Chapter 51
Qingwan felt very uncomfortable, and became more determined to become a god, "The soul ring skills she gave me, I call them Zhijing, and Snow Phoenix's Feather."

There are also two soul bone skills, Ice Illusion and Ice Scepter.

Fufeng also accepted the sacrifice of the soul beast, "The soul skill I got is to move mountains and fill the sea, to possess the body of the sword god, to destroy the soul of the soul, and to cut the moon sword."

Fu Mian smiled slightly, and said: "Your soul power is level 85, and you are only 17 years old this year, which is unprecedented."

Fufeng said firmly: "Grandpa, we will definitely become gods and resurrect them."

Qingwan took his hand and said, "Continue to practice."

Fu Mian stepped back, looked at the two with a smile, already imagining what kind of martial spirit his great-grandson would be in the future.

Before you know it, the time for the five-year agreement has arrived.

The spirit power of Fufeng and Qingwan has increased by three levels, and now they are both at level 88.

Given time, the two of them will definitely be able to break through Title Douluo.

Qingwan thought of the plot in the original novel, and said, "Fufeng, let's go find Xiaowu in the Star Forest."

Fu Feng nodded and said, "It's up to you."

At this time, Fu Mian came, followed by two soul beasts, he said with a smile: "You are very lucky, they are almost reaching their limit."

Those were two two-winged evil tigers, majestic and majestic, but their eyes carried a desire for life.

Fufeng asked: "Are you really willing?"

The two winged evil tigers nodded, then closed their eyes, and began the sacrificial ceremony, dedicating their soul rings.

Fufeng got another leg bone, and now he only needs two arm bones.

Qingwan got the soul ring, the soul bone is full, this right arm bone was given to Fufeng, "Absorb it."

Fufeng nodded, picked up the spirit bone, and absorbed it.

Fu Mian laughed loudly, "Your Level 93 Title Douluo, there should be no third person in this world."

Qingwan smiled and nodded, "Yes. By the way, great-grandfather, will our appearance stay in this year forever?"

Fu Mian nodded, "Is this not good?"

Fu Feng shook his head, and said, "Too young, it's just right for him to be a Title Douluo in his 20s."

Fu Mian said: "Okay, don't get cheap and act like a good boy."

Qing Wan urged again: "Okay, it's time for us to find Xiao Wu, I feel that Wuhundian will not let her go."

Fufeng also got serious, he also didn't want to see Tang San sad.

The two bid farewell to their great-grandfather, released the external spirit bone and set off. Finally, they hope that Xiao Wu will be safe and sound.

Fu Mian sighed and said, "I hope there will be time."

At this moment, the lakeside deep in the Star Dou Forest is not peaceful.

Hu Liena and Yan, Xie Yue, Ju Douluo, Ghost Douluo, Jiangmo Douluo and hundreds of Contras forced Xiao Wu to sacrifice to Tang San.

The people in Wuhundian didn't intend to leave, they also wanted to continue besieging and killing the Sky Blue Bull Python and the Titan Giant Ape.

At this time, an ice feather arrow fell and killed a Contra.

Tang San raised his head, it was a beautiful woman and a fairy-like man who came in front of them.

Tianqing Niuban asked: "Are you also with them?"

Qingwan looked at Tang San, her appearance changed drastically, there was a rabbit in her arms, and she asked: "This is Xiao Wu, I'm sorry, I'm late."

Fufeng came over and patted him on the shoulder, "Now, leave everything to us, you can take it to rest."

Tang San asked tentatively: "Are you... Wan Wan and Xiao Feng?"

The two nodded, then turned around, looked coldly at everyone in the Wuhun Hall, and at the same time released the soul skills Chasing the Deer, Winning the Championship, and Returning to the Sect with Thousand Swords.

Wuhundian suffered countless casualties, Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo were also seriously injured, Jiangmo Douluo was not much better.

Hu Liena, Yan, and Xie Yue only saved one life.

With the green hills still there, there is no need to worry about no firewood, so one of the soul masters put up smoke to cover them and hurriedly evacuated.

Qing Guan comforted gently: "Don't worry, Xiao Wu can still be resurrected, after you become a god."

Tang San's eyes lit up, he hurriedly said: "I must become a god."

Fufeng patted him on the shoulder again, and said, "Let's go, go back to the academy first, the five-year appointment is here."

Tang San nodded, but turned around, "Xiao Wu, I took it away."

Qing Wan suggested: "You go to Xianjianzong, where there is a treasure that can protect you well, and there is also Limit Douluo."

Sky Blue Bull Python shook his head, "No need."

Titan Giant Ape also said: "Tang San, you must resurrect Xiao Wu, otherwise, we won't let you go."

Tang San promised again, and then he followed Qing Guan and Fufeng to Tiandou City with Xiao Wu in his arms, and met Dugu Bo on the way.

At this moment, he is with Xue Beng.

Hearing a familiar voice, Dugu Bo asked with a smile, "Why are you here? Oh, by the way, which...a five-year agreement."

Qing Wan nodded and said, "Yes, a five-year agreement."

After a while, Xue Beng's voice came: "You all, come in, the outside is not a place to talk."

The three looked at each other and went up.

Xue Beng nodded slightly, and said, "You guys came just in time, my father had an accident, and now I need your help."

Qing Wan had already guessed it, but still asked: "What happened when we were away?"

Xue Beng said: "The two Immortal Sword Sect disciples are inseparable. Father was still poisoned, and now he is dying. He won't live long."

Fu Feng frowned, "I only thought of assassination, but I didn't expect someone to poison me. Even Senior Dugu..."

Dugu Bo nodded, and said: "I can't do anything, Ning Fengzhi and the others are also helpless. The current situation in the empire is very dangerous."

Qing Wan then said: "I'll go and treat His Majesty."

Fufeng asked: "Do you have a solution?"

Tang San felt that he could unite the power of the royal family to fight against the Spirit Hall, so he said, "I understand poison, let's go together."

Xue Beng was very happy, and quickly said, "Thank you."

Qing Wan thought of another thing, "Your Majesty has already had an accident, will the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School and the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon School also have an accident?"

Xue Beng shook his head, "I don't know, but it should be impossible."

Tang San closed his eyes and said: "Nothing is impossible, the power of Spirit Hall is greater than we imagined."

Qing Guan nodded, "It's not too late, we set off immediately, we must stop their plot."

Fu Feng smiled slightly and said, "I'll send a letter back."

Tang San thought about the three-year agreement, and said: "When everyone comes, let's discuss countermeasures together at Shrek Academy."

Qingwan hesitated for a moment, then nodded, "Your Highness, then we will leave first, and then my grandfather will come, Your Majesty will be fine."

Xue Beng nodded, "In that case, thank you very much."

The two sides parted at this point, Xue Beng and Dugu Bo went to the palace, Qing Guan, Fufeng and Tang San went to Shrek.

A banner was pasted at the entrance of the academy, which said congratulations to Shrek Academy for winning the championship of the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Competition again.

(End of this chapter)

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