Chapter 33 Ambush
Qing Guan also flew into the sky, releasing the third soul skill Shura.

A terrifying killing aura swept over, and God Shura appeared in phantom.

Feng Xiaotian's fighting spirit was disintegrated in an instant, the fear deep in his heart was awakened, and his body trembled uncontrollably.

Qing Guan released the soul skills Piercing Cloud and Pohun, and two ice plume arrows, directly sent the opponent out of the ring.

The power of Shura's soul ability has already affected the referee.

Fu Feng got up and shouted loudly: "Wan Wan, take it back quickly, their level is too weak to hold Shura's soul skills."

Qing Wan nodded, and withdrew her soul skill and martial soul.

The referee heaved a sigh of relief, and immediately announced: "Kamikaze Academy vs. Shrek Academy, let us congratulate Shrek Academy for winning."

Qingwan walked off the ring, came to the auditorium, threw herself into Fufeng's arms, and said, "You can carry me back, my soul power is exhausted."

Fufeng smiled lightly, picked her up, and left first.

Seeing this scene, Guang Ling felt as if his own cabbage had been gouged by a pig, but his daughter liked it, so he dared not object.

Dai Mubai was very envious, he would have no chance if he wanted to hold Zhu Zhuqing.

Tang San was doubting his life at this moment.

His blue silver grass couldn't block the wind blade's attack, and he failed to survive ten rounds, so he lost unfortunately.

Yu Xiaogang came over and comforted him gently: "Okay, let's all go back to practice, the next competition will be easier."

Everyone in Shrek returned to the tent and started practicing.

In the next match, when they met Tian Shui and Lei Ting, the Soul King did not appear, and it was over with only seven Soul Sects.

In the promotion competition, Shrek ranked first.

The ones in the back are Shenfeng Academy, Thunder Academy, Tianshui Academy and Blazing Academy...

All the colleges rested in place for a few days and went to Wuhun City together.

On the way, they encountered an ambush.

Fu Ce and Fu Feng unleashed the true power of the Immortal Sword and Martial Soul, and no opponent could escape from their sword alive.

Qingwan's Guangling Divine Bow was sure to hit the heart with one arrow, killing most of the enemy in less than half an hour.

Fu Bai appeared, "Okay, get out."

Sensing that something was wrong, Fuyun and Guangling Douluo also got out of the carriage, their expressions were very ugly.

Then, a ghost appeared with a chrysanthemum.

They are Ghost Douluo Guimei and Ju Douluo Yueguan from Wuhun Temple. They can be said to be the most trusted people around the Pope, with extremely high status.

Fu Bai said coldly: "Want to fight? I will accompany you to the end."

Guang Ling Douluo said coldly: "Wan Wan is the daughter of this old man, Shrek is her home, and this old man forbids you to hurt her."

Ghost said: "The disciples of Immortal Sword Sect must die, and Qing Wan must die too. This is an order from His Holiness the Pope."

Guangling Douluo sneered, "Really, then you guys can try it."

At this moment, Ning Fengzhi and Chen Xin came, and they protected the children behind their backs, letting them fight with confidence.

Fu Yun released his martial spirit, "I also want to see how much weight you have, how dare you challenge the Immortal Sword."

Ghost and Yueguan looked at each other, and immediately released the martial soul fusion technique.

Guangling Douluo released his martial soul, and then opened the eighth soul skill limit, which strongly interrupted the fusion skill of the two of them.

Fubai and Fuyun shot with all their strength, severely injuring the two Titled Douluo, if they hadn't taken care of the Wuhun Palace to make trouble, the two of them would not have survived.

At this time, Poison Douluo also came to join in the fun.

Dugu Bo smiled and said: "Are you sure you want to fight? Two against four is not an advantage?"

Yue Guan said: "Elder Guangling, you dare to rebel."

Ghost said: "The Pope will not let you go, you will definitely be expelled from the Wuhun Palace, just wait."

Guangling Douluo was not afraid at all, "Old man, belongs to the Elder Hall."

Only Qian Daoliu can order him, or in other words, Qian Daoliu can order him if he does not hurt his daughter.

The ghost and Yueguan disappeared in an instant, as if they had never been there.

Guangling Douluo glanced at Ning Fengzhi, and said, "Your Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School should form an alliance with Immortal Sword School."

Ning Fengzhi was taken aback, not understanding the meaning of this sentence, "Why did you say that, senior? Could it be that you know something?"

Guangling Douluo sighed, "Sooner or later, she will move the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was stunned. Does Wuhundian have such a great ability?But Guangling Douluo is also from the Wuhun Palace, can you believe it?
Guang Ling Douluo knew that they didn't believe it, and explained: "You are Wan Wan's friends, I just reminded you."

Ning Fengzhi bowed slightly, "Thank you for your reminder, senior."

Fufeng changed the subject, "Okay, it's time for us to set off, the final match is about to begin."

Everyone realized that yes, they couldn't be late for the game, so they all got into the carriage and set off again.

In the Wuhun Hall, Pope Bibidong is holding a scepter and sitting on a high position.

Yueguan and Guimei knelt on the ground, trembling.

Bibi Dong asked: "You said that Elder Guangling was also here, and also interrupted your martial soul fusion skills, resulting in the failure of the mission?"

Yue Guan nodded, and said: "That's right, Elder Guangling, he has already betrayed Wuhun Palace, you can't tolerate it."

Bibi Dong sighed, feeling a headache.

The Hall of Elders has always been at odds with the Hall of Wuhun, and Qian Daoliu is not something she can deal with, not to mention there are seven peak Douluo sitting in command.

After a long time, Bibi Dong said: "Go down."

After a while, the five soul kings who participated in this competition were called in. They looked at each other in blank dismay, not understanding what the purpose of today was.

Bibi Dong said: "Your opponent Shrek also has two soul kings, you have to be careful."

Hu Liena didn't take it seriously, "We have five, isn't it easy for five to beat two? Teacher, you are worrying too much."

Yan felt the same way, "We can win."

Bibi Dong said: "One martial soul is a fairy sword, and the other martial soul is a light feather bow. You may not be opponents."

Hu Liena remained calm and said, "I have confusion-like soul skills."

This soul skill is useless to the immortal sword soul master, but it is enough to be useful to other soul masters. Can the two of them fight nine?
Xie Yue's fighting spirit was ignited, "I want to know this fairy sword soul master even more, I want to defeat him."

Bibi Dong frowned, "Don't underestimate the enemy."

The five nodded, but they didn't pay attention to this sentence, and they all felt that the Pope's worries were unfounded.

What happened today naturally spread to the Elder Hall.

Qian Daoliu was very angry, "The reputation of Wuhundian has been ruined by her, and her position must be abolished."

Golden Crocodile Douluo nodded, and said in agreement: "That's right, abolish her and let Xiaoxue be the pope."

Qingluan Douluo looked worried, and said: "But Bibi Dong's prestige is increasing day by day, we can no longer control it."

Qian Daoliu raised the corner of his mouth slightly, "There will be a turning point."

There is a saying that is good, put death to live, Bibi Dong has done so many sins, one day, she will definitely pay back all of them.

Golden Crocodile Douluo thought of the children, "Do you need to send someone to protect them, it's very dangerous in Wuhun City."

(End of this chapter)

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