Shrek ninth monster in Douluo continent

Chapter 53 Seven Treasure Glazed Sect Besieged

Chapter 53 Seven Treasures Glazed Sect Besieged

On the right are Snake Lance Douluo, Porcupine Douluo, and Sacred Douluo, and on the left are the suzerain Hu Yanzhen of the Elephant Armor Sect and Tuoba Xi, the suzerain of the Holy Dragon Sect.

Behind them are the disciples of Wuhundian, Elephant Armor Sect, and Holy Dragon Sect.

Chen Xin turned her head slightly, and said: "Gu Long, take Feng Zhi and go first, Fu Ye and I will deal with them."

At this time, a voice came from above: "There are still us."

Everyone raised their heads, Fufeng Yujian came, Qingwan folded her icy wings and landed gracefully, looking coldly at the person opposite.

Fu Ye slightly bent down, "See Young Sect Master."

Fu Feng nodded slightly, and said, "How about the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex?"

Fu Ye sighed, and said: "The subordinates and Fu Zhong fought with all their strength, but only half of the disciples were saved. The suzerain Yu Yuanzhen died tragically."

Fufeng also sighed, and said: "It's not your fault, it's me who underestimated the power of the Spirit Hall."

Qingwan retreated, released the Nine-Colored Divine Deer, and activated the fifth soul skill Nine-Colored Divine Light, "Uncle Ning, you can fight them to the death."

Ning Fengzhi nodded, and released the spirit and spirit ring, "Seven treasures turn out the glass, one is power, the other is speed, the third is soul, the fifth is attack and the sixth is increase."

The effect of the amplification is doubled. Now, each kind of amplification is about 240%.

Chen Xin laughed and said: "My current strength has reached level 98. If you come, don't even think about leaving."

Snake Lance Douluo smiled coldly and said, "Go, kill them."

Fufeng released his martial soul and heaven-defying soul ring to face Snake Lance Douluo and Sacred Douluo, "Excuse me, I am also a Titled Douluo."

Holy Douluo looked at Qingwan, "You are a member of Wuhun Temple, are you going to be a traitor?"

Qing Guan replied coldly: "I never belonged to Wuhundian."

Ning Fengzhi was very relieved, and said bluntly: "Don't try your best to win her over, she is a member of the Shenlu clan and does not belong to any power."

Holy Douluo said: "Then let's die together."

Fufeng released the guardian of the sword spirit and resisted the two attacks, "Your grandson can't beat me, and you can't beat me either."

Some fairy swords with heaven-defying soul rings, coupled with the increase of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, at this moment, one against two is not at all inferior.

At this time, the flying female titled Douluo seemed to want to attack the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School with a large group of flames.

Qing Guan switches the Ice Goddess Martial Soul, releases the Ice Domain, applies the Ice Spirit Possession soul skill to allies, and then releases the soul skill Xue Hantian.

The entire Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School was covered in ice, the cold current was like a sword, and the snowflakes were like blades, and none of the Wuhundian coalition forces were spared.

Chen Xin fights against Hu Yanzhen, Bone Dragon fights against Tuoba Xi, Fu Ye fights against Porpoise Douluo, and the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School firmly holds the upper hand.

That female Titled Douluo immediately rushed up to entangle Qing Guan, trying to give the others a chance to kill Ning Fengzhi.

Qing Guan directly released the Frost Palm, this time fully using her soul skills, completely turning her opponent into an ice sculpture, and then smashed it into pieces with one palm.

This female titled Douluo fell directly, but it is not too unjust to die in the hands of the Ice Spirit Goddess, this Martial Soul is only second to the god level.

Ning Fengzhi heaved a sigh of relief, and shouted: "Counterattack."

The disciples of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School immediately took out the weapons they bought from Tang San, launched a counterattack, and defeated the Spirit Hall in one fell swoop.

Qingwan smiled slightly, "I am also a Titled Douluo."

She immediately switched to the Guangling Divine Bow spirit, and the heaven-defying spirit ring appeared. First, she used the combined spirit skills of Piercing Cloud and Breaking Soul, and then Chasing the Deer and Winning the Championship.

Everyone in the Elephant Armor Sect couldn't bear the strengthened Ice Feather Arrow at all, and they were injured by Xue Hantian, and they were also killed one after another.

Snake Lance Douluo saw that he had no advantage, so he could only shout: "Let's retreat first. Immortal Sword Sect, the future will be long."

Fu Feng smiled slightly and said, "We are always here for you."

After finishing speaking, he, Chen Xin and Fu Ye released the group attack soul skill Wan Jian Guizong, allowing only four strong men to escape from the Wuhun Hall.

Fu Feng withdrew his martial spirit, turned around, "Uncle Ning, this time, if Wan Wan and I hadn't arrived in time, the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School would have disappeared."

Qing Wan also advised: "You should move to Xianjian City as soon as possible."

Gu Rong said, "Where's the royal family?"

Qing Wan said: "The royal family still can't take care of themselves. Wherever there is time to talk to you, only Xianjianzong can spare a hand."

Ning Fengzhi thought over and over again, and finally nodded, "Let's inform, pack your luggage, the sect will move in a month's time."

Fu Feng said: "Uncle Ning, to show my sincerity, I asked Fu Ye and Fu Zhong, two titled Douluo, to personally escort me."

At this time, Fu Ying arrived with several Title Douluo.

The two Immortal Sword Sects are Fubai and Fuyun, and the rest are Nine-Tails Douluo, Snow Fantasy Douluo, Snow Demon Douluo, and Fairy Douluo.

There is also the Shenlu clan, Shenlu Douluo, Qin Douluo Siqin, Pomo Douluo, and Qinglian all came, but Ice Spirit Douluo did not come.

Qingwan ran over and threw herself into Grandpa's arms, coquettishly: "Why didn't Grandma come over?"

Si Qin replied: "Mother left to take care of the aftermath."

Qinglian added: "This is the rule of the clan, besides, we are all here, and we still can't beat the Spirit Hall?"

Qingwan nodded, "You're right."

Fufeng looked at his father, "You are late, Wanwan and I won't come, what you will see is a sea of ​​flames and their bodies."

Fuying coughed and said, "It takes time to ask for help."

Snow Illusion Douluo said: "It's all here, stay and play for a few days before going back, it's a worthwhile trip."

Qinglian pulled her niece up and said, "Let's go together."

Qingwan nodded, "Okay."

Si Qin asked: "Wife, will you take me? It's so late, it's not safe for the three ladies to go out."

Qinglian shook her head and said: "Wan Wan and Xue Huan are both here, you don't need to protect me, we will definitely come back safe and sound."

Then, the three ladies left.

Si Qin was very reluctant, but his wife wanted to go out alone with her little sister and niece, if he stopped, it would be too unreasonable.

Fu Ying coughed and said, "We won't bother you anymore."

Fu Feng said, "I'll go see Uncle."

Shenlu Douluo said: "I will go with you, my martial soul can remove most of the poison."

Fuying was puzzled, "What's wrong with big brother? What's wrong with Tiandou?"

Fufeng explained: "Uncle was poisoned, even Senior Dugu couldn't do anything about it, it seems they did it."

Ning Fengzhi said hastily: "I'll take you to see His Majesty, and go in through another road, without disturbing anyone, and you won't startle the snake."

Fufeng nodded, "Uncle Ning, please."

Gu Rong said: "Fengzhi, I'll go with you, I'm leaving now, but I need His Highness Xue Beng to support me."

Fufeng said: "It's fine for me to go alone. Wuhundian knows that I am in Tiandou City, but it is you who need to hide."

Fu Ying agreed and said, "Be careful."

Fu Ye bent slightly, "Sovereign, this subordinate will accompany the young Sect Master first. The disciples of the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect will all be arranged in Shrek."

Fu Ying nodded, "I see, I will deal with it."

(End of this chapter)

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