Shrek ninth monster in Douluo continent

Chapter 62 The test is coming

Chapter 62 The test is coming
Then, the Martial Soul Sea Viper was released, and the soul rings of the six best combinations rose up, with the strength of the Soul Emperor level.

Fufeng didn't say much, and directly released the sixth soul skill, the twilight of the gods, to lock the purple pearl, and then countless sword blades fell from the sky.

Seeing that the boss was taken care of, those little pirates rushed up immediately.

The corners of Qing Guan's lips curled up slightly, the Martial Soul Ice Spirit Goddess possessed her body, and the third soul skill, Frozen Art, was fully activated.

Those little pirates are all frozen and cannot break free at present.

Purple Pearl was also seriously injured, "Thank you for your mercy, senior, let's take him away, there is no shame in losing to Title Douluo."

Fufeng nodded slightly, walked into their base camp, quickly found them, and gave them a pill.

It didn't take long, and basically recovered.

Qing Guan didn't see Xiao Wu, so she arrested someone, "Where is that girl with rabbit ears?"

The man was afraid of this Titled Douluo, and immediately pointed in a direction.

Fu Feng looked at everyone and said, "I will protect you, Wan Wan will go find Xiao Wu, we will wait for you here."

Qingwan nodded and searched in that direction.

Dai Mubai put his arms around Zhuqing, and said: "Tang San is alright, we don't have any ships right now, how can we get to Sea God Island?"

Fu Feng said: "Right now, we can only rely on Wan Wan's ice boat."

Ma Hongjun was very worried, and asked: "Will we be frozen into ice sculptures, her ice is stronger than Shui Bing'er."

Fufeng said: "You have ice armor on your body, so you won't be able to."

Dai Mubai asked: "Is it her second soul ability Bingling Possession? The same soul ability as Shui Bing'er?"

Fufeng nodded, "It's this soul skill that can block attacks in energy form, as well as physical attacks."

Oscar sighed: "This soul skill is simply against the sky."

At this moment, Qing Guan came with Xiao Wu in her arms, "You can leave now, I need you to be patient, Rong Rong will help me with all my strength."

Ning Rongrong nodded and said, "No problem."

They left the pirate's lair and came to the seaside. Tang San was already waiting, and there was a young man by his side.

Dai Mubai asked: "Little San, who is he?"

Fufeng answered first: "The person who saved us knows medical skills."

Tang San added: "He is my apprentice now, his name is Jixiang. You practice hard, I will come back to see you when I have time."

Xiao Jixiang nodded and said, "Yes, teacher, please rest assured."

Qingguan released the Wuhun Ice Spirit Goddess, and then used the ice to create a huge ship, and put a thick layer of ice armor on everyone.

They boarded the giant ship and said goodbye to Ji Xiang.

The ship was controlled by soul power and headed for Sea God Island. After about half a month, it finally arrived at the sacred island.

After the ship docked, everyone got down first.

Qingwan and Fufeng led everyone to the entrance of the Sea God Temple, where they met the Eight Sacred Pillars, and then came the talent test.

Tang San is the Nine Trials of the Sea God, and the other people's trials are the same as the original book.

Suddenly, a red light descended from Qingwan's body.

Hai Long Douluo exclaimed: "That's right, it's the red test, the little girl's talent is very good."

Then Fufeng was also tested in red, and he was very speechless.

Qing Wan asked: "Well, Lord Sea God, did he make a mistake? We don't need to participate in the assessment."

Sea Dragon Douluo shook his head, comforting: "Lord Sea God is not mistaken, you are indeed the top test."

Qing Wan said: "But I am the heir chosen by Empress Yueyao."

Fu Feng also said: "I am the heir chosen by the Sword God, and it would be a waste of time to participate in the Sea God assessment now."

Sea Dragon Douluo quickly asked: "What about your strength?"

Qing Wan said: "Level 94 Title Douluo."

Fufeng said: "I am also a level 94 Title Douluo, how much do you think I can improve my strength if I come to participate in the assessment?"

Sea Dragon Douluo was stunned, and then persuaded: "Then try to reach level 99 as soon as possible, and then you can directly inherit the god position."

Qing Wan thought it made sense, so she said, "Then stay?"

Fufeng said: "I will listen to you."

So they stayed, the first level was to pass through the Seagod's Light, to climb 160 eight steps.

Qing Wan sighed and said: "It's not too late, let's get started."

Sea Dragon Douluo led them to the foot of the mountain. Looking up from a young age, it was a ladder going straight to the sky.

Qingwan and Fufeng went up first, like walking on flat ground.

Tang San felt that he could do it too, so he followed closely behind, but the pressure increased as he went up, and was forced to stop at level 68.

When Qing Wan and Fu Feng reached level [-], they sat down to practice.

The others climbed up, and then they reached their limit, and they also stopped and began to practice.

Sea Dragon Douluo nodded with a smile, and stepped back.

Qingwan felt that her bottleneck seemed to have been loosened. As long as she broke through level 95, she would be able to pass.

In front of the Sea God Temple, Bo Saixi looked at those children with a meaningful smile on his face.

Bai Chenxiang's assessment was very simple and was completed early.

She didn't want to let herself fall, so she also took the initiative to climb the steps, practiced hard on them, and finally became the third purple-level test.

On the other side, the Baize Temple.

The high priest smiled and said to those who came to participate in the assessment: "The first test is life and death."

Several people closed their eyes involuntarily, and the sound of wind came from their ears.

After a while, there was a sound of hooves.

When everyone opened their eyes, they found that they were in an ancient battlefield, with swords and swords everywhere, and blood and corpses on the ground.

Shenlu Douluo sighed and closed his eyes, "This is the land of ice and fire, and I want to stop this war now."

Feng Xiaotian and the others also nodded, this is also their task.

These two countries have been at war all year round, and it's not easy to stop them, but you have to try.

Shenlu Douluo said: "Let's go to the Land of Ice first."

Yu Tianxin nodded and said, "Yes, by the way, how about the king of this country?"

They headed to the east of the Kingdom of Ice, and after traveling for about three days, they finally arrived at the royal city, but they stayed first.

At noon the next day, Yu Tianheng came back from the outside, holding an imperial list in his hand, "The emperor is looking for a doctor to help treat his illness."

Shenlu Douluo felt that this was an opportunity, "Feng Xiaotian, follow me to have a look, the others stay in the inn."

Everyone has no objections, both of them can fly in the air, and in case of special circumstances, they can just pat their buttocks and run away.

The two came to the gate of the palace and took out the imperial list to the guards.

The guard took them and led them directly to His Majesty's bedroom, and said, "Your Majesty, the healer is here."

Shenlu Douluo bent down slightly, "Your Majesty, what's wrong with you? Can you tell me, I'll go and prescribe the right medicine."

Feng Xiaotian was stunned, this Titled Douluo also has medical skills?Why never heard of it?Senior Shenlu, you won''re lying, right?

(End of this chapter)

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