Ma Hongjun said: "Xiangxiang and I are preparing for pregnancy. If there is a man and a woman, we can make a baby kiss."

Fufeng looked at Qingwan and said, "I'll listen to my wife."

Tang San also said: "The children are willing, of course I don't have any objections, but it's too early for baby kissing."

Feng Xiaotian suddenly said: "I heard from the seniors that it is as difficult for a god to conceive as a child."

"It doesn't matter if you have children or not," Ares said.

Qian Renxue nodded and said, "As long as my husband is with me."

Xiao Wu stroked her stomach and said, "I still want to give birth to a child for third brother, this is the crystallization of love."

Yu Xiaogang smiled and said: "You guys give birth, and I will take care of the baby when the time comes, I have experience."

Indeed, he single-handedly brought up Qingwan, so he has more experience than everyone else.

Bibidong looked at her daughter and said, "Xiaoxue is enough. I have let her down for so many years, and I want to make up for Xiaoxue."

Qian Renxue thought of her father, "I don't blame you."

Xiao Wu acted as a pistachio and said, "I heard that God Realm has a special game, do you want to play it together?"

Ning Rongrong hurriedly asked: "What game?"

Qing Wan said, "Is it truth or dare? These days, this is the most popular in the God Realm."

Xiao Wu nodded, then took out a stack of cards from Tang San's hand.

Rules of the game: Whoever draws the big king can let the god who draws the little king choose the truth or the big risk.

Everyone thought it was a bit interesting, so they all agreed.

In the first round, everyone showed their cards one after another, Tang San was the one who drew the king, and Dai Mubai was the one who drew the king.

Qing Wan joked, "Boss Dai, you're not very lucky."

Tang San asked: "Boss Dai, let's choose."

Dai Mubai thought for a while, and chose to take the big risk, after all, for such things as telling the truth, it is easy to be stripped to the bottom by his brothers.

Tang San thought for a long time, but he didn't think of what to ask him to do, so he looked at his wife and asked, "Do you have any good suggestions?"

Xiao Wu whispered in her husband's ear, "Let him..."

They had a great time, and the next morning, Qing Wan and the other three gods brought their servants to the Eastern God Realm.

The one who came to greet him was the Emperor of Heaven, accompanied by the Queen of Heaven, and some powerful generals and soldiers, which was a great honor.

Qing Wan nodded slightly, and said, "Emperor Heaven, I am Qing Wan, the new empress of Douluo God Realm, and I came here to help you in Eastern God Realm."

Fufeng said: "I am Fufeng, the new sword god, and this is Tang San, the new sea god and Shura god. Let's talk about the business first."

The Emperor of Heaven nodded and stepped aside, "This way please."

A group of people came to Lingxiao Temple, the Heavenly Emperor and the Empress sat in the first place, and the other gods sat on both sides.

The Heavenly Emperor spoke first, "Recently, there have been more than a dozen demon masters with wings in the Demon Realm, and they have beaten my God Realm with no power to fight back."

Qingwan was puzzled, "A demon lord with wings?"

Fufeng was also curious, and asked: "Let's go and have a look first, maybe after we have seen it, we will know how to deal with it."

The Emperor of Heaven nodded, waved his hand, and a screen of light appeared in the air.

The scene of the battle between gods and demons was played on the light screen, and the dozen or so demon masters were black angels with wings.

Qingwan thought of Qian Renxue, "Could it be them?"

Tang San also thought of it, "I have to ask a few seniors to find out."

But Fufeng said: "When the former angel goddess drew out the holy sword, she released the power of darkness and opened the seal of hell."

Qingwan looked at the Emperor of Heaven and asked, "When did they come out to make trouble? Do you remember?"

The Emperor of Heaven thought for a while and said, "In the past few years."

After hearing this, the three members of Douluo God Realm also understood, "It may be that they have recovered their strength in the past few days, and they want to make trouble."

Qing Wan said: "Please rest assured, Douluo God Realm will be responsible to the end."

After speaking, he immediately took out a soul guide and sent a message to Qian Renxue.

This thing was developed by the Sun Moon Continent, and it is mainly used to send messages thousands of miles away.

In this way, a lot of trouble is saved, there is no need to run around, a lot of time is saved, and the efficiency of handling official affairs is also greatly improved.

Soon, Qian Renxue replied.

Qing Wan said, "She'll be here soon, let's not worry."

Tang San thought of a god, and asked, "Is it Qian Renxue? Her seraph belongs to the light, so it should be suitable."

Qingwan nodded, "That's her."

This is also the wrong thing done by Qian Renxue's predecessors, she should solve this matter, so as to give the Eastern God Realm an explanation.

After a while, Qian Renxue came and bent slightly, "I have seen the Heavenly Emperor, I have seen the Empress."

Qingwan smiled slightly, "Okay, let's discuss countermeasures now."

Before the Emperor of Heaven opened his mouth, a soldier in armor came in from outside and said, "Emperor Heaven, the demon world is here."

Qing Wan got up and said, "It's just in time."

Tang San and Fufeng also stood up, showing their artifacts.

The Emperor of Heaven also looked at his divine soldiers and generals, and said, "This battle must be won, you all go."

The gods bent down and said, "Obey, Heavenly Emperor."

Everyone came outside the Nantianmen, the army of the demon world and dozens of black angels, led by the demon king, stood outside to scold and fight.

Qian Renxue looked a little ugly and said, "They are demons."

Also a fallen angel, symbolizing evil, who once helped the Dragon God fight against the Douluo God Realm, and was later sealed with the holy sword by Empress Yueyao.

The former angel goddess pulled out the holy sword, gained power, and released these demons, but the power had not been recovered at that time, so she fled to other places and hibernated.

Qingwan held the divine artifact creation scepter, and unleashed the divine skill and divine fall.

The powerful nine-colored light was like overwhelming mountains and seas, attacking the demons and more than a dozen fallen angels fiercely.

Holding the Canglan Excalibur, Fufeng starts a duel with a Demon Lord.

Tang San switched to Shura God, holding the Shura Demon Sword, and Qian Renxue fought against the fallen angels together.

The Heavenly Soldiers and Generals of the Eastern God Realm were not idle, and fought with the army of the Demon Realm, and the strength of both sides was even.

Qingwan smiled slightly, released the nine-colored deer martial soul, the soul ring rose slowly, and her red lips parted slightly: "The third soul skill, berserk transformation."

The three gods Tang San, Qian Renxue, and Fufeng have all attributes increased by 30.00%, and they can already firmly gain the upper hand.

Qing Guan then switched to the Ice Spirit Goddess Wuhun, released the Ice Domain, and then received the fourth spirit skill Xuehantian.

The snowflakes falling from the sky, like sharp blades, beheaded all the demon soldiers, slowly consuming the power of the demon king and the fallen angels.

In less than a moment, the demon world retreated.

The magic soldiers and generals cheered, and after clearing the battlefield, they returned to the Lingxiao Palace, where the Heavenly Emperor was remembering the tuantuan outfit.

Qingwan smiled faintly, "The matter has been resolved."

Fufeng said, "We changed back."

The Emperor of Heaven was very happy, and quickly said: "The banquet has been prepared here, why don't you leave after the celebration."

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