Chapter 7 Punishment
Meng Shu had no choice but to give up, "That's fine."

Fuyun looked at Qingwan and said, "Come and help her choose, you know these soul beasts very well."

Qing Wan left with them, and a few hours later, she found a snow python and said, "This suits her very well."

Meng Shu nodded, "Please subdue it."

Meng still wanted to do it herself, but she also wanted to see the strength of this soul master, so after thinking about it, she chose to watch.

Qing Guan released the Light Feather Bow of Wuhun, used the second soul skill Breaking Soul, and shot out three ice arrows at the same time.

The snow python was about to escape, but its body was directly pierced by the ice arrow, and its body was covered by a thin layer of ice.

Qing Wan looked at them and said, "Go and kill that soul beast. The two seniors, the task is completed, and it's time to leave."

The Unrivaled Dragon Snake did not stop her, and concentrated on protecting her granddaughter.

On the other side, Tang San also completed the absorption, the obtained spirit ability was called Spider Web Binding, and also got an external spirit bone, which was the spider leg.

Qingwan just came back to everyone, seeing this scene, she was very happy for Tang San, and said: "Let's choose a name."

Flender and Zao Wou-ki laughed so hard that they couldn't close their mouths. This year's students gave them too much surprise.

Tang San observed for a while, and said, "Let's call it Eight Spider Lance."

Fu Yun reminded: "Don't show this soul bone casually, there are many people in this world who kill people and remove their bones."

Tang San withdrew the spirit bone with his thoughts, then bowed, and said: "Thank you for your teaching, senior, this junior has memorized everything."

Flender said: "You have successfully advanced, let's go back."

A group of people set off, rushed for several days, returned to Shrek Academy, rested for a day, and then officially started class.

In the first class in the morning, the dean unexpectedly came, followed by the teachers of the college, who introduced them one by one, and the last one was the strength of the soul emperor.

Before the end, Fuyun and Yu Xiaogang appeared together.

Flender introduced: "This lord is the 96-level peak Douluo Jianyun Douluo, and this is my friend Yu Xiaogang, the theoretical master."

Tang San and Qingwan were a little surprised, they didn't expect Yu Xiaogang to come to Shrek alone.

Others were not very familiar with Yu Xiaogang, but seeing the dean's attitude was particularly good, and he was also a teacher, they also respected him.

Flender went on to say: "From today onwards, Yu Xiaogang will be in charge of your teaching, and senior Jian Yun will be in charge of actual combat teaching."

Everyone was very happy, to be able to fight against Title Douluo, not to mention whether they could win or not, this is an opportunity that many people can't even ask for.

Yu Xiaogang took a few steps forward and said, "We will have breakfast at seven, but you only have half an hour. If you are late, you will eat Oscar's sausage."

After that, there is half an hour of free activities, and then classes begin, and I must go to bed at ten o'clock in the evening.

Do not violate the rules, or all will be punished.

After Yu Xiaogang finished speaking, he asked again: "Do you remember?"


"Okay. Dai Mubai, Tang San, you come out." Yu Xiaogang looked at the two of them, "You fight one battle, you are not allowed to use weapons."

Qing Wan was thinking, sure enough, the plot of the original novel came again.

Dai Mubai lost to Tang San, and was tied up firmly.The content of the subsequent battle is the same as the original, so I won't repeat it.

Yu Xiaogang looked at his daughter and said, "Qingwan, Fufeng, come and fight, don't let the water go."

The two people who were named looked at each other and came out of the line.

The two sides released their martial souls, and the battle began.

Qing Guan is of the long-distance attack type and cannot be approached, so he uses Taxue Wuhen to keep a distance from him, and releases the first soul skill Chuanyun to fight against him.

Fufeng used the second soul skill to block the ice arrow, and at the same time received the first soul skill Epee Wufeng, the giant sword slashed down, and the fierce and domineering sword energy locked on the opponent.

Qing Guan knew that she couldn't avoid it, so she used her legs and hands to pull the bow together, releasing her second soul skill, Breaking Soul.

This time, after she charged up and released it, the huge ice feather arrow met the giant sword, and it was evenly tied, and no one took advantage.

Seeing this, Fufeng kept waving his sword energy to attack his opponent.

Qing Guan didn't have a defensive soul skill, and suffered some injuries, then released the third soul skill Shura, trapping the opponent in her own space.

Fufeng smiled slightly, and said: "This soul skill is useless to me."

He unleashes the talent of the Immortal Sword Domain, the attack power of the Wuhun is tripled, his mental power is increased by 50.00%, and he is immune to all control.

Fufeng tore Shura apart with only one sword, at this moment Qingwan's soul power was almost exhausted, and he was unable to fight anymore.

"Wan Wan, you'd better admit defeat, my domain can make me immune to Shura's influence, you can't beat me."

Qingwan withdrew her martial spirit, said: "I still can't beat you, but one day I will beat you, I will definitely win you."

Fufeng withdrew from the domain, withdrew his martial soul, and said: "You don't have to work so hard, I will listen to you from now on, and you can beat me."

Yu Xiaogang's complexion was a little gloomy, Tang San, Xiao Wu, Dai Mubai, Ma Hongjun and Oscar criticized one by one.

The five people were also convinced, and lowered their heads without speaking.

Qingwan breathed a sigh of relief, her father was satisfied without saying a word, it seemed that her and Fufeng's performances were fine.

Yu Xiaogang pointed in the direction of the door and said, "Now, all of you carry the stones on your backs and run ten laps from the academy to Soto City."

He looked at Tang San, and said again: "Little San, you run twelve laps."

The children were about to leave when he suddenly thought of something, and added: "Also, you can't use soul power, you can only follow the official path."

The five people lowered their heads and set off.

Fufeng and Qingwan didn't make a mistake, but the master said it was everyone, so they followed suit.

Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing were reprimanded by Yu Xiaogang, and went without saying anything, but they still felt a little uncomfortable.

At the gate of the college, everyone found the backpack with their names written on it. This is no nonsense, they set off with the backpack on it.

Halfway through the run, the two assistants were left behind, Qing Wan said: "Let's wait for Oscar and Rongrong, we are a team."

Dai Mubai stopped, "Alright."

The two assistants finally came, panting lightly.

Fufeng said: "The master said that everyone will be punished, they can't use soul power and can't take shortcuts, and they didn't say that they can't help each other."

Oscar looked at everyone's back baskets, "The weights are different, it seems that the master wants to test us."

Qingwan nodded, and said: "That's right, Oscar and Rongrong are auxiliary soul masters, their physical fitness is not good, they should only be about five kilograms."

Fu Feng said: "My stone is thirty kilograms."

Dai Mubai was a little unconvinced, "I'm the boss, mine is only fifteen kilograms, why are you fifteen kilograms more than me?"

The others were all ten kilograms, and they all expressed their incomprehension.

Fufeng said with a relaxed face: "It's not too heavy, it's a weight I can bear. Master, he may have asked Elder Jianyun about it."

Qingwan looked at everyone, "Keep running, anyone who can't hold on must speak up, and everyone will share the burden."

Dai Mubai said: "Just do it like this, let's go."

Everyone got up and ran at a constant speed. After going back and forth, they drank the salt water prepared by the master and continued to run.

(End of this chapter)

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