Shrek ninth monster in Douluo continent

Chapter 32 Facing the Kamikaze

Chapter 32 Facing the Kamikaze
Feng Xiaotian smiled wryly, and said, "This time, I really can't win."

Huo Wu was also very desperate, let alone almost all the soul sects, and one was the soul king, Shrek couldn't defeat it.

In the arena, both sides use martial arts,

Fufeng's two yellow, one purple and two black soul rings shocked the audience, one Tang San was perverted enough, and another Fufeng would stop people from living.

Hu Yanyun's spirit ring is normal. He has a calm face, but he can't help being afraid in his heart. He can't help but ask himself, can he really hold it?

The two played against each other, but unfortunately there was no suspense.

Hu Yanyun was not an opponent at all, and was sent off the ring by Epee Wufeng.

On the Elephant Armor Sect's side, the eighth player sent was also unable to catch the epee Wufeng, and was sent off in an instant.

Finally, it was the turn of the last contestant of the Weevil Academy, Hu Yanli.

Referee: "There is only the last player left on both sides. Who can win on behalf of their team? Let us wait and see."

Hu Yanli took a deep breath and said, "I will definitely defeat you."

Fufeng smiled slightly, and said in a calm tone: "If you can catch my first soul skill, I will admit defeat, how about it?"

Hu Yanli said: "Arrogance. Keep your word?"

Referee: "The two sides can't wait, so I announce that the game will officially begin."

Fufeng directly released the first soul skill, heavy sword without front.

Hu Yanli looked at the oncoming giant sword, and he couldn't dodge it because of the strong sense of oppression, so he released the iron wall to resist.

It's a pity that this defensive soul skill shattered like tofu in an instant.

The giant fairy sword did not disappear, and continued to severely damage the target.

Hu Yanli lay on the ground and couldn't get up at all. After a five-second countdown, the Elephant Armor Academy was defeated.

Fufeng bowed slightly and stepped off the ring.

Shrek won again, and it was still a soul king, which made the other academies very desperate.

Fu Ce walked over and patted him on the shoulder.

Fu Feng smiled and said: "The Immortal Sword has always been invincible. Well, let's go and see Xiao San, he is still lying down."

Everyone nodded, and came to Tang San's room together.

Xiao Wu talked about what happened today, and said: "Fortunately, there is a little wind, otherwise we will lose."

Tang San nodded slightly, feeling very regretful in his heart, "It's a pity, I can't play, and I can share the pressure if I don't let me."

Qingwan comforted: "Just take care of your wounds."

Others also echoed a few words. In short, everything is with them, and there will be no major incidents in the game.

At this time, there was a noise outside.

Qing Guan and Xiao Wu went out, seeing that it was Chi Huo's group, Qing Guan asked coldly: "What do you want to do?"

Huo Wushuang said: "I am here to deliver medicine to Tang San."

After finishing speaking, he gave a pack of medicine with both hands, and said: "Thank him for protecting my sister, this is what Chi Huo owes to Shrek."

Qingwan said lightly: "No need."

Xiao Wu also said: "Yes, we are opponents. You tell that Huo Wu, no matter how hard she tries, she can't defeat Shrek."

Huo Wushuang was puzzled and asked, "Are you so confident?"

Qing Wan said bluntly: "Our goal is the championship, and your goal is the top three, so we are destined not to be opponents."

In other words, Blazing Fire is just a roadblock for Shrek.

Huo Wushuang felt that before, Shrek Academy was just a dream, but now, they still have hope.

Qing Guan picked up the package of medicine and dragged Xiao Wu in.

In the room, almost everyone dispersed.

Tang San couldn't help wondering, if he had cultivated the Clear Sky Hammer back then, would the result be different now?

Seeing him pondering, Qing Wan guessed in her heart whether she doubted herself now, so she asked, "Third Brother, you can tell us something."

Xiao Wu nodded, "Yes, don't hold it in your heart."

Tang San hesitated for a moment, expressed his doubts, and then said seriously: "The later the game, the more obvious the weakness of the Blue Silver Grass."

Just like this time in the match against the Jijia Academy, two fairy swords are needed to settle them.

Qing Wan smiled lightly, and said, "The quality of the martial souls of the parents is close, and the difference in strength between the two is not big, so it is possible to have twin martial souls."

In other words, the fact that the Blue Silver Grass and the Clear Sky Hammer can appear at the same time means that they are spirits of the same level, not one strong and the other weak.

Xiao Wu exclaimed: "Like the Light Ling Divine Bow and the Nine-Colored Divine Deer?"

Qingwan nodded, and continued: "Uncle didn't let you cultivate the Haotian Hammer martial soul, it was also for your own good."

Tang San lowered his head, "Is it my mother's business?"

At the beginning, Ning Fengzhi had said that his father had been hunted down, and from then on, the Haotian School also retired.

Qingwan knew everything, but, "Let's let uncle do the talking. You have to remember, no matter who I am, I will never be your enemy."

Tang San was dumbfounded, but still nodded, "I remember."

Xiao Wu took her hand and said, "Wan Wan, you grew up with us, everything has nothing to do with you."

Qingwan came to the window and gently closed her eyes.

If one day the battle really started, she would send Guangling Douluo to participate in the assessment of the gods, and then fight side by side with her partners.

In the following matches, some abstained, and some had an attitude of competing. In a word, Shrek was invincible.

Tang San's body healed, and at the same time he met the Kamikaze Academy.

In the end, unfortunately, there were two left on Shrek's side, and six players on the Kamikaze Academy's side, including those on the ring.

Shrek's eighth player turned out to be Qing Wan.

Referee: "This contestant is also a soul king, and his martial soul is a light feather bow, a soul master of the long-distance attack department."

The audience was shocked, one soul king was not enough, two came.

Fufeng smiled slightly, "Wanwan should be able to have a good fight this time, just don't expose all the cards."

Tang San nodded, "Trust her."

On the high platform, Emperor Xue Ye laughed and said, "This kid Wan Wan is also on the stage. Her talent is no worse than Xiao Feng, so she will definitely win."

Ning Fengzhi said: "But the opponents all have the ability to fly."

On the ring, the referee gave an order, and the duel between Shrek Academy and Kamikaze Academy officially began.

Qing Guan directly released the ice wings attached to the soul bone, flew into the sky, and then used the soul skills Piercing Cloud and Breaking Soul to start a duel with the opponent.

The flying soul master on the opposite side couldn't dodge the dense ice feather arrows at all, and lost in only ten rounds.

Qing Wan smiled slightly, "That's all."

Kamikaze Academy continued to send players to participate in the battle, but unfortunately they were all defeated. Finally, it was the turn of the last player, Feng Xiaotian.

Feng Xiaotian said: "Little sister, you should go down, you are not an opponent, I don't want to hurt you."

Qingwan said lightly: "Let's fight first and then we'll talk."

The referee said loudly: "Since the two sides can't wait, I announce that the game has officially started."

Feng Xiaotian directly released the wings of Gale, flew into the sky, and then a gust of wind blew up and turned into wind blades to attack.

(End of this chapter)

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