Shrek ninth monster in Douluo continent

Chapter 44 Allocating Soul Bones

Chapter 44 Allocating Soul Bones
Dai Mubai looked at the person without spirit bones, "I give up."

Qingwan said in a low voice: "Everyone has a share, so you postponed it, and you also contributed. You should have your own soul bone."

Yu Xiaogang nodded, "Everyone has it."

Only then did Dai Mubai accept this spirit bone, "Go back and redistribute it? This is indeed not a good place."

At this time, Bibi Dong said: "Soul bones, have been allocated, come, someone, take that girl down to me."

Dugu Bo made a move, releasing his spirit avatar to protect the Shrek people behind him, "Your Majesty, there must be a reason for this..."

Bibi Dong: "This girl is a soul beast, a 10-year transformed soul beast. The soul beast that ran away on the other side is you."

Xiao Wu clenched her fists tightly, "It's me."

Everyone in Shrek looked at Xiao Wu, only Qing Guan and Fu Feng looked very calm, as if they knew it long ago.

Guangling Douluo said: "Daughter, come to Dad quickly."

Qingwan shook her head, "Xiao Wu is my friend, if you make a move, you will no longer be my father in the future, you should think about it carefully."

Guang Ling Douluo hesitated for a moment, and said: "I quit, I can't lose my daughter more than a soul beast."

Qian Daoliu looked at the people beside him and asked, "What about you?"

The rest of the people closed their eyes one after another, the meaning was obvious, and they were unwilling to intervene in this matter, and they did not want to make things difficult for Guang Ling.

Qian Daoliu nodded slightly, then turned around, "For today's matter, the old man and everyone in the Hall of Elders, you should pretend that you didn't see it, so you can take care of it yourself."

Then, all the titled Douluo in the Elder's Hall were all evacuated.

Tang San also said: "Xiao Wu is not a human being, after Ice and Fire Yinyi Eyes absorbed the Seethrough Autumn Dew, my Purple Demon Eyes could see through."

Fu Feng said: "Elder Fu Yun told me everything, but Immortal Sword Sect doesn't kill 10 year soul beasts."

Dai Mubai said: "Nine monsters in one, no matter if Xiao Wu is a soul beast or a human, she is Shrek's tender and charming rabbit."

Flender brought all the teachers here, "Well said, Xiao Wu will always belong to Shrek, regardless of whether she is a soul beast or not."

Xiao Wu was very moved, "Thank you."

Fu Ce came over and comforted: "Don't worry, no one can take you away today, Xiaofeng has already made arrangements."

Fu Yun and Fu Bai appeared, and behind them were dozens of titled Douluo from the Immortal Sword Sect. Ning Fengzhi even supported Shrek in order to show his sincerity.

After all, Bibi Dong was concerned about Immortal Sword Sect's strength, "The match is over, get out and see off the guests."

Fu Bai laughed three times, and led the members of the Immortal Sword Sect to escort Ning Fengzhi, Xue Qinghe, Shrek teachers and students, Davis and Zhu Zhuyun to leave.

After the group left Wuhun City, Davis and Zhu Zhuyun separated from the others and went back to the Star Luo Empire.

The others breathed a sigh of relief when they arrived at Shrek Academy.

Xue Qinghe still has something to do, so he went back to the palace.

Yu Xiaogang smiled and said: "Come with me, let's distribute the soul bones together. It's not safe for Rongrong to take it away alone, let Sect Master Ning go together."

Ning Fengzhi was stunned, "There is still a soul bone?"

Qing Guan smiled mischievously, blinked her eyes, and led everyone to her father's office, closed the door, and said, "We all have a share."

Yu Xiaogang took out eight ten-thousand-year soul bones from the soul tool.

Everyone's eyes widened, Tang San asked: "What the hell is going on? Where did the spirit bone come from?"

Qing Wan said: "Papa Guangling and Papa Xiaogang got it when Grandpa Fuyun led us to hunt soul beasts."

Yu Xiaogang picked up two gem-like soul bones, "These two are suitable for the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda, Sect Master Ning, take them away and dispose of them yourself."

Qing Wan said: "Uncle Ning, take it, I don't need auxiliary soul bones, I'm a battle soul master."

Ning Fengzhi was very grateful, and his determination to form an alliance with the Immortal Sword Sect was strengthened in his heart.He looked at his daughter, "You and Qiu have two dollars each."

Ning Rongrong shook his head, "Fu Ce and Fu Feng killed Shi Nian and You Ye, and dropped two head soul bones, and third brother and I shared them equally."

Ning Fengzhi was very surprised, looked at Qingwan, "Are you willing?"

Qing Wan smiled and said, "We are friends."

Ning Fengzhi thought for a while, and said: "Then Xia Tian and Qiu will each have a soul bone. They are the most outstanding juniors in the sect."

Fufeng coughed, "Sister Jiangzhu is suitable for this."

After finishing speaking, he picked up another soul bone and handed it to her, explaining: "This right arm bone comes from the soul beast hunted by Wan Wan's first soul skill."

Jiang Zhu took it and was very moved, "So, I have it too."

Qingwan reminded: "The soul bone is very difficult, so don't expose it. If you are really worried, join the Immortal Sword Sect."

Jiang Zhu nodded, "Yes, I will join."

Joining the Immortal Sword Sect can get better protection, Wan Wan and junior Xiaofeng are also there, so it can be regarded as a backer.

Fufeng had no objection, and looked at the remaining five yuan, "Master, you can divide it up, I don't need any of these spirit bones."

Fu Ce nodded, and said, "Immortal Sword Sect is not lacking either."

Yu Xiaogang picked up a left arm bone, "This one, the right leg bone with the fanatic ability, is more suitable for Huang Yuan."

Tai Long got a strength-type right arm bone, Jing Ling got a speed-type left leg bone, and Liu Qianhan got an augmented right arm bone.

The last piece of the right arm spirit bone is very suitable for the attack system spirit master.

Yu Xiaogang looked at Xiao Wu, "Here's for you, you absorb it quickly, and then follow Xiaofeng to Xianjianzong."

Xiao Wu took the soul bone and was very moved, "Thank you, master, but I'd better go back to the Star Forest, where is my home."

Fufeng looked at Fubai, "You are responsible for sending her back."

Fu Bai nodded, "Yes, Young Sect Master."

And the last Oscar doesn't have a soul bone, or maybe there isn't a soul bone suitable for him here.

Qingwan asked seriously: "Are you going to be an auxiliary soul master, or a battle soul master? You should think about it carefully."

Oscar looked at Ning Rongrong, without any hesitation, said: "I want to be a battle soul master, I want to have the power to protect Rongrong."

Qingwan was very satisfied, "Take it out."

Fufeng took out a ten-thousand-year soul bone from his soul tool, and handed it over, "This is the trunk bone, a reward for my sect's trial."

Yu Xiaogang was stunned, "Why haven't you said that?"

Qing Wan explained: "He originally wanted to give it to Boss Dai, but Boss already had one, and it happened that Xiao Ao chose to be a battle soul master, so I gave it to him."

Oscar took it, very grateful, "Thank you." He looked at Rongrong again, and said, "Wait for me, I will definitely get the power to protect you."

Ning Rongrong was moved in her heart, she had been fond of Fu Ce, but Xiao Ao really moved her.

Ning Fengzhi nodded slightly, and said with a smile: "If you can do it, I will personally host the engagement ceremony for you in the future."

Oscar was very happy, "Thank you, Uncle Ning. Even if the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School doesn't have that rule, I will still choose this way."

(End of this chapter)

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