Ning Fengzhi nodded, "Rongrong, I'll leave it to you."

Thousands of words were choked in their hearts, and all of them turned into sighs. The parting may be a farewell, but they never forget each other.

Liu Qianhan brought Ning Qiu, together with Oscar and Ning Rongrong, ascended to the God Realm, and only their legends remained on the Douluo Continent.

In the Temple of the Empress, Ma Hongjun looked at the empty temple, feeling a sense of loneliness in his heart, feeling a little uncomfortable.

But soon, when he thought that Xiangxiang and his partners were in the God Realm, he was full of fighting spirit, thinking in his heart that he must succeed.

Ma Hongjun came to the Vulcan Temple alone, and started the Nine Trials of the Vulcan.

He passed all the first eight exams.

During the ninth test, he came to the eighth level and was completely reborn. The extreme pain made him pass out from the pain.

Vulcan appeared, shook his head, and said with disappointment in his tone: "You can't inherit the position of Vulcan, I'm sorry."

Ma Hongjun woke up as if awakened from a dream, feeling regretful in his heart.

In the past, he was unwilling to cultivate properly, just passing by, and now he can't inherit the position of God. All of this was done by himself.

At this time, the Phoenix God appeared, "Inherit my position."

Ma Hongjun nodded, "Okay, I accept your inheritance." At this moment he has no other choice.

At the beginning of the eighth level of the ninth test of the Phoenix God, the degree of pain was not as good as that of Vulcan God's throne inheritance, and he passed it soon.

Finally succeeding in inheriting the position of God, Ma Hongjun returned to the Temple of the Empress.

The high priest said: "Go quickly, they are all waiting for you in the God Realm. The empress knows that you will fail, so she took Bai Chenxiang first."

Ma Hongjun heaved a sigh of relief, looked towards the sky, "Thank you."

At this moment, God Realm.

As soon as Qing Guan came to the palace, she didn't know everything well, so Empress Yueyao ran away, bringing her husband, the former God Lord Bai Ze, with her.

After Fufeng arrived, the Sword God Temple was empty.

They ran too fast, is the God Realm so scary?But they soon regretted it.

Today, I was going to the center of the God Realm for a meeting. Qing Wan and Fu Feng had arrived early, and the other gods hadn't come yet, so they almost fell asleep waiting.

After a while, the good god king and the evil god king came.

Qing Wan stood up and nodded slightly, "Hi, seniors, I am the newly appointed Empress of the God Realm, and my name is Qing Wan."

Fufeng also stood up, saying: "I am the newly appointed Sword God."

At this time, Tang San came, he was dressed as a sea god, but he was able to attend the meeting because of his other god, Shura God.

Everyone greeted each other and introduced themselves.

At this time, the God King of Life and the God King of Destruction came.

Here, except for Tang San, almost all are husband and wife, that's right, life and destruction, good and evil, two couples.

Except for Life and Destruction, though, all are new.

Ruin looked at Qingwan and said, "Empress, you have already understood the situation in the God Realm in the past few days, right?"

Qing Wan nodded, but said: "I'm still young, I still need to listen to the opinions of my seniors."

Fufeng nodded slightly, but his eyes fell on his wife.

The God King of Life said: "Thirty light-years away, there is an Eastern God Realm who has asked us for help."

Qing Wan became interested and asked, "Ask for help?"

The God King of Destruction said: "Their enemy, the Demon Realm, is about to bring down the entire Eastern God Realm. Please help us."

Qing Wan nodded slightly and said, "Yes, let's go."

Tang San frowned, and said: "In the past, the God of War was there to support, but now the God of War is a newcomer, so it's useless to go there."

The Kind God King said: "Empress, what do you think?"

Qing Wan felt that this was a good opportunity to gain prestige, "Sword God, come with me to the Eastern God Realm."

The Kind God King was a little worried, so he said, "Let's go."

Fu Feng shook his head, and said: "No need, anyway, we will have to deal with each other in the future, so it's good to go and have a look."

Neither the God King of Life nor the God King of Destruction had any objections.

Tang San said suddenly: "I also want to go and see, Eastern God Realm, I'm very curious, I'll go with you."

Qing Wan nodded and said, "Yes."

So this matter was settled in this way, and after discussing other matters, there were immediate results.

The night in the God Realm is beautiful and quiet.

In the palace, almost all the gods who had just ascended from the Douluo Continent came, and the people from the God Realm they brought also came.

Bibi Dong said: "Thank you, we can be together."

Lord Bai Ze laughed and said nothing.

Ice Spirit Douluo raised his head and said: "The God Realm is really boring, but with my husband by my side, it's not that sad."

Si Qin hugged his wife, "We have to be good."

Suddenly, a voice came from the door, "I'm sorry, we were late, and I apologize to everyone."

Everyone looked at the door, it was Qian Renxue and the former God of War Ares.

Dai Mubai was very surprised, and asked: "You?"

Ares hugged Qian Renxue tenderly, and said, "Hahaha, I've been alone for half my life, and now I have a companion."

Qian Renxue blushed, "I like him, we are married."

Qing Wan said, "Congratulations."

Fu Feng smiled and said: "The position of the god has been passed on, and you have also got a beautiful wife. You are the luckiest god."

Ares said: "From now on, I will be the husband of the house."

Qian Renxue got angry, pinched the soft flesh around his waist forcefully, and said flatly: "You just need to stop being so talkative."

Ares was not annoyed, but kissed her on the cheek, "Don't hurt your hand, I will feel bad."

Qian Renxue blushed and ignored him.

Qingwan looked at the sky, "Dean Flender, and Vice President Zhao Wuji, they should have made a lot of money."

Tang San nodded and said with a smile: "After all, there is the support of the empire."

Ma Hongjun grasped Bai Chenxiang's hand tightly, "Empress, Wanwan, thank you very much, if it wasn't for you, Xiangxiang and I would be separated forever."

Qingwan smiled and said, "I know you never take your practice seriously, so I knocked Xiangxiang out and brought her to the God Realm."

Fufeng said again: "When you arrive at the God Realm, don't be lazy."

Oscar was puzzled, and asked, "Is there still war in the God Realm? But why are so many gods trying to run away?"

Fufeng said: "The Eastern God Realm asks for help, we must help, especially Boss Dai, you are the god of war, you must join the battle."

Dai Mubai nodded, "I understand."

Ares said: "Don't worry, the Eastern God Realm is not weak, you can fight as you please."

Fu Feng shook his head, and said: "The Eastern God Realm has been defeated by the Demon Realm, which means that the Demon Realm is not weak."

Qing Wan said, "Go and have a look tomorrow and find out."

Tang San thought for a while, and suggested: "I think we in Douluo God Realm should prepare earlier, we can't wait for the war to start, and deal with it in a hurry."

Qingwan nodded and said, "Don't worry, we all have our own measure."

Yu Xiaogang coughed and said, "Okay, let's stop talking about this, let's talk about your new life."

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