Shrek ninth monster in Douluo continent

Chapter 63 Their Assessment

Chapter 63 Their Assessment
The Ice King lifted the bed curtain and said, "My heart is sick."

The Land of Fire provoked a war and wanted to occupy the Land of Ice, and they also had ambitions to invade other continents.

Shenlu Douluo nodded after listening, "I understand."

Feng Xiaotian was stunned, is this the end?

Shenlu Douluo said again: "We will definitely help you, but you have to tell us where the King of Fire is."

Said the King of Ice: "On the battlefield, he has conquered himself."

Feng Xiaotian said: "Sure enough, you are very ambitious, so why don't you take action yourself? If you go, even if you lose, it will boost your morale."

The Ice King sighed and said, "My body can't hold it anymore."

Shenlu Douluo released his martial soul, and activated the first soul skill Ultimate Healing. After a while, he said, "It's done."

The Ice King felt as if his body had returned to the past, and immediately got up from the bed and turned around a few times, "Thank you, thank you."

Shenlu Douluo bent slightly and said, "Since you are fine, we should leave too."

The Ice King thought of those miraculous abilities just now, "Why don't you stay and have a meal, thank you all alone."

Shenlu Douluo nodded slightly, "Then respect is worse than obedience."

Feng Xiaotian stepped forward and said in a low voice: "Why did you stay? What if something happens to us, what about the mission?"

Shenlu Douluo said: "Don't worry, I have a measure."

The two ate in the palace, and then left the palace with an excuse, returned to the inn, found other people, and set off for the border.

On the way, Yu Tianheng asked, "What did you find out?"

Feng Xiaotian said: "The Kingdom of Fire is ambitious."

Yu Tianxin shook his head and said: "The news we heard is not like this. The king of the Ice Kingdom is ambitious."

Regardless of the life and death of the people, we must wage war with the Land of Fire.

There was much disapproval of the incident, but anyone who dared to speak out against the king would be dead in the wild the next day.

Shenlu Douluo was puzzled and asked, "Is it true?"

Yu Tianheng nodded and said, "Of course it is true. We heard it from a down-and-out noble lady, so it shouldn't be wrong."

Shenlu Douluo now has a headache, how should he complete this task now?Is it possible to really give them a ban?
Feng Xiaotian said: "In this royal family, are there any princes who don't like fighting? Maybe we can start with them."

Huo Wushuang agreed: "What you said is correct."

Shenlu Douluo thought for a long time, and finally said: "Yu Tianxin and Yu Tianheng and I will stay in the Land of Ice, and the three of you will go to the Land of Fire."

Separately looking for the prince who wants to stop the war, we can't let this piece of land be devastated, and we can't let the loss of life continue.

Everyone disagreed, so they separated in place.

At the same time, the Temple of Music.

Si Qin took the children to the first test, which turned out to be similar to the Sea God's first test, also through the light of Leshen.

However, the assessment of Leshen is relatively more difficult.

Le God was originally a second-level deity, but relying on his own strength, he became the first deity to break through the limit and became a first-level deity.

The light of the God of Music is scattered on the steps in front of the Temple of Music. There are 360 ​​steps in total, and each position is a note.

The trainee had to bear the pressure to climb up, and that was fine, but he still had to complete a piece of music.

Siqin looked at them and said, "What music did you get?"

Ning Qiuqiu said, "Mine is Daohua?"

Ning Xiaxia said: "Mine is Starry Sky, this piece is the only one I can't remember the score, now it's over."

Xue Wu and Shui Bing'er are very relaxed, the only thing they have to face is the pressure of Le Shen Guang.

Liu Qianhan had already collapsed, "I don't know anything about music."

Siqin comforted: "Don't be afraid, I'll try it first, you should carefully memorize the sound of each step, and take your time when the time comes."

Several people who understand music nodded, "We are all ready."

So, the violinist started, stepping up step by step, the sound started from simple, and the more difficult it was to remember.

The high priest came and said with a smile: "This is a skill, you have a year to study it."

Si Qin flew down, bent slightly, and said, "Thank you."

Xue Wu recalled the music score, and then climbed up slowly step by step, and the pressure gradually increased.

Shui Bing'er also went up to try it out, and finally discovered the pattern, "As long as you step on the tune correctly, the pressure will be reduced by one-third."

Ning Qiu was very happy, and asked: "With our increase, everyone should be able to complete the assessment."

Ning Xia said: "This, I can't say for sure."

Liu Qianhan sat on the ground in a mess, "After you pass the test, step on the position for me, and I will just follow the gourd."

Si Qin nodded, "Yes."

Douluo Dalu, too, was very restless.

Fuying's army of soul masters was only short of Haotianzong, and the Wuhun Hall suddenly started a war.

They came so fiercely that all thirteen cities on the border of Tiandou fell.

On the side of the Star Luo Empire, the military power is relatively strong, and the situation is still a bit better, but ten cities have also been captured.

In order to fight against the powerful enemy, the two empires joined forces.

In the Heaven Dou Empire, Xue Beng and Ge Long are the lieutenants, and Fu Ying is the marshal.

The empire dispatched millions of troops, but the real trump card was the army of soul masters, all of whom were soul kings or above.

There are more than ten Title Douluo participating in the war.

On Xianjianzong's side, there are Shadow Sword Douluo, White Sword Douluo, Zhongjian Douluo, Ye Jian Douluo, Cloud Sword Douluo, and Heart Sword Douluo.

There are two members of the Shenlu clan, namely Guanglu Douluo and Pomo Douluo.

The next few are Snow Illusion Douluo, Snow Demon Douluo, Nine-tailed Douluo and Spirit Douluo, as well as Poison Douluo, Sword Douluo, and Bone Douluo.

This Guanglu Douluo is the younger brother of Shenlu Douluo. He likes to travel around, and he was forced to come back this time.

Ning Fengzhi is not a Titled Douluo, but his auxiliary ability is not inferior to the Nine-Colored Divine Deer, so he is also considered a member of the Titled Douluo Battalion.

On the side of the Star Luo Empire, only the Emperor is the Titled Douluo.

The two countries had a round in Feiya City, discussing the next strategy, but Tiandou had a higher initiative.

In the tent, all the titled Douluo sat down.

This time, Tang Sect Fourth Hall Master also came, but they were sitting in a corner, but no one dared to underestimate them.

Emperor Xingluo asked: "Sect Master Fu, what advice do you have?"

Fuying got up, came to the map, observed for a while, and said: "The location of Jialing Pass is very important, we must stick to it."

Heart Sword Douluo nodded, "Son, yes, I have the demeanor of Lao Tzu back then, you can command."

Fuying nodded, "The three armies have not moved, the food and grass go first."

Escorting food and grass is very important, therefore, the Min Clan, the Li Clan, and Ye Jian Douluo Fu Ye are responsible for this aspect.

Tyrone nodded, "No problem."

Bai He got up and bent slightly, "I'm fine, the sharp-tailed swift will definitely show its true power."

(End of this chapter)

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