Shrek ninth monster in Douluo continent

Chapter 52 The Competition with the Dean

Chapter 52 The Competition with the Dean
Qing Guan smiled and said: "Shrek Academy, won the championship again?"

Fufeng said: "Without us, Shrek is still so powerful, now the principal should be making a lot of money."

Tang San nodded, and said in agreement: "Go in."

Before the three of them approached the school gate, they were stopped by several elementary school students.

One of them also said: "You are already the No.30 second wave posing as seniors, well, get out of here."

The three of them looked at the grass over there, and sure enough, a few middle-aged men they didn't know said something, I'm Fufeng, he's Fuce.

Qing Guan smiled and said, "Yu Xiaogang is really my father."

Fufeng released his martial soul, and nine soul rings rose from his body, two yellow, one purple, two black and four red, "Now, can you prove your identity?"

Tang San was also stunned, and asked: "You, are you a Titled Douluo?"

Qingwan answered him: "I'm also a Titled Douluo. Speaking of which, this is the opportunity Fufeng gave me."

Several students were trembling with fright, and then ran in to report to the teachers. After a while, they all came.

Flender looked at several students and said happily: "Xiaofeng, this is Wanwan, who is this? Why have I never seen it before?"

Qing Wan introduced: "This is Tang San."

Tang San nodded, released the spirit Blue Silver Emperor, the spirit ring was two yellow, one purple, one black and one red, "I'm really Tang San."

Yu Xiaogang was very happy, and ran over to hug his apprentice and then his daughter, "Why haven't you come back once?"

Qingwan acted like a baby: "Didn't you already come back?"

Suddenly, a familiar voice came from behind them: "It's Xiaofeng, and Wanwan, Tang San? Are you here so early?"

Several people turned around, it was Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing.

Ning Rongrong, Ning Qiuqiu, and Liu Qianhan also came, Ma Hongjun was still so fat, and the four substitutes had hardly changed.

The difference is that Jiang Zhu brought another one with her, and she said, "This is my husband, named Fu Yi, a direct disciple of the Immortal Sword Sect."

Flender hurriedly said, "Come in with me."

So, they all followed the principal to the office, Tang San talked about his experience, and everyone sympathized.

Qingwan found that one person was missing, and asked, "Where's Xiao Ao?"

Ning Rongrong showed a happy smile on his face, and said: "He is coming back soon, he has broken through to the Soul Emperor."

Qing Wan was very happy and said, "I hope he can get what he wants."

Fu Feng nodded, and said: "Of course I will. When Fu Ce was training outside, he met him, so the two became friends."

Ning Rongrong suddenly bowed and said, "Xiaofeng, thank you."

Qing Wan helped her up and said, "We are all friends, don't say such outrageous things. By the way, there is still business to discuss."

Fufeng said: "Uncle has been poisoned, senior Dugu and Sect Master Ning are helpless, I suspect that this is the spirit of the Wuhun Palace."

Tang San nodded, and continued: "We want to save Your Majesty."

Qing Wan went on to say: "Wuhundian is so bold that it might attack the three sects, so we must act immediately."

Yu Xiaogang thought for a moment, and said: "Xiaofeng, Wanwan, you are the strongest, and you are related to the royal family by marriage, immediately enter the palace to protect His Majesty."

Qing Wan nodded, "We're going now."

Ning Rongrong became anxious and said: "Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, I want to go home, I want to go home and help my clan."

Fufeng comforted: "Don't worry, I have already sent a letter back."

Ning Fengque asked seriously: "How long is it?"

Fu Feng shook his head, "I don't know, but I will arrive as soon as possible. And the boss, Star Luo Empire, be careful."

Dai Mubai nodded, and said: "We will go back in a few days."

Zhu Zhuqing also said: "The Star Luo Empire has a titled Douluo, and the Spirit Hall will not be able to conquer it for a while."

Flender interrupted: "Okay, let's not talk about this, you are all here, let's show it to the students."

Qingwan smiled and said, "I and Fufeng don't need it."

Yu Xiaogang nodded, and said proudly: "When you play, the Golden Dragon will not be your opponent. Just watch the battle."

Ma Hongjun is envious, "Your Title Douluo."

Dai Mubai shook his head, and said: "Take heart, we are considered geniuses, and you... are incomparable."

Then, Liu Erlong went to inform the students to watch the battle.

After a while, all came to the playground, even the teachers all came, it can be described as a sea of ​​people.

Flender asked, "Did you take the money?"

Liu Erlong shook his head and said, "No, you didn't say anything."

Flender looked heartbroken, and then, at this moment, he could only go up and said, "These are your seniors and sisters."

All the students cheered and shouted their names loudly.

Then the rules of the contest are that five of the nine monsters need to hold on to a stick of incense under the attacks of Dean Flender and Vice-President Zao Wou-ki.

In fact, there is no suspense at all, the dean and the others are bound to lose.

Qingwan hugged Xiao Wu and watched the play quietly.

Fufeng's eyes fell on the girl beside him, and he didn't notice the duel between them at all.

Liu Erlong lit a stick of incense and announced: "The match begins."

Ning Rongrong releases her martial soul to increase strength, attributes, and attack for strong attacking and controlling soul masters, and increase speed and attack for sensitive attacking soul masters.

Although the remaining five monsters didn't get much increase in soul power, but there were enough people, so they wouldn't suffer too much.

Tang San smiled slightly, and put the blue silver cage straight to trap Zhao Wuji.

Flender harassed in the air, but unfortunately it was of no use, he was held back by Ma Hongjun, and then Zhao Wuji was beaten up.

In the end, Tang San flew up with everyone, and said: "Let's negotiate a peace, if the fight continues, you won't be able to save face."

Flender agreed, so he released a soul skill casually.

The five monsters all tacitly agreed, they all pretended to be repelled by the dean's soul skills, and then surrendered.

Qing Guan smiled and said, "If I play, it will be even worse for him to lose."

Yu Xiaogang said: "Yes, then this competition is about how long Zao Wou-ki and Flender can last."

Fufeng laughed and shook his head, "Master, we are going to work now, so I won't say goodbye to everyone right now."

Yu Xiaogang nodded, and after a few words of advice, he watched them leave.

At night, it is quiet and beautiful.

The disciples of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect patrolled earnestly. One of them seemed to have discovered something and immediately sent out a firework signal.

After a while, the two disciples were killed.

Ning Fengzhi was alarmed, and brought Bone Douluo and Sword Douluo out to deal with the crisis. At this moment, there was also a fairy sword soul master.

Fu Ye said: "Sect Master Ning, let your disciples retreat first."

Chen Xin nodded, "They are safe and sound, so we can fight without any scruples, let's give an order."

Ning Fengzhi nodded, and immediately released the firework signal to retreat.

However, the people from Wuhundian came.

Which one is the leader is a beautiful woman with a pair of red wings on her body and flames dancing in her palm.

(End of this chapter)

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