Chapter 79

Qing Wan was very aggrieved and said, "You only care about the child and not about me. Do you not love me anymore?"

Fufeng quickly hugged her in his arms, comforting her gently: "Stop thinking about it, I love you very much, and I hope to have a child."

Qingwan nodded, leaned into his arms, and said, "I'm hungry."

I don't know why, but my appetite is very good these days, and my appetite is several times that of usual, and I still can't get enough to eat.

Fufeng hurriedly and gently put down Wanwan, then went to the kitchen to cook, and after a long time, he came out with a bowl of white fungus and lotus seed porridge.

Qingwan asked him to feed it directly, and she was full after eating three or four bowls in a row.

As the days passed, Qingwan's belly grew bigger and bigger, and finally the day of giving birth came.

Fufeng was circling around in a hurry outside the door, wishing he could rush in.

After a long time, the Immortal Doctor came out, holding two children in her arms, she smiled and said, "Congratulations to the Sword God, you are twins of a dragon and a phoenix."

Fufeng glanced at the child and entered the delivery room.

Qingwan was lying on the bed and sleeping deeply, her face was very pale, she had already exhausted her strength after giving birth to a pair of children.

Fufeng sat by the bed, held her hand, and said, "Wanwan, we will never have children again."

Outside, the God King of Life and the God King of Destruction came together.

The fairy doctor held the child in his arms and saluted, saying: "These two children are very beautiful, and have inherited the advantages of the sword god and the empress."

The God King of Life looked at the child, feeling soft in his heart. She asked the Immortal Doctor to pick up the girl and tease her, "It's so cute."

The God King of Destruction said: "If you like it, then accept her as a goddaughter."

The fairy doctor said: "These two children are blessed, and their achievements in the future will be limitless."

The God King of Life nodded slightly, "Yes."

At this moment, Fufeng came out, nodded slightly in greeting, "Wanwan wants to see the two children, give them to me."

The Immortal Doctor and God of Life were reluctant to return the child.

Fufeng didn't have time to entertain them, so he went in first, told Wanwan to rest well, and then came out, saying: "I'm sorry."

The God King of Life shook his head and said, "I like children very much, and I want to be their godmother. I don't know if we have this blessing."

Fu Feng nodded, "Of course, this is their blessing."

The God King of Destruction put his arms around his wife and said, "Go in and see her, I know you are worried about the empress."

The God King of Life nodded and went in.

Fufeng said: "Thank you, if you didn't manage the God Realm during this time, I wouldn't be able to stay with my wife and raise my baby in peace."

The God King of Destruction turned around and said, "Besides the former Sword God and Empress Yueyao, the gods I admire most are you."

This sentence is tantamount to recognizing their identities.

In the past few years of managing the God Realm, the Sword God and the Empress have shown outstanding talents, not losing anything to their predecessors.

Fufeng smiled slightly and said, "Thank you."

In the room, Qing Wan had already woken up and was sitting on the bed, "The God of Life, I'm sorry, my body has not recovered yet."

The God King of Life shook his head, moved a chair and sat down, "These two children, have you named them yet?"

Qingwan shook her head, thought for a while, and said, "The boy's name is Fu'an, and the girl's name is Qingning. I hope they can live a peaceful life."

The God King of Life stretched out her finger and tapped the child's forehead lightly, and the green light enveloped them. This is her magical skill, the blessing of life.

Qing Wan said: "On behalf of the children, thank you for the gift."

At this time, the door of the room was pushed open.

Qingyi came in with Guangling Douluo, Bai Ze Shenjun, and Ice Spirit Douluo. They were all very happy and couldn't help teasing the children.

Qing Guan greeted them one by one, and then asked: "Have they given birth? Are they male or female?"

Guangling Douluo replied: "Goddess Angel gave birth to a boy, and he was very beautiful, so he can be our son-in-law."

Qing Yi said: "Huo Wu also gave birth to a boy."

Lord Bai Ze said: "Ning Rongrong gave birth to a boy, Xiao Wu gave birth to a girl, only Bai Chenxiang has no news."

Qingwan looked at the pair of children and said, "Maybe the fate has not come yet."

Yu Xiaogang came in and said: "The child has grown up, leave it to me to teach, the God Realm is quite boring."

Qingwan nodded, "Thank you, Dad."

Guangling Douluo's tone was a bit sour, "It's obviously my daughter, but in the end I'll give you half of it."

Qingyi looked at him coldly, "Guangling, if it wasn't for him, would you still have a daughter? You'd be fine if you picked up a ready-made one."

Guangling Douluo was speechless, "I helped take care of my grandson..."

Before finishing this sentence, Qingyi interrupted, "Isn't this what it should be? They also have a trace of your blood in them."

Guangling Douluo shut up, now, he won't be scolded again.

The God King of Life smiled and smoothed things over, "She just gave birth and needs to rest, so take the baby out."

Qingyi nodded and picked up the two children, "That's right."

Guangling Douluo warned: "Daughter, you should have a good rest, we will take care of everything, so don't tire yourself out."

Qingwan nodded faintly, closed her eyes, and fell into a deep sleep.

The God King of Life went out with everyone, and everyone liked the two children very much, so they took turns taking them with them.

Temple of Angels.

Qian Renxue's face was a little pale, and there was a baby beside her.

Ares said softly, "Thank you for your hard work."

Bibi Dong also came, glanced at the child, and said, "It's hard to get a child from the God Realm, you are a lucky one."

Qian Renxue nodded, with a gentle smile on her face.

She was very fortunate that she did not resist desperately at the beginning, but directly ascended to the God Realm, otherwise, how would she have the happiness she is now.

The most beautiful thing is not to be number one in the world, but to be surrounded by people you like and the crystallization of love.

Ares said with a smile: "My wife, don't worry, I will take care of the children. As for you, just be in charge of being beautiful and beautiful."

Bibidong said: "Xiaoxue, this child, the future Martial Soul must be a seraph, and his talent may be above everyone else."

Qian Renxue nodded, but said, "I hope his life is safe."

Ares thought for a while, and then asked, "Honey, should you name the child Qian Xiaoyi?"

Qian Renxue nodded, "Yes."

Bibi Dong was puzzled, "Doesn't the child have to take your last name?"

Ares shook his head and said, "The child was born by my wife through hard work. I have no credit for it. It should be named after my wife."

Qian Renxue smiled and said, "Thank you, I didn't choose the wrong person."

Bibi Dong looked at her daughter, she was lucky, she met a man who really treated her well, unlike her...

Qian Renxue seemed to sense that her mother was not in the right mood, "Mom, you have come to the end of all hardships, and Yu Xiaogang doesn't care about your past."

Bibi Dong nodded, "Fortunately, there is Wan Wan."

If she hadn't appeared, Liu Erlong would definitely know Feng Que, and if he kept waiting, they might finally get married in the end.

And she never had the chance to let go of the past and have Xiao Gang again.

(End of this chapter)

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