Chapter 45 Farewell
It is impossible for his friends to protect him forever, Sword Bone Douluo cannot protect Rongrong forever, he must shoulder this responsibility.

Yu Xiaogang said: "Okay, the distribution is over, let's break up, let's forget it, Wuhundian, also keep an eye on it."

Dai Mubai nodded, "That's right, then see you in five years."

Everyone didn't have any opinions, so the five-year contract was settled like this, including four substitutes.

Relatively speechless, they finally said goodbye to each other.

Ning Fengzhi returned to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School with Qiu He Rong Rong, Qian Han, Ning Feng Que, Sword Douluo and Liu Erlong.

Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing returned to the Star Luo Empire.

Ma Hongjun and the four substitutes, Tai Long went home, Jiang Zhu was going to Immortal Sword Sect, and everyone else stayed in school to have a living.

Oscar practiced alone, and Elder Help Bai was in charge of sending Xiao Wu home.

At this time, Tang Hao came in, dressed in black and black cloak, looking very mysterious, but with a sense of decadence.

Fufeng respectfully said, "You are Haotian Douluo? Hello."

Tang San was very excited, and threw himself into his father's arms, "Dad, I miss you very much, why don't you come to see me."

Tang Hao pushed his son away, "Okay, don't cry." He looked at Shrek's teachers, "Thank you for taking care of my son."

Qing Guan smiled and said, "Take him away."

Fufeng also said: "What happened back then, if I asked my Immortal Sword Sect for help, I wouldn't have ended up like this."

Tang San was stunned, and asked: "You...know everything?"

Uncle Ning only knew about this matter, but where did he hear about it from Immortal Sword Sect?The intelligence network is so strong?
Qing Guan spoke for him: "It's only a 10-year-old soul beast that can make Wuhun Hall lose a Pope, and several Titled Douluo do it themselves."

Tang Hao nodded, "Xiao San, your mother is a 10-year-old soul beast, follow me to see her now."

Tang San was very shocked, but still nodded.

The father and son said goodbye to everyone, and then left Shrek Academy together, but left nothing behind.

Fufeng smiled slightly, "I should leave too."

Qingwan couldn't bear him, "Fufeng, you can, don't you go?"

Fufeng said softly: "Wanwan, it's time for me to return to the sect, you can go with me."

Yu Xiaogang is reluctant to part with his daughter, but he can't delay her daughter's lifelong event, "I want to meet your parents."

Fu Feng nodded, "Yes."

Fu Ce was a little envious, Xiaofeng took his wife back, but he had nothing, and he would be accused when he went back.

Fu Yun bowed slightly, "The suzerain and his wife have already arrived."

Everyone looked at the door, only to see a man who looked somewhat similar to Fu Feng leading a woman in.

Fufeng introduced: "This is my father, Fuying, a level 97 Sword and Shadow Douluo, and my mother, Princess Xue Weiwei of the Empire."

Then, introduce the teachers one by one.

Level 79 soul saint Flander of the agility system, level 79 soul saint Zhao Wuji of the strong attack system, and level 33 soul master Yu Xiaogang.

The last one, Fufeng held her hand, "This is your future daughter-in-law Qingwan, the daughter of the master."

Fuying nodded, "You are worthy of a little girl."

Xue Weiwei also smiled kindly, "Son, this brat is also a blessing. Come here and let me take a good look."

Qingwan walked over and called sweetly: "Uncle Ying, Aunt Xue."

Yu Xiaogang smiled slightly, and asked: "I can only be in charge of half of the children's affairs, and the other half needs her biological father."

At this time, there was an angry reprimand from outside: "That man is not worthy to be Wanwan's master, nor is he worthy to be Wanwan's father."

Everyone looked at the door, and a pure-looking woman came in, followed by a cold man who looked only in his 20s.

In Qingwan's heart, there was only a familiar feeling.

But Fu Ying recognized it, bowed slightly, and said, "Ice Spirit Douluo, Shenlu Douluo, why are you two here?"

Qing Wan heard the title's name and felt that it had something to do with her.

The innocent woman said: "Sect Master Fuying, and everyone, I am this child's grandmother, and he is this child's grandfather."

After finishing speaking, the two released their martial souls at the same time. The female is the Ice Spirit Goddess, the male is the Nine-Colored Divine Deer, and their soul rings are two yellows, two purples, four blacks and one red.

Qing Guan threw herself into their arms, "Grandpa, grandma."

Ice Spirit Douluo hugged the child tightly and said, "You have suffered. That man is not worthy to be your father."

Shenlu Douluo nodded, "What happened back then..."

Once upon a time, their daughter Qingyi, a genius girl, fell in love with Guangling Douluo at first sight, and chased her to the Wuhun Palace.

But Guangling pretended to be ingratiating in order to attract Qingyi and turn him into a pawn in his Wuhun Palace.

After seeing everything clearly, Qingyi spent the night with Guangling and then left. On the way, she met Tang Hao and Ayin and his wife, and helped them out.

Later, Ah Yin and Qing Yi gave birth to children one after another, and the pursuers of Wuhun Palace also arrived, including the enshrined spirit of Wuhun Palace.

Qingyi and Tang Hao teamed up to fight to the death in the Wuhun Hall. In the end, Ayin sacrificed, and Qingyi went to the god to inherit the throne for revenge.

The two children were taken away by Tang Hao, and one was accidentally lost when they came to Notting City, and Yu Xiaogang picked it up unexpectedly.

Qingwan was stunned, it turned out that this was the truth.

Fufeng hugged her tightly, comforting: "They will definitely be punished, don't be sad."

Qingwan nodded, and hugged the man tightly, "I will definitely avenge my mother, I will definitely, I will sever justice with Guang Lingen."

Ice Spirit Douluo also saw that the boy loved Wan Wan badly, so he didn't stop them, "I agree with the old man about your marriage."

Fufeng lowered his head slightly, "Thank you, grandpa and grandma."

Fu Ying was very proud, as expected of being his son, when she first met Emperor Xue Ye, she also called him brother-in-law.

Yu Xiaogang was very happy, "Wan Wan, remember to come back and see me."

Qingwan raised her head from the man's embrace, "Father, I will always belong to Shrek Academy, and I will definitely come back to take care of you."

Shenlu Douluo smiled and said, "Okay, Wanwan, follow us back, the Shenlu family needs you to inherit."

Flender exclaimed: "Shenlu Family!"

Ice Spirit Douluo explained: "The Hidden Family, the direct disciples are all assistant soul masters, only companions, and they are powerful battle soul masters."

Fu Ying suggested: "Why don't you move to Xianjian City."

Shenlu Douluo thought for a while, then nodded: "Okay, this time I take Wanwan back, and we will discuss about relocation."

Xue Weiwei also said: "You are only protected by the Immortal Sword Sect, so you can be regarded as allies. You don't belong to the Immortal Sword Sect, so don't worry."

Fufeng added: "The Nine-Tailed Fox Clan, the Elven Bow Clan, the Snow Fantasy Butterfly Clan, and the Snow Demon Ape Clan are all like this."

Shenlu Douluo said: "I see."

Qing Wan urged: "Grandpa, let's go back now, I can't wait anymore, I don't want to be separated from Fufeng for too long."

(End of this chapter)

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