Shrek ninth monster in Douluo continent

Chapter 74 Fengshen Inheritance

The Goddess of Nine Colors said again: "After dealing with the affairs of the human world, you can come to the God Realm. The God of Cookery and I will wait for you."

Ning Rongrong slightly bent down and said, "Thank you, senior."

No one thought that the second person who started the ninth test would be Feng Xiaotian, but in the final analysis, it was expected.

For Huo Wu, he practiced desperately.

After finally embracing the beauty, it is natural to work harder now to give her a happy future.

In the temple, the high priest offered a sacrifice, and the assessment officially began.

In the place of inheritance, Fengshen said: "It's the last test, you have to persevere, whether I can retire or not depends entirely on you."

Feng Xiaotian was stunned for a second, then took a deep breath, and said, "Senior, for the sake of sister Huowu, I will definitely inherit your god position."

Feng Shen said: "Now that you are ready, let's start."

The first thing to go through is the seven emotions assessment.

The first level is joy.

Feng Xiaotian's head soul bone peeled off, the surrounding scene changed, and he came to the wedding scene.

Huo Wu was wearing a white wedding dress with a happy smile on her face.

Among the guests below were their relatives and teammates, all of whom sent sincere blessings.

Feng Xiaotian's eyes were glued to Huo Wu's body, but he shook his head and said, "I am very greedy for the happiness at this moment."

Huo Wu came over and said, "Let's live a good life."

Former teammates said: "Bless the boss."

Feng Xiaotian shook his head, and said: "You are very similar to Sister Huowu, but you are not him, she is still waiting for me, I absolutely cannot leave him behind."

Huo Wu continued: "Give up on becoming a god, I will stay here with you for the rest of your life, okay?"

Feng Xiaotian shook his head, "I love Sister Huowu, but I can't let her down, I must become a god."

The mind is very firm, and the first level has passed.

The right arm bone is stripped from the body, and the second level is reached, which is anger.

This time, the scene also came to the church, but it was Huo Wu and Ning Qiu's wedding. They were very happy and sweet.

Feng Xiaotian gritted his teeth, wishing he could rush over and tear Ning Qiu apart, how dare he do that.

However, soon, he realized that he must calm down.

Huo Wu had a crush on Ning Qiu, but it was only once, he already got Huo Wu's younger sister, so he should trust her.

Ning Qiu smiled slightly and said, "If you give up becoming a god, I'll give you Huo Wu. It's a good deal."

Feng Xiaotian punched it, and said coldly: "Sister Huowu, it's mine in the first place, and I don't need you to let it go."

Ning Qiu continued to seduce, and even kissed Huo Wu in front of him.

At this moment, the two looked like a fairy couple.

Feng Xiaotian was furious, and wanted to teach this auxiliary soul master a good lesson, but every time he was stopped by sister Huowu.

Ning Qiu laughed loudly, and kept provoking Feng Xiaotian.

Huo Wu also said some things to irritate him, and then said something like an idiot, she would never like him.

Feng Xiaotian laughed out loud, tears fell with a smile, and then he was deeply angry, but he controlled it.

Sister Huo Wu would not betray him, even if she did, he would not be willing to kill her, he should trust her, he must trust her.

Always believe in your partner, the second hurdle, pass.

Then, came the third level, which is mourning.

For Feng Xiaotian, the saddest thing for him is the loss of sister Huowu.

So, the scene changed, and he came to Huo Wu's funeral.

Huo Wushuang said: "You are not married yet, you can find your next wife, you... let's go."

Feng Xiaotian stared blankly at Sister Huowu's spiritual position, his hair turned gray instantly at this moment, he finally understood what it means to be sad than to die.

Huo Wushuang was shocked when he saw this scene.

After a while, he said: "Feng Xiaotian, if you are willing to take away my sister's body, I will not stop you."

Feng Xiaotian shook his head, his smile was very sad, "Without Huo Wu, I would never live alone."

After speaking, he took out a dagger from the storage soul guide.

Huo Wushuang hastily stopped him: "No, are you giving up and becoming a god? You have worked so hard for so long."

Feng Xiaotian shook his head and said: "There is no God Realm for Sister Huowu, I would rather leave with her now, she will not be alone."

After a while, Fengshen appeared, "You will not give up your love for power, and you have passed the third test."

Feng Xiaotian was stunned, his hair returned to its normal color.

All this is a test?However, even if there is such a day, he is still the choice.

The fourth level to the seventh level are all centered around the fire dance.

Feng Xiaotian's love for Huo Wu can be learned from all over the world, and he successfully passed one test after another, and finally reached the eighth test.

Fengshen reminded: "If you pass this test, you will become a god. If you fail, you will perish. Are you ready?"

Feng Xiaotian took a deep breath, nodded, "I'm ready."

The eighth level has been reborn and officially started.

Feng Xiaotian endured indescribable pain and almost fainted several times, but relying on his love for Huo Wu, he persevered.

In the last level, all soul rings were upgraded for 5 years, and his soul rings directly became six black and three red.

The stripped soul bone turned into a divine attire, the Fengshen's attire was white, and when worn on Feng Xiaotian's body, it looked chic and coquettish.

Fengshen smiled and said, "Come to God Realm as soon as possible."

Feng Xiaotian nodded, thanked Fengshen, then left the place of inheritance and returned to the Temple of the Empress.

Huo Wu woke up from her training and looked at the man, "You, you succeeded, right? Can we be together forever?"

Feng Xiaotian walked over and hugged her tightly, "Yes, I have succeeded, I am now the first-level god Fengshen."

Huo Wu was very happy, and also very grateful for the choice at the beginning.

Suddenly, Dai Mubai opened his eyes, "Now, I'm also level 99, and I can also take the Ninth God of War exam."

Feng Xiaotian said, "Congratulations."

Huo Wu asked: "Is the Fengshen Nine test difficult? Are you injured?"

Feng Xiaotian didn't want her to worry, so he said: "Fortunately, I survived, didn't I? After a while, we will leave."

Huo Wu nodded, "I'll listen to you."

Qing Wan came in and said with a smile: "Congratulations, say goodbye to your family well, we won't see you again."

Fufeng then walked in and put his arms around her, "When they pass away, you can bring them to the God Realm to have a look before sending them to reincarnation."

Feng Xiaotian nodded, lowered his head, and said, "Sister Huowu, let's go and see Brother Wushuang, this day will always come."

Huo Wu nodded and looked at everyone: "Let's go first."

Qingwan waved: "Go slowly, see you in God Realm."

Feng Xiaotian hugged Huo Wu and left the temple, Fu Feng turned around, looked at Dai Mubai, and said, "Let's go, now I'll send you to the God of War Temple."

Qing Wan encouraged: "Come on."

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