Shrek ninth monster in Douluo continent

Chapter 89 Reserve Team Selection

Chapter 89 Reserve Team Selection
Huo Yuhao bought another piece of black whale glue, and the group went to the front desk to go through the procedures before leaving together.

On the way, Huo Yuhao felt a murderous aura, "There are people ambushing us ahead, everyone pay attention."

Fu Ming and Yu Xinghan stepped forward to protect the students behind them.

Qing Ning was not afraid at all, and said loudly: "Come out, don't hide, we know you are here."

After a while, a group of killers appeared, and the lowest among them were all soul sages.

Qing Ning released her martial soul, "Who sent you here?"

The leader said: "You guys, go to hell and ask."

Fu Ming released the immortal sword spirit, and said with a smile: "Then let's see if you can use my immortal sword."

Ning Xiao'ao released his martial soul and domain to provide them with boosts.

Immediately afterwards, Fu Ming, Yu Xinghan, Qing Ning, Fu An, Qian Xiaoyi, and Feng Zhiyou rushed forward at the same time and started a war with each other.

Ning Xiaoao was protected by Wang Dong and Huo Yuhao to prevent surprise attacks.

This battle alarmed the teachers in the academy, and Ma Xiaotao also came. Those people were all burned to ashes.

Ning Xiao'ao withdrew his martial soul, withdrew his domain, and said with a smile: "Senior sister is really amazing. They are all dead, how can we interrogate them?"

Ma Xiaotao blushed a little, "Why don't you attack more lightly next time?"

Qing Ning went over to hug her senior and said, "Sister, I have a gift for you, are you happy?"

Ma Xiaotao also hugged Qingning, "What kind of gift is it?"

Fu'an introduced: "It can purify the evil fire in your body. Senior Ma Hongjun used it to become a real phoenix."

Fu Ming understood, and asked, "Cockscomb Phoenix Sunflower?"

Yu Xinghan also smiled and said, "Xiao Tao, compared to your parents, you are the luckiest. Your luck is yet to come."

Before, those who possessed the evil fire phoenix martial soul either died tragically, or became evil soul masters, beheaded by the angel temple.

Qing Ning nodded, gave this fairy grass in front of everyone, and said: "Eat it quickly, and then you can go hunt the soul beast."

Ma Xiaotao was very pleasantly surprised, Lian Sheng said thank you, and immediately took them back to the academy, while she went to the inner courtyard to find a teacher.

Yan Shaozhe looked at this fairy grass and said, "Try it."

Maybe this is really a chance for Xiaotao?Maybe it can make Xiaotao reach Ma Hongjun's height.

Ma Xiaotao swallowed it immediately, then sat down to absorb it.

About three days later, she woke up and said, "Teacher, I have broken through the seventieth level, and I can hunt soul beasts."

Yan Shaozhe checked it and was very surprised, "The evil fire in your body has been completely purified, and it has even been upgraded to the ultimate flame."

Ma Xiaotao was very happy, this is a great favor, "Our Shrek Academy is now inseparable from the Immortal Sword Sect."

Yan Shaozhe was surprised: "The chance came from Immortal Sword Sect?"

It is indeed a super sect that aspired to the top of the world ten thousand years ago, with profound foundation and strong strength.

Yan Shaozhe said again: "Our Shrek has a close relationship with the Immortal Sword Sect, and their Fufeng ancestors also graduated from here."

Ma Xiaotao nodded and said, "Teacher, I will definitely reach the height of senior Ma Hongjun and become the pride of the academy."

A few days later, the college will select the school team.

The requirements are under the age of 15, and the spirit power is over [-]. This time, the soul guidance department can also participate.

However, this request was more like it was customized for Huo Yuhao.

On this day, the elites from the outer court came to a venue. The selection had not yet started, and everyone was chatting excitedly.

Ning Tian ignored Dai Huabin and went directly to Ning Xiaoao and the others.

Wu Feng also found it strange, but she was in charge of protecting the young master, so naturally she followed, but Qingning and the others had a lukewarm attitude.

Huo Yuhao introduced new friends again: "This is the senior and Caitou from the Soul Guidance Department, and these are friends from the Martial Soul Department."

Beibei and Xu Sanshi also came over, and Jiang Nannan was also with them.

Qing Ning looked at everyone, and said: "The four assistants, there are land and air combat soul masters, and there is no lack of control. It is a perfect team."

Fu An also said, "Just us."

Beibei had no objection, "Okay, with the three top auxiliary soul masters, our team has earned a lot of money."

In this world, there are few martial spirits that can be compared with Nine Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda and Nine Heart Begonia.

Xu Sanshi smiled and said, "I also want to experience the feeling of being augmented."

Ning Tian apologized slightly, and said: "My soul skill is to increase speed and strength, and to release the controlled state."

Ning Xiao'ao said: "It's okay, the four boosts are complete."

Xiao Xiao said: "My soul skill, with its control effect, should be able to help everyone defeat them."

Ye smiled slightly and said, "Everyone, feel free to rush forward, Jiuxin Haitang will heal everyone, please trust me."

Qing Ning nodded and looked at those people, "There is the Nether White Tiger."

Qian Xiaoyi wasn't worried, "When I was the soul sect, they couldn't stop me, let alone my soul king level strength."

At this time, Elder Xuan came, "You form a team by yourself, the team should not be less than nine people, and then start a big melee, and you will win if you stand at the end."

Dai Huabin found Ning Tian and said, "Let's team up with us."

Ning Tian shook his head and said, "I'm on the same team as Xiao Ao."

Wu Feng also said: "I want to follow the young master, I will go wherever she goes, you can find someone else to form a team."

Dai Huabin looked at the others coldly, especially Huo Yuhao, he was the weakest, so why should he have the strongest teammates.

Fu An walked over and reminded: "The competition is about to start."

As soon as the words fell, Elder Xuan took a chicken leg and announced: "Today's big melee has officially started, let's go."

Fu'an releases the spirit of death, and the eyes of the dead kill the audience instantly.

Huo Yuhao was stunned, "So strong?"

Qing Ning did some calculations and said, "It took three seconds, and your level has fallen a bit, brother."

Fuan said: "The attack is too heavy, they will destroy it."

Qian Xiaoyi looked at everyone and said with a smile: "Have fun, you won without fighting, it's time for us to get rewards."

Xu Sanshi was dumbfounded, and followed them to Elder Xuan's place.

Elder Xuan hadn't finished eating a chicken leg yet, and announced after eating: "You are the reserve team of the Shrek school team, come with me."

It was originally called the Shrek Nine Monsters, but there were more than nine people, and they were worried that the substitutes would be unbalanced, so they changed it to the Shrek School Team.

Everyone followed Elder Xuan to the training ground in the inner courtyard, where all the students of the school team and Guangling Douluo were there.

Qing Ning ran over and threw herself into Grandpa's arms, "You haven't visited me these days, I'm upset, I need you to coax me."

Guangling Douluo skillfully took out a marrow washing pill, "Here, this is strawberry flavored, specially prepared for you."

As soon as Qing Ning took it, she ran away and swallowed the elixir in one gulp.

Elder Xuan coughed, "Let's get to know each other."

(End of this chapter)

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