Chapter 70 It's Over

Oscar replied instead of Rongrong: "They fell in order to save Tang San, and human power is no match for God after all."

Qing Guan sighed, and then released the nine-colored divine deer martial soul, and the blood-red soul ring rose, "The eighth soul skill, golden lotus flower, jade lotus root."

The nine-color deer exudes golden light, leaps into the air, releases lotus flowers and lotus roots, and slowly reshapes the divine bodies for Chen Xin and Gu Rong.

Bibi Dong said: "Come on, interrupt her soul ability."

The Canglan Excalibur in Fufeng's hand exuded a golden light, and with a few strokes of sword energy, he repelled Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue.

Holding the heart of wisdom in his hands, Qingyi released the feather of wisdom.

In the sky, golden feathers fell, and when they landed, they turned into golden threads to form a cage, trapping the three gods.

The evil magic wheel in the hands of the evil god emitted red light, and he released the god-level ring, and a red light instantly destroyed the golden cage.

Bibi Dong swung the Rakshasa sickle, and released the divine skill Rakshasa Abyss Slash.

A green blade light attacked the three gods on the opposite side, with the power to tear apart the space, especially domineering.

Fufeng didn't panic, and immediately released the guardian of the god-level sword god.

A golden light formed a huge protective cover, blocking Bibi Dong's attack and protecting all the soul masters on his side.

At this moment, the two title Douluo, Chen Xin and Gu Rong, have been resurrected.

Qingwan's Jiucai Shenlu Wuhun has been sealed and can only be used again after a year, but she is a battle spirit master.

Fu Feng turned his head slightly, "Wan Wan, let's start."

Qingyi looked at the others, "Stand back, these three gods, we will deal with them ourselves."

Everyone retreated as they said, but at this moment, Yu Tianheng, Yu Tianxin, Feng Xiaotian, Shui Binger and others all came to the battlefield.

They released their martial spirits and spirit rings at the same time as Shrek's other six monsters, which stunned everyone, all of them were equipped with top-level spirit rings.

The last soul ring was all red for 10 years. If they didn't know that they had participated in the test of God, they would have thought they had really killed the soul beast.

Ning Xiaxia, Ning Qiuqiu, and Ning Rongrong released their martial soul avatars at the same time, and their amplified soul skills were fully activated, which was more than enough to amplify everyone.

On the side of Wuhun Hall, dozens of Titled Douluo fought at the same time, starting to fight against the younger generation of Titled Douluo on Tiandou's side.

The most outstanding among them is Fu Ce, who won't lose the slightest bit with one hit and two, and has a faint tendency to suppress.

The three gods on both sides also began to fight, but Bibidong, the evil god and the goddess of angels are first-level gods, while the sword god is the god king, and the Qingguan empress is the god emperor. They are not opponents at all.

Ning Fengzhi calmed down his excitement, and immediately joined the battle, together with Ning Fengque, he boosted the other Title Douluo.

Tang Hao, Tang Xiao, Chen Xin, Gu Rong, and the title Douluo of Immortal Sword City fought with all their strength, defeated the four major sects, and were about to break through the city wall.

The remaining seven priests from Wuhun Hall arrived, they were Golden Crocodile, Xiongshi, Qingluan, Guangling, Jiangmo, Qianjun, and Shengsheng.

Everyone is a peak Douluo, unfortunately, against Tang Hao and Tang Xiao Brothers, Chen Xin, Gu Rong, and the title Douluo of Immortal Sword City, there is no chance of winning at all, and they were all captured alive within three rounds.

On the other side, Tang San, Leshen, and Bai Zeshenjun finally arrived on the battlefield, and Xiao Wu also followed.

Suddenly, a red light descended from the sky.

The light fell on Xiao Wu's body, and then Xiao Wu merged with Tang San, becoming another god, Shura God.

This is the law enforcer of the God Realm, God King Shura.

Bibi Dong and the others saw that the situation was over, and were ready to surrender, but Tang San's Asura Sword had already swung a sword energy.

Seeing that her daughter was about to suffer, Bibi Dong immediately flew over to block it, but Qian Renxue was still shattered by the aftermath of this move.

Seeing that the situation was over, the evil god had no choice but to surrender.

Yu Xiaogang came to the battlefield, he hugged Bibi Dong in his arms, and said in a rare soft voice, "Everything is over."

Bibidong talked about her tragic life, and then said some thoughtful words to her daughter.

Lord Bai Ze couldn't see it, "All grievances and grievances will be wiped out."

The others had no objections, so the Lord Bai Ze released the god level and rescued Bibi Dong, "Go to the God Realm immediately."

Bibi Dong nodded, looked at Yu Xiaogang, and said, "I can take a person to the God Realm to enjoy eternal life, are you willing to go with me?"

After all, Yu Xiaogang couldn't bear her alone, so he nodded.

So the two hugged each other and disappeared in a golden light. From then on, only the legend of Bibi Dong remained in the Douluo Continent.

Thinking of what will happen ten thousand years later, Qingwan used the power of the artifact to restore Qian Renxue's position, "In the God Realm, there cannot be angels and goddesses."

Qian Renxue thanked her, she had no face to stay in the world, and left too.

The remaining evil god also took the opportunity to leave, and the Spirit Hall was truly defeated, and a crisis was finally over.

Qing Wan turned around and said, "Hu Liena, Xie Yue, take over the Spirit Hall from now on."

Fufeng walked over and hugged her gently, "Wan Wan."

Fuying smiled and said: "It's time to prepare for your wedding, it's been so long, if possible, let's have another child."

Fu Feng nodded, but said: "It's not easy to conceive a child of God."

So, it still depends on fate.

Xue Beng came, very happy, "Cousin, cousin, and everyone, thank you, fortunately, you are here."

Fu Feng said coldly: "From today onwards, I will no longer be the Immortal Sword King of the Heaven Dou Empire, and Immortal Sword City will live in seclusion again, you can rely on yourself."

Fuying nodded, "Immortal Sword City will come out when there is chaos."

Xue Beng also knew this rule, so he stopped stopping, "Okay, but let me prepare for my cousin's wedding."

Qingwan thought for a while and agreed, "I'm going back to sleep."

Tang San switched back to the Seagod costume, resigned as King Lanhao, and already planned to return to Tangmen to marry Xiaowu.

Lord Bai Ze looked at the couples, and suggested, "Why don't we get married together, and it will be a good omen."

Dai Mubai looked at Zhuqing, "I'll listen to you."

Oscar also said: "I listened to Rongrong, she thinks it's okay, if we get married together, it's fine."

Yu Tianheng interrupted: "Add me and Yanzi as a pair."

Feng Xiaotian took Huo Wu's hand and said, "There is also us."

Ning Xia took Shui Bing'er's hand and said, "Let's join in the fun, don't you mind."

Tang San looked at Xiao Wu, Xiao Wu thought it must be very interesting, so she agreed to hold the wedding together, and the others were too big to disagree.

The group wedding was decided happily.

Xue Beng felt that he had a great responsibility, and said: "I will definitely not let everyone down, please wait for me for three months."

Chen Xin and Gu Rong were very pleased, "Maybe we have the opportunity to help Rongrong take care of the child. Thinking about this kind of life, I'm very happy."

Ning Fengzhi was also very happy, "I'm going to be a grandfather in a blink of an eye."

Ning Fengque looked at his two brats who didn't live up to his expectations, and he couldn't help but get angry. When will he be able to give Lao Tzu some credit.

(End of this chapter)

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