Shrek ninth monster in Douluo continent

Chapter 71 Guangling Regretted

Chapter 71 Guangling Regretted

In other words, since Xue Beng started preparing for the wedding, the affairs of the state have been handed over to Prince Xue Xing.

Seniors and elders all stay in Tiandou City, waiting for the children's wedding, and send them sincere blessings.

Qingwan came to the dungeon alone to meet her biological father.

Guangling Douluo glanced at his daughter, then turned around.

At this moment, he no longer has any face to face his daughter.He doesn't want to live, he just wants Yiyi not to hate him.

At the beginning, the eldest brother Qian Daoliu was blinded by the power, thinking that Bibi Dong, who had received the inheritance of the Rakshasa, would win, so he made a big mistake.

It's too late to say anything now.

Qing Wan asked: "Have you ever regretted it? Dad, when you helped Wuhundian deal with the Heaven Dou Empire, have you ever thought about today?"

Guangling Douluo shook his head, and then he nodded again.

At this time, Fufeng came in, hugged her tenderly, and asked, "Why are you here?"

Qingwan leaned against the man's arms, "I'm meet him."

Fufeng looked at him and persuaded: "Let's put it down, the Wuhun Temple has been renamed Wuhunzong, ruled by Xie Yue and Hu Liena."

Guangling Douluo closed his eyes, nodded, "Listen to you."

That's right, it doesn't make much sense to keep going. The Temple of Angels still needs priests.

Qing Guan seemed to have thought of something, and said, "From now on, the Wuhun School will be the Wuhun School, and the Angel Temple will be the Angel Temple."

Fufeng nodded, and said: "The position of the high priest will be inherited by the titled Douluo of the Angel Clan, and the positions of the others will remain unchanged."

But Guangling Douluo said: "The Temple of Angels left me with too many bad memories, I want to... go to Shrek."

The days at Shrek Academy were the most relaxed.

Qing Wan didn't answer directly, but said: "Well, I want to ask the director what he means."

Fu Feng said: "The principal agrees with one hundred."

Guangling Douluo thought of Yiyi, and asked, "She, has she still not been able to forgive me? I know I was wrong."

Qingwan understood what he said, "It's up to you."

After speaking, the two left hand in hand.

After a while, Qingyi came in with a cold face, "It feels really good to have used me for so long."

Guangling Douluo shook his head, with a guilty expression on his face, "At first I used it, but later, I also gave my heart. I really love you."

Qing Yi shook her head and said, "We can't go back anymore."

Ever since they knew that their relationship was just a scam, it was impossible to go back to the days when they were in love with each other.

Guangling Douluo didn't want to let go of her hand, "Where are you going, God Realm, right? I'll go too."

Qingyi was puzzled, "You are just a mortal."

Could it be that he wants his daughter to take him to the God Realm?She really has no shame, but if she was ashamed, she wouldn't use her.

Guangling Douluo replied: "When I first entered Title Douluo, a second-level god found me."

When you reach level 99, you can start inheritance.

Qing Yi turned around and said, "Guang Ling, I don't hate you anymore, but we will never be together."

Guangling Douluo was not reconciled, "I will not give up on you."

The other titled Douluo of the Wuhun Temple returned to the former Elder Hall, and now it has been renamed the Angel Temple.

In the temple, Holy Douluo stood at the front.

The others followed closely behind, facing the gigantic statue, the statue of Qian Renxue, and bowed in worship.

Holy Douluo turned around, faced everyone, and said, "Everyone, from now on, no one is allowed to interfere in politics."

Everyone nodded, "Yes, High Priest."

Qingluan Douluo thought of Guangling, and said: "Is he okay? He was forced to use Qingyi back then, will he hate us now?"

Holy Douluo shook his head and said, "I don't know."

Golden Crocodile Douluo said: "Maybe he will never come back."

Qian Jun Douluo looked at the statue and said, "When we chose to help Bibi Dong, we made a mistake."

Jiangmo Douluo nodded, and said: "We are also responsible for the decline of the Wuhun Palace, but at least we have kept the foundation."

Holy Douluo said: "What happened in the past is in the past."

At this moment, God Realm is also extremely lively.

Sea God was so angry that he wanted to fight God Shura, "You are so shameless, you have divided my inheritors into half of you."

God Shura said: "I just use the rules reasonably."

Empress Yueyao also said: "That's right, he didn't count as giving the god position to Tang San, he just let them share the god position."

Angel Goddess and Rakshasa Goddess laughed and said, "Our successor has arrived, we can run away, goodbye."

Empress Yueyao nodded and said, "Go."

The Sea God asked: "Empress, when can I run?"

God Shura also asked: "And me? My god position has been passed down, so I can run away too."

Empress Yueyao shook her head, "You can't run away."

Lord Bai Ze said: "Leshen and I haven't run away yet. If we want to leave the God Realm, we must wait for the inheritor to come to the God Realm before we can leave."

Empress Yueyao nodded and said, "That's right, but you've been here for so many years, and it's not too late."

Sea God collapsed a little, "You guys are simply going too far."

God Shura said: "This is the rule."

Thor and Fengshen came and said, "Empress, we have also found the inheritors, and we can start when they reach level 99."

Empress Yueyao asked: "Which children are they? They are indeed outstanding, and God Realm is very blessed."

As soon as this remark came out, other gods were envious and jealous.

Douluo Continent, Heaven Dou Empire.

Xue Beng had already arranged the wedding ceremony. The bride and groom walked into the church step by step from the outside, and then swore to exchange rings.

The seats below were full of elders and some comrades who fought side by side.

At night, Qingwan didn't stay in the room, but took Fufeng to the wild mountain, sat on the grass and watched the stars.

After a long time, Fufeng said: "Today is our wedding night."

Qingwan blushed, "I, I'm a little scared, and I'm a little nervous, give me some time."

Fu Feng nodded and said, "I will wait for you."

I don't know how long it took, Qingwan slowly fell asleep, leaning tightly on the man's arms, as if the man left as soon as he let go.

With a gentle expression on his face, Fufeng picked her up and returned to the new house.

The next day, someone knocked on the door.

Fufeng glanced at the person in his arms, but he didn't wake up, so he got up carefully from the bed and went to open the door.

Father and mother stood at the door with ambiguous smiles on their faces.

Fu Ying deliberately lowered her voice, and said, "You guys have fun, if you've had enough fun, just go home and have a look."

Xue Weiwei nodded, and said, "If you can give birth to a grandson, remember to bring it back and show it to your mother."

Fu Feng fully agreed, and looked back, seeing that Wan Wan hadn't woken up yet, she said, "I'm going back to accompany her."

Fuying nodded, hugged his wife and left.

(End of this chapter)

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