Chapter 60
Ning Fengzhi was still worried, "Will they try their best?"

Chen Xin nodded, "We are willing to trust our comrades-in-arms, but will they also trust us?"

Fu Ying thought for a while and said, "Well, I'll call my grandfather over to join in the fun, he is a level 98 peak Douluo."

Ning Fengzhi felt relieved, "I will do as you say."

Chen Xin thought of another thing, "Then Haotianzong has lived in seclusion for more than ten years, can you still find it?"

Fu Ying nodded and said, "I know where they are."

Then, he sighed, and said: "If Haotianzong was willing to say something, I, Xianjianzong, would definitely make a move."

Ning Fengzhi was curious, "Tang Hao killed Qian Xunji, and Qian Daoliu sought revenge from Haotianzong in order to avenge his son. No one else needs to intervene."

Fu Ying said: "It's fine if it's a personal grievance. Tang Hao doesn't have the ability to kill Qian Xunji, and Seraph is a god-level martial soul, not to mention so many titled Douluo who have gone to the Spirit Hall."

After saying this, they also began to doubt, could it be... there is something hidden in it?

At this moment, Ning Fengzhi wanted to understand a little bit, "Maybe Qian Daoliu took the opportunity to make trouble, and deal with Haotianzong to give Wuhun Hall a prestige?"

Chen Xin frowned, "They are really insidious."

Fu Ying smiled slightly, and said: "You may not know that this Spirit Hall is not as harmonious as it appears on the surface."

The Hall of Elders has always been at odds with the Hall of Wuhun.

In other words, Qian Daoliu and Bibi Dong may be using their relationship, they will not fully trust each other.

Ning Fengzhi guessed his intention, but, "Which ancestor of the Immortal Sword Sect is most suitable for this person."

Fu Ying nodded, "It's comfortable to talk to smart people."

On the other side, Shrek and the others drove for several days in a carriage and arrived at the foot of a remote mountain.

It was getting late, everyone stopped and wanted to rest overnight.

At this time, a child stumbled over and ran over, shouting incessantly: "There are monsters, there are monsters, help."

Qingwan went over, stopped the child and hugged him, comforted him gently, and then asked: "What happened?"

The child calmed down, said nothing, pointed in the direction behind him, and then passed out.

Tang San activated the Purple Demon Eyes, looked ahead, and found a group of special things, they looked like humans and wolves.

Ma Hongjun directly protected Bai Chenxiang behind him, "Third Brother, what's the situation? Do we need to fight?"

Tang San described what he saw, "How to deal with it?"

Dai Mubai looked solemn, and said: "It should be a wolf thief, a combination of a Gale Demon wolf and a human, very cruel, must be killed."

Fu Feng nodded, "I will do it myself."

Qingwan looked at the sisters, "Just stay here, we will go back as soon as we go, nothing will happen."

Zhu Zhuqing nodded, "You guys have to come back safely."

Fufeng said on behalf of everyone: "I'm here, don't worry."

Qing Guan, Fu Feng, Tang San, Dai Mubai, Ma Hongjun set off, Oscar stayed behind to take care of the child.

They walked forward for 200 meters, passed through a forest, and found a small village, but all the villagers were dead.

A large group of wolves and thieves appeared. They were all tall and mighty, with blood dripping from their mouths and green eyes.

Qing Wan could recognize it, it was human blood, "It's too hateful."

Fufeng released the dragon wing soul bone, flew into the sky, and then summoned the martial soul ghost emperor, and fully activated the second soul skill Baigui Yexing.

Seeing this, Qing Guan also released the Ice Wing Soul Bone and flew into the sky, possessed by the Ice Goddess Wuhun, and activated the fourth spirit skill Xue Hantian.

The two range-like soul skills just covered all the wolf thieves.

Ma Hongjun was not idle either, possessed by the evil fire phoenix, and then activated the fifth soul skill Phoenix Meteor Shower.

Dai Mubai chose to release the fourth spirit ability White Tiger Meteor Shower, while Tang San used his hidden weapon, One Thousand and One Nights.

With the power of the underworld, the power of ice and snow, the power of fire and light, and the terrifying lethality of hidden weapons, none of the wolf robbers survived.

The fighting was over, and the village was once again calm.

Qing Guan landed and released the nine-colored deer spirit. After searching for a long time, he finally found the lucky one in a cellar.

The villagers were very enthusiastic and treated their benefactor well and gave them a lot of delicious food before letting their benefactor go.

I don't know how long it took, they finally came to the seaside.

Qingwan stretched her waist and said, "Fufeng, I'm so tired, I want to rest for a night and think about going to sea tomorrow."

Fufeng nodded, looked at the others, and said, "I heard that there is a spirit fighting field here, you can go and try the advanced spirit fighting."

Tang San said: "We understand."

The group first went to the hotel to book a room, and after a night's rest, they separated and went to take a good look around the city by the sea.

Fufeng dragged Qingwan to the auction house, thinking about finding treasures.

They watched for a long time and bought a big boat.

Qing Wan said: "At that time, there will be an accident. I will build a ship out of ice, won't it be enough?"

Fufeng hugged her and said, "It's convenient to have a spare boat."

At this time, it was the turn of the auction to a submarine, which looked like a model, but the auctioneer said it could be enlarged.

Qingwan was more interested, so she paid for it.

Fufeng also followed her, since she had a lot of money anyway, so she might be able to use it when she went out for her honeymoon in the future.

The rich people here are laughing, this is a big mistake.

The auctioneer was also very happy, and stopped shouting, "Congratulations to this distinguished guest, you have won a submarine."

Then the other treasures are very average, Qingwan is not interested, "Let's go back, I want to watch the soul fighting competition here."

Fufeng nodded, "I'll take you there."

The two of them came to the spirit fighting field here again. It was a high-level spirit fighting, and all the participants were soul emperors. Of course, the rewards were very generous.

At this time, the referee's voice came: "Next, the Fengxiang team will face the Haipo brothers, both of whom are in the realm of soul kings."

Qingwan became interested, "Fengxiang combination? It's Ma Hongjun and Bai Chenxiang, right? Their attributes are restrained. Can they win?"

Fufeng said, "Of course we can win."

In fact, he doesn't know if he can win, but he can't increase the ambition of others and destroy his own prestige.

Sure enough, Ma Hongjun and Bai Chenxiang appeared in Hailing Arena.

The Haipo brothers on the opposite side are all sea soul masters. This is a duel between sea and air, but sea soul masters can't stop the phoenix flames.

Qingwan was very happy, "They actually won."

Fufeng was fascinated by her smile, "Wanwan, it's a pity that there is no super high-level fighting spirit, otherwise, we can directly participate."

Qing Guan was a little speechless, "If we participate, we can tear down the entire fighting spirit field, let's forget it."

They watched a few more matches and felt that it was really boring, so they went back to the hotel and didn't come downstairs until the next morning.

(End of this chapter)

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