Shrek ninth monster in Douluo continent

Chapter 8 Practical Training

Chapter 8 Practical Training
Later, they found that every time they came back, there was salt water prepared by the master himself, and their bodies would be better after drinking it.

On the way, he met Canghui who came to make trouble, and was driven away by Fufeng.

Helping each other, after completing twelve laps together, all of them fainted from exhaustion, and the teachers hugged them back one by one.

After Qingwan woke up, she felt much better.

He lowered his head and found himself lying in a wooden barrel to take a bath, and there were still many precious medicinal herbs floating in the water.

Her face flushed slightly, and she saw a note next to her.

I picked it up and saw that it said: The peasant women in the village helped take off the clothes. When you wake up, come to the cafeteria.

Qingwan looked to the side again, Xiao Wu was also there, she hadn't woken up yet.

After soaking for a while, I got out of the bathtub, got dressed, brushed my teeth and washed, and went out.

When she came to the cafeteria, Qingwan found that all the boys had come.

Fufeng saw Wanwan, asked her to come over, and handed her a plate of freshly baked food, "You're hungry, while it's hot."

Qingwan took it, sat down at the side and started.

Tang San asked: "Wan Wan, what's wrong with Xiao Wu, is she okay?"

Qing Wan swallowed the steamed bun, said: "Xiao Wu hasn't woken up yet, but she's coming soon, don't worry, she's fine."

Just as they were chatting, Xiao Wu came, ran over to pick up the food on the table and started to eat. Her stomach felt better after eating halfway.

Tang San handed over a glass of water and said, "Eat slowly."

Xiao Wu drank the water and asked, "Wanwan, how many laps did we run yesterday? I don't remember anything."

Qingwan thought for a while and replied: "Exactly twelve laps."

Fufeng said lightly, "Master is very strict this time, but it also made everyone see where his weakness is."

Tang San nodded, "Yes, I gained a lot yesterday."

Dai Mubai changed the topic, "Fufeng, Qingwan, you two are really too fierce, are you really only 12 years old?"

Fu Feng nodded, "It's guaranteed to be true."

Qing Wan also nodded, and said, "With Rong Rong's assistance, my combat power can be raised by a level."

Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong happened to come, Dai Mubai brought food to them, and asked: "You guys, are you all right now?"

The two shook their heads and kept eating, but their movements were elegant.

Qing Wan said: "In the future, Rongrong will become a soul sage, and with my nine-color deer, the Shrek Nine Monsters will be invincible."

Ning Rongrong looked at her and asked, "Are you going to assist in combat training?"

Everyone was surprised, combat support?
Qingwan nodded, "In terms of growth, the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda is number one in the world, and the Nine Colors Divine Deer is also slightly inferior."

Ning Rongrong was very proud, "That's natural."

Fufeng strikes: "But you don't have any means to save your life. The Jiucai Deer is different. It can protect itself, fight and assist."

Dai Mubai said: "Same as Star Crown Martial Spirit, who is more powerful?"

Qing Wan said confidently: "Of course it is the Nine-Colored Divine Deer. This martial soul has a unique skill, and the Divine Deer has spirit."

Fufeng explained: "In 5 minutes, she cannot be locked by any soul skills, and the power of her next attack will be tripled."

Everyone was stunned, this kind of martial spirit is really against the sky.

Yu Xiaogang came and said: "That's right, but you can only add spirit rings when you reach level [-] or [-]."

Qing Guan said with a smile: "Father, I must work hard to cultivate."

Fufeng said: "Don't force yourself, I will protect you, no matter who it is, I won't take you away."

Qingwan couldn't understand the meaning of this sentence, but she was still very moved.

After breakfast, free activities for half an hour, then the bell rang, and everyone came to the square, waiting for class.

After a while, Yu Xiaogang came.

"It's still confrontation training today, let me be serious."

"If one person makes a mistake, all will be punished."


The children said in unison: "Remember, master."

Yu Xiaogang retreated to the side, "Fufeng, Qingwan are in a group, Dai Mubai, Ning Rongrong, and Tang San are in a group."

Five people lined up, and after releasing their spirits, the confrontation officially began.

Qing Guan retreated, first released the first soul ability Piercing Cloud, and then drew the bow and shot out the ice arrow, the target was Ning Rongrong.

Dai Mubai used the first spirit ability White Tiger Shield, together with Ning Rongrong's 30.00% strength boost, barely blocked the Frostbolt.

Tang San made a move, and the Blue Silver Grass directly attacked Qingguan.

Fufeng swung his sword lightly, the sword energy chopped off the blue silver grass, then rushed up, tightly entangled Dai Mubai.

Qing Guan stepped on Taxue Wuhen to fight against Tang San's Ghost Shadow Mizong, but Frost Arrow flew to the support position.

The Blue Silver Grass couldn't stop the Frostbolt at all, and Ning Rongrong was trying his best to increase the buffs for the two of them, but they were sent out in less than a minute.

Dai Mubai's body had no buffs, and immediately released the third spirit ability White Tiger Vajra Transformation, but the attack power of the immortal sword was so overbearing that he couldn't stop it.

Tang San couldn't stop Frostbolt either, and was out in 3 minutes.

Fufeng also made a quick decision, ending the battle with one move.

Qingwan smiled and said, "Accept."

Tang San said: "Your Frost Arrow is really powerful, and the attack power of the Immortal Sword is also very powerful. Only defensive soul masters can resist it."

Fu Feng shook his head and said, "Hehe, I can't stop it."

Dai Mubai asked: "Are you kidding me?"

Yu Xiaogang looked at everyone, and said: "I'm not kidding, a hundred years ago, the name of the world's number one attacker Wuhun was the Immortal Sword."

Ning Rongrong was not convinced, and asked, "Where is the Seven Killing Sword?"

Fu Feng said: "It's a bit inferior, if you don't believe me, you can let Jian Douluo fight with Yun Jian Douluo."

Ning Rongrong said: "If there is a chance in the future, there must be a match."

Yu Xiaogang coughed, "Okay, let's continue the confrontation training. This time, Fufeng and Ning Rongrong will face Qing Guan and Dai Mubai."

Tang San retreated, and the four continued to fight.

At the beginning, Fufeng released the Immortal Sword Domain, and then released the third soul skill, Seven Emotions and Seven Kills, sending Qing Wan out first.

With Fufeng's domain buff, plus Ning Rongrong's buff, Dai Mubai was no match for him, and lost in just three moves.

Yu Xiaogang shook his head, "It's not at the same combat level at all."

Later, Fufeng fought against eight people alone, and still did not lose the wind, and defeated everyone steadily.

As a result, Fufeng became the exclusive sparring partner.

The Nine Monsters have been punished a lot, and their friendship has grown deeper.

Once, Ma Hongjun was lazy and was caught by the principal, and they knew that the teachers were watching from every corner.

In that week, everyone doubled their training volume, and the opponent changed from Fufeng to Fuyun.

Since then, the children have been honest.

A semester passed quickly, and there was almost no one in the college.

Qingwan didn't know where to go, so she planned to follow her father to learn martial arts knowledge, or help the dean look around the shop.

One night, Fufeng invited the girl to the square.

Fu Feng asked softly: "Wan Wan, I'm going to visit Grandpa's house, do you want to go with me?"

Qingwan thought for a while, then nodded, "I'll say goodbye to Dad first."

Thinking of that, Yu Xiaogang just came, "You guys go, Dad is with Flender, you don't have to come back so early."

(End of this chapter)

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