Dai Mubai nodded, full of confidence, "I will succeed."

Fufeng sent him directly to the Temple of the God of War, and then the Nine Trials of the God of War began in an instant, and the difficulty was second only to the Nine Trials of the Sea God.

It took Dai Mubai four years to pass the eight tests, and finally came to the final test of the God of War inheritance.

In the place of inheritance, Ares reminded: "You can't fail, you can only succeed. You must hold on to the last assessment."

Dai Mubai nodded, and said: "Yes, senior."

Nine Trials of the God of War, the first pass, hi.

The figure of Ares disappeared, and this place became his and Zhuqing's wedding scene, only them and no one else.

Dai Mubai was very happy in his heart, but walked over pretending to be reserved.

Zhu Zhuqing had a soft smile on his face, "You are finally here, I have been waiting for you for a long time, let's live a good life together."

Dai Mubai took Zhuqing's hand and said: "I promise you."

They live a good life together, no longer care about the secular world, have two children, and cultivate them into talents.

At this time, Tang San came and said: "Boss Dai, the Wuhun Palace is about to take down Jialing Pass, hurry up and help."

Zhu Zhuqing's expression became indifferent, and he said, "If you go, we will never be together, so think about it."

Dai Mubai was stunned, with Zhuqing on one side and Tianxia on the other.

Tang San didn't urge him, just waited quietly.

After an unknown amount of time, Dai Mubai said: "Little San, let's go to the battlefield first. Zhuqing, wait for me to come back, and then I will apologize to you."

Tang San smiled slightly, his figure slowly disappeared, and it was Ares who appeared, and he said: "It's not bad not to give up the righteousness of the world for personal reasons."

That is to say, if Dai Mubai chooses the wedding, he will really miss the throne of God of War completely.

In Dai Mubai's heart, he also breathed a sigh of relief, it's so dangerous.

Immediately afterwards, he ushered in the second level of anger.

The scene changed, and he returned to his youth, when he was still studying at Shrek Academy in Soto City.

Ning Rongrong was domineering and domineering, and teased: "Dai Mubai, aren't you very good? Didn't you get kicked by Xiao Qing?"

This sentence completely angered him.

It's hard to die, Zhu Zhuqing also came, mocking coldly: "You are dirty, don't come near me."

Dai Mubai stared at Ning Rongrong coldly, "You're courting death."

But Fufeng and Qingwan came, protecting people behind, Tang San was also here, he also persuaded: "Forget it."

Dai Mubai suppressed his anger, "I'll save face for you."

Zhu Zhuqing said: "You can only lose your temper, fiance, I don't think you are worthy, my man must be a hero."

Dai Mubai froze on the spot, after a while, he walked over and said seriously: "Zhuqing, I'm sorry."

Zhu Zhuqing slapped him directly, turned and left.

Tang San, Fufeng and Qingwan shook their heads, and took Ning Rongrong away, this was a matter between them.

Dai Mubai touched his face, the anger slowly dissipated, "I was too a jerk before, and hurt Zhuqing, I will change."

She will definitely change, and she can no longer bear so much alone.

The battle between life and death in the family is a matter between two people. He shouldn't be so selfish and put everything on Zhuqing.

Now that time has turned back, you can no longer disappoint her.

Thus, Dai Mubai began to work hard, cultivate like crazy, and then went to Fufeng for actual combat, but he lost every time.

It doesn't matter if he loses in the competition, his strength is steadily improving, and one day he will definitely be able to defeat his eldest brother.

Finally, the time came to the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Tournament, once again facing Davis, Dai Mubai finally won.

The second pass is formally passed.

Immediately afterwards, came the third level, which was mourning.

For Dai Mubai to come, the saddest thing is that all the partners have left him,

This time, he saw this scene. Although it was a dream, it was extremely real, as if such a day really happened.

The later levels became more and more difficult, but Dai Mubai passed them all, and then he was reborn and put on the divine attire, becoming the new God of War,
At the same time, Zhu Zhuqing also started the Speed ​​Goddess assessment.

In the Temple of the Empress, Liu Qianhan came back. At this moment, he is the god of thunder, a first-class deity in the God Realm.

Oscar also passed the assessment, Dai Mubai also returned, and then there is only one Ma Hongjun who has not participated in the assessment.

Qingwan wanted to wait, but Empress Yueyao arrived.

The Empress said, "It's time for you to come to the God Realm."

Qingwan nodded and said, "Okay, let's go now." She looked at everyone and said, "Fufeng, let's go first."

Oscar and Ning Rongrong held hands, just smiled and waved goodbye.

Dai Mubai said: "Let's go, we're going too."

Qingwan looked at Bai Chenxiang and asked: "Come with me to God Realm, where can we wait for Fatty together?"

Bai Chenxiang shook his head, "I think, go with Hongjun."

At this moment Tang San also received a message from God Shura, "Xiao Wu and I are leaving first, you guys come to the God Realm as soon as possible."

Dai Mubai nodded, "Go at ease."

Qingwan was still worried, so she knocked Bai Chenxiang unconscious, took her with Fufeng, and forcibly took her away.

Tang San hugged Xiao Wu and left, the temple became quiet again.

Liu Qianhan brought Ning Qiu to Immortal Sword City, where he found his father, mother, suzerain and two grandfathers.

Ning Fengque said: "You guys go."

Liu Erlong went over to hug the two children, "Come back and visit us when you have time. In the God Realm, you should also be well."

Ning Qiu nodded and said, "Okay, Mom."

Ning Fengzhi sighed, and said: "Go, you have to remember to protect Rongrong, don't let her get hurt."

Liu Qianhan nodded and said, "Don't worry, I will remember."

Chen Xin looked towards the sky, "Where are they? Have you gone to the God Realm? Old Bones and I haven't thanked them properly yet."

Liu Qianhan comforted: "It is enough for the two grandpas to have such a heart, they won't care about this trivial matter."

Gu Rong said: "It's right to choose to form an alliance with Xianjian City."

Ning Fengzhi nodded, fortunately he made the right choice at the beginning, otherwise this sect would have been destroyed.

Liu Qianhan said again: "Rong Rong and Xiao Ao, after a while, they should be back. This time, we will come back to say goodbye, and then we will go to the God Realm."

Ning Fengzhi sighed, how much he was reluctant to part with the daughter he raised with one hand.

Just as he was talking, Oscar brought Ning Rongrong back.

Ning Rongrong cried and threw herself into the arms of her father and grandfather, "Xiao Ao and I are only second-level gods, there is no way to take you away."

Ning Fengzhi comforted: "Don't cry, I would rather experience birth, old age, sickness and death than eternal life."

Chen Xin also said: "Old Bones and I have already died once, how long we can live in the next years depends entirely on God's will."

Oscar said solemnly: "Don't worry, I will definitely protect Rongrong and never let her get hurt."

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