Chapter 61 Shipwreck
Everyone was almost eating breakfast, but they rested for half a day, and did not embark on the journey again until noon.

Three days later, they finally came to the beach.

Tang San took out a small boat from the soul tool, threw it into the sea, the small boat turned around in the air, and became ten times bigger.

Those who couldn't fly ate the flying sausage and flew up together.

Among these people, Fufeng was the most knowledgeable, so he took the initiative to take on the task of sailing the boat.

Sitting beside him, Qingwan thought of a soul beast called the Deep Sea Demon Whale King. Can he meet this time?
Tang San and the others were all seasick, their faces were very ugly, they all stayed in the cabin and refused to come out.

Qingwan suddenly asked: "Fufeng, what if, I mean, if we encounter a very strong soul beast, but we can't beat it, what should we do?"

Fufeng said: "I will do my best to protect your safety."

I don't know how many days I have been drifting at sea, when suddenly a huge wave came over, and it seemed that the ship was about to be smashed into pieces.

Fufeng released the dragon wing soul bone to lift into the air, and then released the martial soul sword. The second soul skill, sword spirit guard, was fully activated, and barely stopped it.

Seeing this, Qing Guan immediately released the Bingyi Soul Bone, and also flew into the air together with the Wuhun Light Feather Divine Bow.

The others came out, ate the flying sausage and lifted off.

At this time, a huge whale appeared in the sea. After observing it, Qingwan felt like the deep sea demon whale king in the original book.

Fufeng turned his head slightly and said, "Hurry up and go."

Tang San shook his head, "Let's go together, everyone came together, there's no reason to leave the two of you behind."

Fufeng looked serious, and said again: "This, it may be the super sea soul beast that great-grandfather said, the deep sea demon whale king."

Qing Wan added: "It is about to become a god in the body of a soul beast."

After hearing this, they were all desperate. Could it be that they were going to be buried here today?No, absolutely not.

The Deep Sea Demon Whale King said: "The successor of the Sword God, the successor of the Yueyao Empress, and the successor of the Sea God have made a lot of money today."

Unexpectedly, as soon as the words fell, two divine thoughts descended.

The sword god said coldly: "Do you dare to attack my junior? The sword in my hand will not promise you."

Empress Yueyao looked at the sky and called out, "Sea God."

Immediately afterwards, the Seagod's Divine Sense descended, saluted the two superiors, and then suppressed and expelled the Deep Sea Demon Whale King.

The crisis was resolved, and the three divine senses disappeared.

Everyone landed on the ice bamboo raft, Fufeng immediately took out the spare boat that he bought a long time ago, took everyone aboard, and continued on their way.

Ma Hongjun breathed a sigh of relief, "Foresight and foresight."

Qingwan took out the small submarine, "It seems that this one is useless."

Fufeng comforted gently: "Don't worry, it's your honeymoon in the future, I'll take you to ride it to the bottom of the sea."

Qingwan nodded, put away the small submarine, "You have to keep your word, if you lie to me, you will be finished, you know?"

Fufeng nodded, "I won't lie to you, trust me."

Dai Mubai felt strange, "The sea is too stormy, it should be safer for us to be a submarine."

Fufeng explained: "This submarine is only used to see the scenery, and has no other purpose. It is safer to take a boat."

Qingwan realized that she had been tricked, and asked quickly: "Then why didn't you stop me? You clearly know what that is."

Fufeng's eyes are doting, "I just want you to be happy."

Zhu Zhuqing glanced at Dai Mubai, with disgust in his eyes, and twisted his waist forcefully.

Dai Mubai gasped in pain, "Zhuqing, why are you pinching me?"

Ning Rongrong smiled and said: "Xiaoqing is accusing you of being playful, and envies Wanwan for having a boyfriend who will stick with her forever."

Dai Mubai was also very regretful in his heart, "I'm really sorry for what happened before, but I will definitely not mess around in the future."

Zhu Zhuqing didn't speak, but the threat in his eyes was obvious.

Oscar is also very fortunate, at first he liked to look at beautiful women, but he just looked at them.

Tang San looked at Xiao Wu, "I'm very lucky."

Zhu Zhuqing said: "The most innocent boys are Brother San and Brother Feng. Xiao Wu and Wan Wan are very lucky."

Qingwan smiled and walked over to comfort her: "You are also very lucky, all the girls who think they can turn the prodigal son back have lost, but you have won."

Fufeng nodded, and echoed: "It's hard for a prodigal son to turn back, no one will be that unique, that special existence."

Tang San looked him up and down, "Xiaofeng, have you experienced a lot?"

Dai Mubai nodded, "I agree with this sentence. I am not a prodigal son, I am desperate for the future."

Zhu Zhuqing added: "So you messed up?"

After meeting Fu Feng and Tang San, the hope of winning was kindled in his heart, and he decided to fight for his life.

This spare ship ran for an unknown distance, and encountered a seaspout and a huge wave, and then the group of people were washed away.

Three days later, on a small island.

Fufeng woke up, looked around, it was Tang San and Wanwan, and the others had disappeared.

After a while, a young boy came in, "You are finally awake, your body is not yet fully recovered, please rest for a while."

At this time, Qingwan also woke up, "Fufeng."

Fufeng got off the bed, walked over and hugged her tightly, "I'm fine, we're not separated."

When the waves came, he and Wanwan used all their soul skills, only Tang San was rescued, but the others were scattered, where to find them now?
Qing Wan nodded. She looked around but didn't see anyone else, so she asked, "Where are they?" They won't be taken away, right?

According to the plot in the original book, there is a high probability that Purple Pearl was caught.

That woman had other thoughts about Xiao Wu, but her cultivation was Soul Emperor, so it would be a bit difficult for Tang San and the others.

Fu Feng shook his head, "I don't know."

The boy said: "Are you as unaware of water as you? I heard that Purple Pearl caught some."

Tang San was also awakened, "What did you just say?"

Qingwan repeated it for him, and then said: "Xiaofeng and I will save Xiaowu first, third brother, you should rest here."

Tang San shook his head, "No, I'll go with you."

The boy hurriedly stopped him: "No, you can't go, that Purple Pearl is very cruel and cruel."

Qingwan released nine spirit rings and asked, "Is she ruthless?"

Fufeng asked: "Tell me, where is Zizhuzhu? I have to save people immediately, if it is too late, it will be too late."

The boy nodded and pointed to the east, "just go there."

The three set off, flew in that direction for a long time, and finally arrived at the pirate's lair, without saying anything, they directly suppressed it by force.

Not long after, Purple Pearl came out, "Seniors, did you come here to make trouble?"

Qing Guan said coldly: "Hand over my friend."

Fufeng released the immortal sword and martial soul, "You are talking after thinking clearly."

Zizhuzhu recognized this Wuhun, the world's number one attacker Wuhun, but laughed, "Then let's try it."

(End of this chapter)

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