Shrek ninth monster in Douluo continent

Chapter 59 Soul Master Legion

Chapter 59 Soul Master Legion
Emperor Xue Ye smiled, "I am relieved that you are here."

Xue Beng, who was sitting by the side, got up and said seriously: "Father, please trust me once."

Emperor Xue Ye said: "Your cultivation base is too low. In case of a war, the Immortal Sword Sect will command the three armies, and you must not intervene."

Xue Beng understood what his father meant and immediately agreed.

Fu Ying said: "It's possible to start a war, but Qian Daoliu probably won't participate, he can't leave the Angel Temple at will."

Hearing this, Emperor Xue Ye said with joy in his tone, "Does that mean that the Heaven Dou Empire has a high chance of winning?"

Fu Ying shook her head, "I don't know."

Only when the children come back can we know what the odds are.

For Wuhundian to have today's status, its power must be comparable to Immortal Sword Sect, especially Titled Douluo.

There are less than five titled Douluo from the two empires combined.

Emperor Xue Ye thought for a long time, took a pen and wrote a letter, called a guard, and ordered: "Send it to the Emperor of the Star Luo Empire immediately."

Fu Ying couldn't bear it anymore, so she revealed a piece of news, "The Four Elemental Schools have surrendered to Shrek."

Emperor Xue Ye was taken aback for a moment, and then asked pleasantly, "What did you do?"

Xue Beng was also surprised, this action was too fast.

Fuying nodded, "Besides them, there are also the Heaven Dou Empire and the Soul Arenas of the affiliated duchies."

It doesn't matter if other forces submit to Wuhundian.

Xue Beng laughed, and said respectfully: "Thank you, Master Shadow Sword, for your vision, I feel ashamed."

Emperor Xue Ye smiled and said: "In addition to the soul masters recruited by the people, if there is a fight, we also have an army of soul masters."

Fu Ying still poured cold water on her, "Don't be too happy, all you can recruit are low-level soul masters, and it will be a disadvantage for you to go to the Spirit Hall."

Emperor Xue Ye's smile froze, "Then what should I do?"

Xue Beng also asked: "With the increase of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda, it can't compete with the Wuhun Palace?"

Fuying didn't answer directly, but only said: "Brother, Your Highness, give me a little time, Tiandou Empire will be fine."

The children survived the torture of Titled Douluo, and finally, they came to the day of parting.

At the gate of Shrek Academy, everyone came to see him off.

Shenlu Douluo said with a smile: "Children, who is willing to accept the test of Lord Bai Ze with me?"

Si Qin also said: "I am willing to accept the test of the God of Music, come here."

Yu Tianheng and Yu Tianxin, after careful consideration, chose the test of the first-level god Bai Ze Shenjun.

Shui Bing'er, Xue Wu, Liu Qianhan, Ning Qiu, and Ning Xia chose the Leshen test, probably because they thought it would be easier.

Huo Wu, Huo Wushuang, and Feng Xiaotian considered for a long time, and finally decided to choose the test of Lord Bai Ze.

At this moment, Fu Ce can only go back to the sect alone.

Fufeng looked at his father and said, "I'll leave everything to my father. Don't worry, it won't be long."

Fuying nodded, "Understood."

Flender just said, "You guys come back safely."

When parting, there are always thousands of words stuck in my heart, and I don't know how to say it, so I just wait for the day when I come back to talk happily.

They split into three teams and left in three different directions.

Flender cried like a child, "I don't want to part with the little monster, just in case I can't come back..."

Liu Erlong stared at him coldly, and said: "If my mother's child can't come back, I will sacrifice you to heaven, believe it or not?"

Flender hesitated, "I said something wrong, I'm sorry."

Yu Xiaogang turned around, "Now, it's time to deal with the matter of the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect, and I need to trouble Lord Fuying to help."

Fuying nodded: "No trouble."

The remaining half of the disciples of Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex are not too high-level, and almost all of them are half-grown children.

When the disciples who were working outside came back, there were only a few more masters at the level of soul saints, but compared to before, they were still much worse.

In the Zongmen Square, several elders with the highest cultivation base are vying for the position of suzerain, and no one is willing to step back.

At this moment, Fuying came with Yu Xiaogang.

Yu Xiaogang looked at the crowd and said, "Let me be the suzerain. In terms of seniority, I am the highest, and in terms of strength, I am already the soul sect."

Fuying also spoke: "Immortal Sword Sect only recognizes the Sect Master Yu Xiaogang."

As soon as these words came out, everyone had to recognize the suzerain.

Without the protection of the Immortal Sword Sect, the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect would only end in destruction. After all, they have no ability to fight against the Spirit Hall.

Yu Xiaogang looked at everyone and said, "From tomorrow onwards, all of you will come to Shrek Academy and accept my training."

Everyone didn't dare to refute, so they had to agree.

Fu Ying patted him on the shoulder, "If you have something to do, send me a message. I'm going to find Ning Fengzhi to discuss something."

Yu Xiaogang nodded, watched him leave, and only looked away when his figure disappeared, "The future of the sect is in your hands."

The soul saints were not convinced in their hearts, and secretly thought that they must find an opportunity to embarrass him.

Yu Xiaogang added: "Now is not the time for internal fighting. When the Wuhun Palace is settled, the suzerain position will be created between Tianheng and Tianxin."

These two were the heirs that the old suzerain was optimistic about.

But when that time really comes, is Yu Xiaogang really willing?Is he really willing to let go of his status and power?

The soul sage at the far end asked, "What if you broke your promise?"

Everyone agreed one after another, as if they wanted to stare at a hole, and they didn't want a soul sect to manage the entire sect.

Yu Xiaogang thought of Wan Wan, and said, "I just want to spend my whole life in Shrek with my daughter."

Seeing that he didn't seem to be joking, everyone could only temporarily agree.

Xianjianzong is the only force that can fight against Wuhundian. Without their support, it will not be easy for Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus to take revenge.

Fu Ying came to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School and saw Ning Fengzhi in the study.

Today, Chen Xin sat by and accompanied Ning Fengzhi, while Gu Rong went to deal with other affairs in the sect.

Fu Ying asked: "Brother Ning, how many soul kings are there in your sect?"

Ning Fengzhi thought for a while, and said: "Thanks to the two children who rescued the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School in time, there are a thousand soul masters above the soul king level."

Of course, four hundred for the soul king, five hundred for the soul emperor, and one hundred for the soul saint.

Chen Xin was curious, so he asked: "Sect Master Fu, you ask this, what are you going to do? Is it to deal with Wuhundian?"

Fuying nodded, "I want to build an army of soul masters."

Immediately afterwards, he expressed his vision, which was quite bold, and some of them were even impossible to complete.

This legion is composed of the Clear Sky Hammer, Plate Armored Giant Rhino, Vigorous Gorilla, Soul Breaker Spear, Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex, Immortal Sword, Snow Fantasy Butterfly, Snow Demon Ape, and Shrek, and its strength must reach the level of a Soul Emperor.

There is also the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan, responsible for the assassination.The Shenlu clan and the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda formed an auxiliary soul master army.

Ning Fengzhi agreed, but, "Brother Fuying, who will protect the assistant soul master?"

Fu Ying replied: "The Elf God Bow Clan and the God Deer Clan also have several titled Douluo with extremely strong fighting power, don't worry."

(End of this chapter)

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