Chapter 90

Qing Ning came first, asked his brother for a bottle, poured a pill for everyone, and said, "Meeting ceremony."

Then, self-introduction: "Qing Ning, martial soul sword god, level 52, soul king of the attacking system."

Fu'an said: "My name is Fu'an, Xiaoning's twin brother, Wuhun Reaper, level 53 control system soul king."

Feng Zhiyou nodded slightly, "Feng Zhiyou, Wuhun Fengshen, level 41 agility attack department soul sect, of course, I can be a strong attack department."

Qian Xiaoyi said: "Seraphim the martial soul, the 52nd level attack soul king, my martial soul is absolutely restrained against dark and evil martial souls."

Ning Xiao'ao said: "My name is Ning Xiao'ao, I'm the Nine Treasures Glazed Tower of Martial Soul, the [-]th level auxiliary system Soul Sect."

Wang Dong is the butterfly goddess of light, with a level 31 assault system.

Huo Yuhao is Lingmo, level 26 control system.

Xiao Xiao is a level 28 control assistant system great soul master, and his martial souls include Feng Lai Yi Xiao and Sansheng Soul Suppressing Cauldron.

Ye smiled slightly and said, "My martial spirit is Jiuxin Haitang, a level 32 healing system, and I can keep everyone alive."

Beibei, Xu Sanshi, and Jiang Nannan are soul masters, He Caitou is a fourth-level soul mentor, Ning Tian is also a soul master, and Wu Feng is already at level 29.

Seniors, Fu Ming and Ma Xiaotao are soul sages, Dai Yaoheng and Yu Xinghan are soul emperors, and everyone else is soul kings.

Guangling Douluo said: "Fu Ming, Ma Xiaotao, you two are the strongest, so you will be the captain, choose your own teammates, and the others will watch the battle."

Fu Ming nodded, looked at Ma Xiaotao, and said, "Ladies first."

Ma Xiaotao nodded and looked around, "Just Xiao Yuhao. I believe you can help my sister win Fuming."

Huo Yuhao nodded, "Okay, Senior Sister Xiaotao."

Fu Ming smiled slightly, looked at Fu An, and said, "An An, I trust you, you can command us."

Ling Luochen was a little angry that she was left behind.

Then, Ma Xiaotao chose Dai Yueheng, Qingning, Qian Xiaoyi, and Ningbo, Chen Zifeng, Xixi, and Gongyangmo.

Fu Ming chose Ning Xiao'ao, Yu Xinghan, Xu Sanshi, Wang Dong, Yao Haoxuan, Ling Luochen, and Jiang Nannan.

Each has a quarter of an hour to discuss tactics.

On the one hand, Fu An said: "I will deal with my sister, but someone needs to stop Qian Xiaoyi, he restrains my strength."

Fu Ming volunteered: "I'll do it."

Yu Xinghan asked again: "Who will restrict Ma Xiaotao, he is already a soul sage and has a martial soul avatar."

Fu An smiled slightly and said, "It's okay, leave it to me."

Ling Luochen asked again: "Primary brother, what about me?"

Ning Xiao'ao said: "Huo Yuhao has the ultimate ice attribute, and you can't stop him. You just need to cooperate with Brother An."

On the other side, Qing Ning said: "My brother will definitely find a way to deal with me and Xiao Yi, so we will try our best to attract attention, and you sneak attack."

Chen Zifeng nodded, looked at Xixi, "I'll leave it to you."

Sisi nodded, "Don't worry."

Huo Yuhao sighed, and said, "It's a pity that Wang Dong is not here, so I can't use the martial soul fusion technique."

Qian Xiaoyi said: "Fu Ming is not a fool."

Dai Yaoheng was a little unconvinced, "It's enough to get Fu Ming done."

Ma Xiaotao glanced at him and said, "Control-type soul masters have the ability to leapfrog challenges, don't underestimate An An."

Qing Ning said again: "My brother still has a second martial spirit, which is more domineering than the Death God martial spirit, even the seraphim will be suppressed."

Qian Xiaoyi nodded, "Destroy the scepter."

At this moment, Guangling Douluo said: "The time is up."

Only then did the teams on both sides set up their formations, and then the battle began.

The soul skills of the glazed pagoda soul masters on both sides are fully activated, and Ning Xiaoao's side has an extra field, which is slightly better.

Fu'an releases the eye of the dead first, controls it first, then switches the scepter of destruction, and uses the power of destruction to form a thunder net that falls.

Fu Ming and Yu Xinghan released their martial souls at the same time, and found Ma Xiaotao and Dai Yueheng respectively, and started a duel with them.

Ling Luochen released the power of ice to cooperate with the power of destruction to cover his teammates, and at the same time let all opponents bear the attack of the power of destruction.

Wang Dong releases Die Shenguang to make the final make-up.

In this battle, Fuming's team won, while Ma Xiaotao's team lost embarrassingly.

Guangling Douluo nodded, and then announced: "An'an, Xiao Ning, you guys end up, change to Xiaoyou and He Caitou."

The two looked at each other and withdrew from the team.

Then the match continued, and Fu Ming still won. The Immortal Sword and Martial Soul are really invincible, this cannot be questioned.

After an hour, Ma Xiaotao didn't win a game, even if he used the martial soul fusion skill Golden Road, it didn't have any effect.

Although the battle is one-sided, everyone's relationship has been pulled in.

Dai Huabin found his elder brother at night and wanted to attack Huo Yuhao, but he was scolded.

A few days later, the school team and the reserve team all gathered by the Sea God Lake, and Elder Xuan, Wang Yan, and Guangling Douluo all came.

Elder Xuan talked about the inner court, and said: "The inner court is the Shrek inspection team, which shoulders the important task of maintaining world peace."

Then he said: "It is not uncommon for soul masters to hurt people. In order to restrain soul masters, a total of three forces have established monitoring groups."

They are Shrek's Overseer Group, the Angel Temple's Overseer Group, and the most powerful Immortal Sword City's Overseer Group.

With them, the people have expectations for life.

The one with the most casualties was the Shrek Monitoring Group. The situation has improved a lot with the disciples from Immortal Sword City joining in the past ten years.

Those inner court disciples who failed to graduate are the heroes of the academy, the heroes of the entire Douluo Continent.

Fu Ming nodded, and said: "Soul masters are much stronger than ordinary people, so they should shoulder more responsibilities."

Guangling Douluo sighed, and said: "The Wuhun Palace back then was not built to restrain soul masters."

Unfortunately, when Chihiro Ji became Pope, all this changed.

Elder Xuan said again: "The Sun Moon Empire has not really integrated into our Douluo Continent, and war will break out sooner or later."

Fu Ming went on to say: "My Immortal Sword City has always been in a semi-retired state, and it has not really been closed. It is also for the peace of the world."

Qing Ning remembered what her mother said, "Once a general is successful, no one can use the blood of the common people to satisfy his own selfishness."

Elder Xuan went on to say, "Stay if you want to join the inner courtyard, and go back if you don't want to. I won't blame you."

In the end, Dai Yueheng said: "I am very honored to be a member of the monitoring team. Even if I don't get paid, my life will be in danger. I don't regret it."

Qian Xiaoyi said: "I want to revive the glory of angels. Seraphim is God's spokesperson in the world and the embodiment of justice in the world."

Fuan said seriously: "We are willing to join the inner court to maintain world peace, and I will be as strong as my parents."

The others nodded one after another, expressing their willingness to fight for the world.

Elder Xuan was very happy and said, "You are all good boys, Wang Yan, give the things to the children."

Wang Yan nodded, and distributed a ring to everyone, acknowledging the master with a drop of blood.

(End of this chapter)

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