Shrek ninth monster in Douluo continent

Chapter 80 "The Beasts"

Chapter 80 "The Beasts"

Qian Renxue said: "It can only be said that good luck tricks people. After going around in circles, you are still together."

Bibi Dong nodded, with a very happy smile on her face.

Seeing that Yu Xiaogang didn't follow, Ares asked, "Where is he now? Why didn't he come?"

Bibi Dong said: "Wan Wan gave birth, where is he going to look?"

Qian Renxue lowered her head, thinking of her father, "I exist, I made mom sad, I'm sorry."

Bibi Dong shook her head and said, "You are innocent."

Seeing that the atmosphere was a bit dull, Ares changed the subject: "Would you like to see the Temple of Angels in the world?"

Qian Renxue nodded, raised her hand, and released a force from her palm, which condensed into a light screen, showing Douluo's situation on it.

At this moment, hundreds of years have passed.

Wuhunzong has long been a corner of history, while the Angel Temple is still prosperous, and Shrek has become the number one academy in the mainland.

On the mainland, there has long been no top three rankings.

Immortal Sword City still lives in seclusion, but the Heaven Dou Empire has split and formed the Heaven Soul Empire and the Dou Ling Empire.

Although the Star Luo Empire on the other side is still there, it has long since changed its owner. At this moment, the Xingguan Xu family is in charge, and only Dai Mubai is in charge.

In addition, two factions have gradually prospered among the people, the Holy Spirit Sect and the Noumenon Sect. The former is evil, and the latter has always supported the Heavenly Soul Empire.

Qian Renxue closed the light screen, "The sky has changed."

Ning Rongrong's son was named Ning Xiao'ao, implying that Oscar would always be Ning Rongrong's servant.

Huo Wu's child is named Feng Zhiyou, implying that Feng Xiaotian will always be the toughest shield behind Huo Wu.

Tang San's daughter was named Tang Wutong, and the name also contained a deep love for his wife Xiaowu.

They are all showing affection, which can be said to be the envy of others.

In the palace, Qingwan sat on the throne, in front of a light screen, on which was printed the picture of Douluo Dalu.

After the crustal movement, Douluo Continent and Sun Moon Continent became one.

The Sun Moon Continent has advanced soul tools, so he ambitiously wants to occupy the Douluo Continent, and a great battle breaks out.

Immortal Sword City came out of the mountain, this time bringing hundreds of peak Douluo.

They teamed up with the Dou Ling Empire, Shrek Academy, and the two empires of Tianhun and Xingluo to fight back the Sun Moon Empire for three days and three nights.

At this time, a childish voice came from the side: "Mom, are you watching the situation in Douluo Dalu again?"

Qingwan put away the light screen, looked down at her daughter, "Yes, where is my mother's hometown, and now, I can't go back."

Qingning seems to understand, but she is full of longing for Douluo Dalu in her heart, and she can't wait to run down immediately to have a look.

Fu Feng came in and said: "Wife, children, it's time to awaken their martial spirits, they are all six years old."

Qingwan nodded, picked up her daughter, "Let's go."

They came to the Raksha Temple, and everyone was there at the moment.

Yu Xiaogang bent down and said with a smile: "Children, can you line up first? Which one of you will come first?"

The children lined up obediently, and the one standing at the front was Qian Xiaoyi, the son of Qian Renxue and Ares.

Yu Xiaogang set up a magic circle on the ground, let him in, and then released his martial soul, guiding the power in his heart to slowly awaken.

The golden light was brilliant, and three pairs of golden wings appeared behind Qian Xiaoyi, holding a holy sword in his hand.

Yu Xiaogang was very satisfied and said, "A natural born seraph."

Then, he handed over a crystal ball, and without any accidents, it was born with a soul power of level [-].

Qian Renxue was very satisfied, "Very good."

Then there is the second child, Ning Xiao'ao, from the Nine Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda, who is innately full of soul power, and the quality of the Nine Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda seems to be higher.

Feng Zhiyou's martial soul is Fengshen, who is born full of soul power.

Tang Wutong is the Goddess of Light Butterfly, the Clear Sky Hammer, and the God of the Sea. She is born full of soul power, so it can be said that she is on the hook.

Qing Ning's martial soul is also very special, Bai Ze Shenjun, Ice and Snow Goddess, and Sword God all have the same innate soul power of level [-].

The Goddess of Ice Spirit evolved into the Goddess of Ice and Snow, and the Lord Bai Ze and the God of Sword are directly the incarnations of gods, which is even more perverted.

The last one, Fu'an, the Martial Soul Death God, Destroyer Scepter, and Sword God are all god-level Martial Souls, and the innate level [-] soul power has not escaped.

Yu Xiaogang coughed and asked: "You three children, are you planning to use that martial soul?"

Fu An thought for a while and said, "Grandpa, I want to use the God of Death spirit, and I want to be a control-type battle soul master."

Qing Ning said with a smile: "Then I will be a soul master of the assault system. I want to cultivate the sword god martial soul. I must be stronger than my father."

Tang Wutong said: "The goddess of light, Butterfly, is so beautiful. I want to cultivate this martial spirit, and I want to be the most powerful soul master."

Feng Zhiyou's martial soul is good at speed, so it became the agility attack type.

Needless to say, Ning Xiao'ao must be an auxiliary type.The last one, Qian Xiaoyi, is a standard attack system soul master.

Seeing so many geniuses, Yu Xiaogang was very happy, "All of you will learn from me in the future, I will make them stronger than them."

Qing Wan warned: "Father, don't be too aggressive."

But Fufeng said: "Boys, you are not so delicate. An'an should practice hard and protect girls."

Fu An nodded and said, "Yes, Dad."

Handing the child over to the teacher, Tang San and Xiao Wu were very relieved.

Huo Wu was a little depressed, and said, "Why, isn't it my Hokage martial soul? It would be great to be a controlling soul master."

Qing Wan said: "The quality of the two-headed wolf Gaifeng is higher than that of Hokage, and Feng Xiaotian has become the god of wind again. It is really unlikely that the Martial Soul of Hokage will appear."

Ma Hongjun was very envious, and looked at his wife Bai Chenxiang, "We will also work hard to give birth to our child as soon as possible."

Bai Chenxiang blushed, turned around and ignored him.

In the following days, under the guidance of the master Yu Xiaogang, the strength of the six little dolls increased day by day.

They misbehaved together and got punished together.

There is a lot of joy in the God Realm. The gods love these children very much. Every time they have a birthday, they will give them various gifts.

Before I knew it, six years had passed.

Qing Ning, Fu An, and Qian Xiaoyi are 12 years old, and their strength has already reached the Soul Sect realm.

Tang Wutong is at level 28, Ning Xiaoao is at level 29, and Feng Zhiyou is at level 33—the talents are amazing.

One day, Tang Wutong took everyone to Douluo Continent secretly while the adults were not paying attention.

They came directly to Shrek to enroll, and they were admitted smoothly.

Six children have just entered the school gate, with extremely outstanding looks.It has attracted the attention of many girls and boys.

Tang Wutong's appearance absorbed the advantages of her parents, Qian Xiaoyi looked like her mother, Feng Zhiyou looked like her father, and Ning Xiaoao looked more like her mother.

For the twins Qingning and Fuan, the younger sister is more like a mother, and the older brother is more like a father, as if they have stepped out of a painting.

(End of this chapter)

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