Shrek ninth monster in Douluo continent

Chapter 31 Against the Weevil

Chapter 31 Against the Weevil
Yu Xiaogang shook his head, "No, they are not bad."

Liu Qianhan said: "I am also the soul sect, you have no chance to play, if there is no accident, you can just wait for the semi-finals."

Guang Ling Douluo suddenly said: "You are only two soul kings?"

Qingwan nodded, and asked again: "Is there any problem? Two soul kings should be enough, besides, I have three martial souls."

Guang Ling Douluo shook his head, and said bluntly: "Of course it's not enough, there are five soul kings among the students of Wuhun Hall."

In other words, Shrek didn't have much of an advantage, and even team battles, combination matches, and individual matches were very difficult, and they won miserably.

Qingwan felt that it made sense, "Then what should I do?"

Fufeng frowned, "It will indeed be very troublesome, but I have reached this point, and I don't want to give up the game."

Qingwan suddenly remembered something, and said: "My fifth soul skill plus the boost of Rongrong can double everyone's strength."

Yu Xiaogang also remembered, "That's right, we can win."

Oscar felt a little disappointed, now that he had become the weakest one, it seemed that he couldn't help much.

Ning Rongrong seemed to have noticed, and immediately comforted: "Every game needs a support, and you have a chance to appear."

Oscar's eyes lit up, and he nodded, "I can help."

Ma Hongjun said: "My soul skills consume too much soul power, if you can help me, I'm not afraid of the consumption of soul power."

Oscar looked at everyone gratefully, "Thank you, I will try my best to help everyone, and we will win the championship together."

Guangling Douluo smiled slightly and said, "Kids, come on."

The other academies thought the next match would be much easier, but who knew that Shrek and the others were also very strong.

In each game, only four players are required to play.

Every time, Fu Ce takes the lead, then Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun take his place, and finally Zhu Zhuqing or Liu Qianhan finish the battle.

Finally, they ushered in another extremely powerful opponent.

In the tent, Yu Xiaogang frowned, "The Elephant Armor Academy is our opponent tomorrow."

The last team battle was won, and it was the result of Fu Ce's one-to-nine battle.

Now it's an individual match, and it will be difficult to fight one after another. Besides, it may be difficult for others to break through the defense.

Liu Qianhan asked: "Could it be that he gave up?"

Yu Xiaogang frowned and said, "You guys decide for yourself."

Fufeng said: "You are responsible for the consumption, Fuce and I are in charge, I will not reveal too much strength."

Dai Mubai nodded seriously, "It's all up to you."

The match against the Weevil Academy finally came. Many academies came to watch the match on this day, wanting to see who would win.

The referee announced loudly: "The first player from Shrek Academy to play is Jing Ling, a level 35 soul master, a soul master of the agility attack department."

Jing Ling took a deep breath and immediately went on stage.

Then the Elephant Armor Academy is Hu Yangui, a level 38 soul master, a martial soul diamond mammoth, and a defense department.

When the two sides fought against each other, Jing Ling was not an opponent and was quickly defeated.

The second place was Tai Long, who carried it until his opponent's soul power was exhausted, and was knocked out of the ring by the second player from the Elephant Armor Academy.

Referee: "The third contestant, Liu Qianhan, is invited. His martial soul is the Golden Holy Dragon, with lightning attribute, and he is a level 42 attack-type soul master."

Liu Qianhan entered the stage, bowing slightly, "Please advise."

Hu Yanyu returned the salute, and then said: "I advise you to go down quickly, my defense is difficult to break through."

Liu Qianhan smiled slightly and released his martial spirit, "Really, then give it a try, maybe I can win."

The referee announced: "The game has officially begun."

Hu Yanyu first used the first soul skill to make a solid wall, without moving his body.

Liu Qianhan released the first soul skill Thunder Dragon Claw, the domineering lightning power broke through the defense, and then released the second soul skill Thunderbolt.

Hu Yanyu relied on the strength of his body to carry it down, and then released the power increase of the second soul skill, and rushed up directly.

Liu Qianhan smiled slightly, instead of dodging, he directly released his fourth soul skill Light Domain.

Hu Yanyu was trapped in the formation, the thunder and lightning kept falling, and he didn't stop until the opponent couldn't stand up anymore.

The referee said: "I invite the third player from the Elephant Armor Academy to come on stage."

The third one was Hu Yandi, level 39, who died with Liu Qianhan directly, and the battle situation between the two sides was evened again.

This way, the fourth contestant, Ma Hongjun, appeared.On the Elephant Armor Academy's side is Hu Yanjun, a level [-] soul sect.

This could be regarded as a peak duel, however, Ma Hongjun was unable to defeat his opponent after his soul power was exhausted, so he could only leave the stage with great regret.

The fifth Shrek contestant was Zhu Zhuqing, who lost in less than ten rounds, and the next Xiao Wu lost in just one round.

Finally it was the turn of the seventh Dai Mubai, level 45 Soul Sect.

Hu Yanjun smiled and said: "Shrek is not much, there are the last three, defeating you, our Elephant Academy will be famous."

Dai Mubai was not in a hurry, "The Immortal Sword Soul Master didn't appear, you haven't won yet, don't be complacent."

Hu Yanjun became angry, "There are five people behind me, can the last two of you Shrek win the five? Stop joking."

Dai Mubai didn't talk to him, he took the lead in attacking, fully activated his soul skills, exhausted his soul power, and stepped off the stage together with his opponent.

The fifth place from the Elephant Armor Academy entered the stage, the fortieth level Soul Sect.

Shrek Academy sent Fu Ce, he smiled slightly, and said with a relaxed face: "You guys can't win today."

Then, Immortal Sword made a move, Liuge and Santuhe Zhihua sent the opponent down with two soul skills, "Elephant Armor Academy, who is next?"

Hu Yantao, the sixth contestant of Elephant Academy College, is 41 years old.

Hu Yantao laughed loudly: "I'll meet you."

Then, at the beginning, he used the locking soul skill to kill, and Fu Ce directly released the soul skill Duanlang to attack and defend, neither side took any advantage.

Fu Ce released Santuhe Zhihua again, and then fully activated the two attacking soul skills before sending his opponent off the ring.

The referee announced: "Please send the seventh player from the Elephant Armor Academy."

Hu Yanyun entered the stage, he has level 43 soul power, "You also consumed a lot just now, let's end, I don't want to hurt you."

Fu Ce turned his head slightly, seeing Fu Feng nodding to him, he said: "My soul power is exhausted, I admit defeat."

The referee nodded, "Shrek, please send the last contestant."

Fufeng finally appeared on the stage, and the referee continued to introduce: "This contestant is also the Immortal Sword and Martial Soul, the King of Fighting Souls of the [-]th-level assault system!"

As soon as this statement came out, the audience was shocked.

Shrek has actually hidden such a trump card, he is the Soul King realm at a young age, this year's champion is probably reserved by Shrek.

On the high platform, Ning Fengzhi said: "This player is Shrek's strongest combat power, with him around, Shrek can't lose."

Emperor Xue Ye laughed loudly: "That's right, Xiao Feng has finally appeared."

Salas frowned, he didn't expect that the Immortal Sword Sect would send two people to participate in this competition, they were in danger.

(End of this chapter)

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