Shrek ninth monster in Douluo continent

Chapter 34 Meeting the Emperor Again

Chapter 34 Meeting the Emperor Again
Qian Daoliu thought for a while, then shook his head, "No need, the two titled Douluo of Immortal Sword Sect are not vegetarians."

What's more, the fifth child is also there, so Bibi Dong may not dare to make a real move.

But having said that, if the Immortal Sword Sect dies in the hands of Wuhundian, then a big battle will be inevitable.

Qingluan Douluo smiled and said, "That's right."

The teams that entered the semi-finals had all arrived in Wuhun City, and they all stayed in the hotel arranged by Wuhun Palace.

Everyone in Shrek didn't go out, they were all cultivating, and they all went all out for the cruel competition ahead.

Guangling Douluo was worried about his daughter's safety, so he did not return to the Elder Hall.

The two elders, Fu Bai and Fu Yun, guarded the door day and night, not allowing anyone to take advantage of the opportunity to enter.

The day of the competition gradually approached, and the atmosphere gradually became tense.

On that day, Yu Xiaogang went to draw lots in person, and when he came back, he had a smile on his face and called everyone into his room.

Qing Wan sat down next to him and asked, "Good news?"

Fufeng guessed: "Old opponent?"

Tang San was curious, and said: "So many old opponents, who could it be?"

Yu Xiaogang replied: "The home team of Tiandou Royal Academy has won against them before, do you have confidence now?"

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, then replied: "Yes."

Guangling Douluo also said: "It's that team, it's not that good, you will definitely win."

Xiao Wu thought of another thing, "Now there are three duels, that is to say, they will face off against the Black Tortoise Soul Master in turn."

Dai Mubai also had a headache, "That tortoise shell can't be broken."

Ma Hongjun wailed in pain: "Harder than a diamond mammoth, how can I fight now? It's difficult."

Xiao Wu looked at Fu Ce and Fu Feng, and asked: "Can your fairy sword break the turtle shell? Otherwise, it will only consume them until their soul power is exhausted."

Qing Wan didn't take it seriously, "I broke their defense back then."

Tang San strikes: "I did it with Rong Rong's help, now I'm fighting alone, Wan Wan, are you sure?"

Qingwan lost confidence, "I don't know."

Fu Feng looked at Fu Ce and said, "You are the first to go on stage, try to eliminate as many enemies as possible, I will hold the line."

Fu Ce nodded, "Yes, you can rest assured."

Seeing that they were confident, Yu Xiaogang no longer worried, "If you win, I will give you a day off."

The children were very happy when they heard this.

The finals are over, it doesn't matter whether you have a holiday or not, let's focus on the competition.

Fufeng looked at Tang San and Qingwan, "Let's discuss the team battle tactics, we must make sure that nothing will go wrong."

The two nodded, came to the corner and sat down, and began to discuss, while the others gathered around and listened.

On the other side, the temporary office of the Tiandou Royal Academy home team.

The team leader said: "Your opponent is Shrek, their two soul kings will definitely appear, do you have confidence?"

Yu Tianheng thought of the previous failure, "I have confidence, besides, this is three duels, it is still unknown who will win the battle."

Dugu Yan nodded, "Let's discuss tactics."

Ning Xiatian smiled slightly and said, "I'm going to fight my sister, I'm looking forward to it, who will win this time?"

The team leader looked at them, "If you lose, you know what kind of punishment there will be, so let's work hard."

Dugu Yan nodded and said: "I will take the lead in the individual competition, they will never expect that I will beat a few more people then."

Yu Tianheng frowned, "What if they go to the Immortal Sword Soul Master?"

Yufeng said: "This is one-on-one, why don't you let the Shi family brothers go first, and it would be good to drag down a few more."

Dugu Yan felt that this idea was okay, so he said: "Then it's decided, the Shi family brothers will go first, and the six will be dragged down first."

The Shi family brothers looked at each other and nodded.

The day of the competition is coming soon, and the Soul Fighting Stage is set up in the Hall of Spirits, so only a small number of people can watch the Soul Fighting Competition.

Referee: "Shrek Academy vs. Tiandou Royal Academy."

There was a burst of cheers in the auditorium, and everyone thought that this would be a peak duel.

Referee: "First of all, it's a one-on-one soul fight. The Heaven Dou Royal Academy has sent a Momo contestant, and his martial soul is Xuanwu Turtle..."

Shi Mo came to the stage with a haughty look on his face.

His soul power is already level 42, and he is a top defensive soul master, so he is destined to be more difficult to deal with than the diamond mammoth.

Referee: "Shrek Academy, send out support players."

When Fu Ce came to power, his soul power was level 45, and he once defeated the entire Elephant Academy by himself.

Top defense versus top attack, who is better?
Referee: "I believe everyone can't wait any longer, so I officially announce that this game will officially start."

After speaking, he immediately withdrew from the battlefield.

Fu Ce released his martial spirit, his expression was indifferent, and he said: "Ougui, you should admit defeat, my fairy sword is not much worse than Xiaofeng."

Shi Mo was angry, "I am a basalt turtle, not a tortoise."

Immediately afterwards, the two fought.

Fu Ce's soul skills are all attack attributes, coupled with the overbearing attack power of the Immortal Sword, they directly repelled the opponent.

Shi Mo had to get serious, "It really is a fairy sword."

Then, the two started the second round of confrontation, but unfortunately, this time the attack was more tyrannical.

Fu Ce directly opened the realm of the fairy sword, followed by the flower of Santuhe, and then released the attacking soul skill, directly smashing the shell of the turtle.

Mo Mo, without the defense of the tortoise shell, couldn't bear the power of the fairy sword, and was defeated in an instant, so he could only retreat from the ring.

Referee: "The Immortal Sword Soul Master is indeed powerful."

In the auditorium, Qing Wan asked: "Xiaofeng, can the second Xuanwu turtle block it? His soul power seems to have been consumed a lot."

Fu Feng shook his head and said, "I don't know, trust him."

In the arena, the next one was Shi Mo, also level 42, this time he and Fu Ce died together.

Shrek's next one is Tang San, Tiandou Royal Academy happens to be Dugu Yan, both of them use poison, it's a pity that one is strong and the other is weak.

Dugu Yan said angrily: "You guys are really insidious."

Even sending Immortal Sword Soul Master to take the lead to replace the two Xuanwu turtles, the people behind will be easier to deal with.

Tang San smiled slightly, "Insidiousness is also a tactic."

The two stopped talking and started to fight.

Tang San directly released the eight spider spirit bones, devouring all the poison, and then defeated Dugu Yan with a spider web restraint.

The players behind Tiandou Royal Academy were easier to deal with, so this individual match was won by Tang San.

Referee: "Shrek took the lead to win the game, half-hour break, and then start the three-on-three soul fighting competition."

This time, winning two rounds is a victory.

If Shrek wins, there is no need to compete in the last team battle; if Tiandou Royal Academy wins, there is still a possibility of a comeback.

In the rest room, those who participated in the soul fight ate sausages to recover.

Qin Ming came in and said: "Three vs three soul fighting, Tang San, Ning Qiuqiu and Dai Mubai, you go first."

(End of this chapter)

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