steps, with several ice arrows stuck in his body, he spat out another mouthful of blood.

Xiao Wu jumped up happily, "Did you win?"

Zhu Zhuqing was also very happy, and poured cold water on the wind: "The battle has just begun, Teacher Zhao has to be serious, everyone be careful."

Zhao Wuji breathed a sigh of relief, smiled dangerously, and directly released his second soul skill, Vigorous Vajra Palm.

Fufeng didn't intend to retreat, and also used the second soul skill Sword Spirit Guardian.

One attack and one defense, evenly matched.

But, after all, the gap was too big, Fufeng couldn't bear it at all, and took a few steps back to stabilize his body after being shaken.

Qing Guan acted, directly releasing the third soul skill Shura.

The scene was instantly covered by the aura of killing, and a huge phantom of Shura God appeared in the air, carrying a strong sense of oppression.

Zhao Wou-ki's fighting spirit was disintegrated, and his fighting power was also weakened by half, a faint sense of fear welled up in his heart.

This time, each of the feather arrows shot by Qingguan carried a strong killing spirit, like Yan Luo who wanted to kill him.

Zhao Wuji was very excited, and said: "I made a lot of money, it turned out to be a rare domain soul skill, let Flender process the money later."

Qing Guan continued to shoot ice arrows, and at the same time used Treading Wuhen to avoid the opponent's attack, which was quite easy.

Soon, the time for a stick of incense passed.

Zhao Wuji withdrew his hand and said: "You guys, you have passed the test. Mubai, take them to the dormitory, and classes will start tomorrow."

All the new students cheered.

Dai Mubai coughed, and led them to the dormitory, "There are two people in one room, all boys are not allowed to harass girls in the dormitory."

Fufeng and Tang San wrote it down, and naturally lived in one room.

On the girl's side, Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing shared a dormitory, while Xiao Wu lived in a dormitory with Qingwan as she wished.

After resting all night, they all came to the square.

Qingwan clutched her stomach, and asked pitifully, "I'm so hungry, where is there something to eat?"

Fufeng took out the biscuit from the soul tool, "Eat this first."

Xiao Wu was also a little hungry, so she looked at him and asked, "Do you have any carrots? I want to eat carrots."

Qingwan took the biscuit and tasted it, it tasted good.

Fufeng took out a carrot and handed it over, "Here, don't eat too much, I'll ask where the cafeteria is."

At this time, there was a quarrel ahead.

A fat man pulled a girl and said, "Xiaocui, can you not leave me? I was wrong."

The girl struggled hard, "Let me go, let me go."

Qingwan couldn't stand it, she stepped forward and pulled the girl away to protect her behind, "It's not good to treat a girl like this."

The fat man asked arrogantly: "Who are you? You want to meddle in your own business?"

The girl quickly said: "Why don't you go, he is a soul master, very powerful, we can't beat him."

Qingwan immediately released her spirit, and three spirit rings rose up, "Let's see if you can block my attack."

Fatty saw that this person was Hun Zun, he was a little timid, but he was embarrassed to beg for mercy directly, so he released his martial spirit, and two yellow spirit rings rose.

A phantom of a phoenix appeared in the sky, Qingwan became serious, but found that it was not a phoenix, but a grass chicken, so she couldn't help laughing.

Fatty got angry, "Look at my first soul skill, Phoenix Fire Wire."

The yellow soul ring rose, and he spit out a red line of fire from his mouth, directly attacking the opponent.

Qing Guan didn't move, but raised her hand, "Bingling Divine Light."

An icy blue light was released from her hand, directly suppressing the flames, even freezing the fat man.

This soul skill was comprehended by herself, and it is considered a self-created soul skill.

"What are you doing?"

Everyone looked over, it turned out that it was Dai Mubai who came, and there was a silver-haired handsome boy beside him.

Tang San said: "He forced the girls."

Dai Mubai explained: "This is Shrek's student Ma Hongjun, his martial soul is called Xie Huo Cao Ji, level 28."

The silver-haired handsome boy also said: "Hello, I'm also a student. My name is Oscar. I heard that there are several beauties here this year."

Dai Mubai reminded: "Then you can only pursue Ning Rongrong."

Tang San coughed and reminded: "Let him out, we are all in the same academy, don't hurt your peace."

Qingwan nodded and lifted the ice seal.

Dai Mubai looked at the girl, and asked: "Xiao Cui, you can't stand him anymore? Don't worry, I won't let him harass you."

The girl nodded her thanks and ran off quickly.

Ma Hongjun took a few steps back: "I don't want to, but the evil fire can't be suppressed, I will die."

At this time, Fufeng came back and said, "The cafeteria has been found."

Qingwan ran over and said, "Then let's go now, I'm still hungry, and I'm going to run out of energy for class later."

Seeing this scene, Ma Hongjun collapsed, "It's fine for Boss Dai and Oscar to be handsome, but there's another one who's even more handsome, and he's dead."

Dai Mubai belongs to the handsome and evil type, Oscar belongs to the noble and beautiful boy with a face like a crown, and Fu Feng belongs to the light wind, the moon, and the fairy-like bone type.

And Ma Hongjun's appearance has been ruined by his body, how can he not be jealous?
Tang San felt very strange, "Is this very important?"

Ma Hongjun glanced at him and said, "You look ordinary, but there are two beauties by your side, so don't worry."

When Fufeng heard this sentence, he was a little angry, as if someone who belonged to him was coveted by others.

Tang San explained: "Xiao Wu is a friend, Wan Wan is my teacher's daughter, and she has a crush on Fu Feng."

Fu Feng smiled slightly, "Wan Wan, let's go have breakfast."

Qingwan nodded and followed him away.

Xiao Wu was also hungry, so she dragged Tang San to follow, afraid that she would start class after a little.

Oscar asked in a low voice: "I heard that Mr. Zhao was cleaned up by the freshmen yesterday. Who is so fierce?"

Dai Mubai said: "It's the girl who frozen the fat man."

Ma Hongjun was stunned, is Cai Hun Zun so fierce?It looks delicate and soft like a white rose, but I didn't expect it to be so powerful.

Dai Mubai warned: "That Fufeng is also very strong, don't play Qingwan's idea, be careful of being dealt with."

(End of this chapter)

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