Chapter 30 Tang San Injured
Guangling Douluo was very happy, turned around and went back to sit.

On the high platform, Emperor Xue Ye asked curiously: "Who is this? Are you familiar with Salas?"

Salas replied: "The fifth offering in the Presbyterian Hall."

Ning Fengzhi was also surprised, how could Guangling Douluo be here?Why did he stand with Shrek?

On the ring, Xiao Wu won five more fights one after another, and then her soul power was exhausted, so she conceded defeat and walked off the ring.

The second place is Tang San, who easily dealt with the remaining three.

The referee announced: "Shrek Academy wins."

Qingwan was a little disappointed, "Dads, I want to participate, I don't want to sit here anymore, it's really boring."

How could Guangling Douluo let his daughter down? "Yu Xiaogang, arrange for Wan Wan to play in the next match."

Yu Xiaogang directly refused: "This is a promotion match, it's not allowed."

Fu Feng comforted: "Alright, let's save the semi-finals to play, and then we will have a good fight, okay?"

Qing Wan could only nod her head, "What you say is what you say."

Tang San couldn't help laughing, and said: "When the time comes, a game will be a match of three rounds, you have a chance to play, don't worry."

I have no choice but to endure it first.

On the high platform, Emperor Xue Ye said: "Will Xiaofeng play?"

Ning Fengzhi lowered his head slightly, "This matter depends on how the master arranges it, but I don't think it will."

Emperor Xue Ye was puzzled, "Why?"

Xue Qinghe guessed: "Is he the hole card? But with his strength, it's normal to be Shrek's hole card."

Ning Fengzhi nodded and said, "Same as my daughter, it's Shrek's trump card, and she won't play until the semi-finals."

Emperor Xue Ye laughed loudly, "I am looking forward to his performance."

Xue Qinghe said with a smile: "Xiaofeng will definitely bring back a champion for the empire, Father, please wait patiently."

Emperor Xue Ye nodded and continued to watch the next game.

There was no more competition in the future, Shrek watched other academy competitions for a while before returning to the tent to rest.

The matter of Guangling Douluo soon spread to the Elder Hall.

Golden Crocodile Douluo said with a smile: "Brother, I'll also go and see, Guangling's daughter, I also want to see what happens when he finds out that he is a father."

Qingluan Douluo nodded, and said, "Brother, I want to go too."

Lion Douluo is also going, and Qianjun Douluo and Jiangmo Douluo also want to join in the fun. Of course, it is impossible for all of them to go.

But Qian Daoliu said: "The semi-finals will be held in Wuhun City. When the time comes, the kid will come, so we can see it?"

Everyone felt that there was some truth, so they stopped arguing.

Qingluan Douluo said again: "I heard that kid is a player from Shrek Academy, but he hasn't played a single match."

Qian Daoliu said: "The hole card, it seems that they want to win the championship."

Lion Douluo said: "If the champion is taken away by Guang Ling's daughter, Wuhundian wouldn't be too ashamed."

Qian Jun Douluo echoed: "That's right, it's really not too shameful to lose to one of our own, but this child, is she willing to join the Spirit Hall?"

Qian Daoliu said with a smile: "She is Guangling's daughter, she belongs to the Wuhun Palace, she can win over Immortal Sword Sect, and she can become Pope in the future."

Jiang Mo Douluo asked suspiciously: "The Pope? But isn't Hu Liena reserved for this seat?"

Qian Daoliu said: "The power of the Immortal Sword Sect is above the Wuhun Palace, and the control of the Wuhun Palace should also come back."

Everyone understood the meaning of this sentence, so they nodded in agreement.

Qingluan Douluo looked in the direction of the Pope's Palace, "I hope she won't do anything to the children. In her hands, the Wuhun Palace has changed by itself."

Qian Daoliu closed his eyes and said, "She won't sit for long."

The so-called prosperity must decline, the radiance of the Wuhun Hall should not be too prosperous, otherwise if it is lost in his hands, he will have no face to face his ancestors.

Qingluan Douluo suggested: "Let's all go and see the finals this time, and support the children."

Qian Daoliu thought for a while, then nodded, "Yes."

On the other side of the arena, Shrek ushered in its second opponent, the Botanical Academy.

This academy is full of plant martial spirits. As the name suggests, all the control system soul masters are very difficult to fight.

On Shrek's side, three soul masters played and lost three games.

The contestants from the School of Botany taunted mercilessly: "Is Shrek only at this level? It's really disappointing."

The fourth contestant, Ma Hongjun, appeared on the stage. Relying on the restraint of his martial spirit, he directly passed through nine and ended the competition.

Dai Mubai refused: "I also want to wear nine."

Fu Ce shook his head and said in a blow, "You can't do it, unless the opponent is the second Tiandou team, but they can't even pass the qualifiers."

Qing Wan enviously said: "You can still fight, be content."

Fufeng said with a relaxed face: "It's a beautiful day without competitions, I hope it will always be like this."

Qingwan was speechless, "Are you so lacking in fighting spirit?"

Fu Ce smiled and said: "You have to know, with his current strength, even if he comes to the Wuhun Palace, he is no match for him."

Fufeng nodded and said with a smile: "So it's not that I'm lazy, it's that they are too good at it. I really have no interest in playing against them."

Yu Xiaogang coughed, and said: "Don't be too arrogant, there are people outside of people in this world, and there is a sky beyond the sky."

Fufeng said: "Okay, master."

Soon they ushered in their third opponent, also an old friend, Blazing Academy, and the first one to play was Hun Zun.

Tang San was the first to go on stage, and easily eliminated eight, and finally it was Huo Wu's turn, this battle was extremely tragic.

Huo Wu died, and Tang San was seriously injured to protect Huo Wu.

Xiao Wu ran up anxiously, helped Tang San up, "How are you, don't scare me, don't scare me."

Fufeng came over and said, "Don't be afraid, he's fine."

Soon the medical team came, carried the injured down, and the game continued.

Huo Wu said, "The Blazing Academy admits defeat."

The referee reluctantly announced: "Blazing Academy played against Shrek Academy, and Shrek Academy won."

In the auditorium, everyone thought that the fire dance was too much, and even thought that if they encountered a blazing fire, they should surrender directly.

On the high platform, Emperor Xue Ye asked, "Are the children all right?"

Ning Fengzhi replied with a smile: "Your Majesty, it should be fine, they have a healing soul master themselves."

Emperor Xue Ye still felt that when the competition was over, he must go and see that student, so as not to fall into the root of the disease, or his life would be over.

The next match has begun, Alien Beast Academy vs. Tianshui Academy.

On Tianshui's side, Shui Bing'er was the first to play, and Meng Yiran was on the Alien Beast Academy's side. The two control departments faced off.

After everyone in Shrek returned to the tent, Xiao Wu took the initiative to stay and take care of Tang San, and the others went to a room to discuss tactics.

Yu Xiaogang said seriously: "The next opponent is not very strong, you guys should be able to deal with it."

Fu Ce nodded and said, "Don't worry, it's fine."

Fufeng also said: "If the opponent is full of control, just send me on the field, and I will definitely win the game."

(End of this chapter)

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