Chapter 92 Crisis
Dai Yueheng was puzzled and asked, "Why did you follow him?"

Fu An explained: "His martial spirit completely restrains soul masters with dark and evil attributes. With him around, our danger is reduced by half."

Fu Ming also asked: "Why can't you leave 100 meters away?"

Dai Yaoheng was puzzled, "Could they be too cautious? Their highest cultivation is only at the Soul Emperor level, and our cultivation is higher than theirs."

Qian Xiaoyi said: "Brother An is worried that the evil soul master will have a backup, and a radius of 100 meters is the limit distance of the angel field."

Fu An said: "Senior, they have been rampant for so long, there must be something special about them, for everyone's safety, don't take it lightly."

Fu'an at this moment can be described in one sentence, that is, a born king, people would surrender to him unknowingly.

Ma Xiaotao asked: "Is there any more? Are we going to sneak attack, or directly attack? Or break through from the inside."

Fu An thought for a moment, and said, "Let's attack directly, and I will stay and clean up the fish that slipped through the net. My power will be purified by the Angel Domain."

Qing Ning added: "Auxiliary soul masters should pay attention to running away. Only when you assist in a safe situation can everyone go to fight with peace of mind,"

Ningbo, Ning Xiao'ao, Yao Haoxuan, and Gongyang Mo nodded.

When night fell, they set off.

Huo Yuhao turned on Spiritual Detection and Spiritual Detection Sharing, gave it to Teacher Wang Yan and Fu An, and everyone went deep into it.

In order to avoid alarming others, Qian Xiaoyi did not release his martial soul this time.

After walking for an unknown distance, Wang Yan stopped everyone, and brought a kind of tree branch to analyze a lot of information, which made everyone look at him with admiration.

Looking for the past along the footprints, I finally found a cruel scene.

Where is a cave, the walls and the ground are full of corpses, including babies, which shows the degree of cruelty.

Sure enough, it was an evil soul master, Fu An was furious, but kept rational.

Feng Zhiyou asked: "What should I do next?"

Huo Yuhao came and shared his soul skills, "Brother An, you must not let them go, you must avenge these people."

Fu An whispered: "Sly Rabbit Three Caves, they must have another escape route, first freeze the ground, and the Angel Domain suppresses the entire audience."

The next step is to block the escape route and completely encircle and suppress.

Fu Ming nodded, "I have no problem, let's do this, let's act immediately, none of these evil soul masters can stay."

Everyone started to move, and the four assistant soul masters stood together, releasing their soul skills, and fully assisting their teammates.

Qian Xiaoyi flew into the sky, released the angel field, covered the entire bandit den, and the pure holy energy purified and dissolved everything to replenish itself.

Immediately afterwards, Ma Xiaotao, Dai Yaoheng, Yu Xinghan, Fu Ming and others rushed up from all directions, forming a blockade.

Qing Ning released the Ice and Snow Goddess Martial Soul, injected the breath of ice into Ling Luochen's body, and then used the soul skill to freeze the ground to a depth of three feet.

Qian Xiaoyi released the soul skill Angel Divine Light, which just happened to cover the entire audience.

Upon seeing this, the seniors immediately joined the battle.

Feng Zhiyou was not idle at the moment, he flew high into the sky, acting as an eye for everyone, preventing anyone from escaping in the chaos.

The bandits were caught off guard at this moment, coupled with the absolute suppression of the seraphim, they were defeated in less than a quarter of an hour.

Qian Xiaoyi was worried that the evil soul master would jump over the wall in a hurry, so he released the soul skill angel blessing, and the sacred power formed a protective armor to wear on his teammates.

The bandit leader put all his eggs in one basket and made the corpses explode.

At this time, the seniors and sisters in the central battlefield withstood the strongest attack, but at the critical moment, the bracelet opened its defense.

The corpse explosion is astonishingly powerful, reaching the level of a Titled Douluo.

Fortunately, the Angel Domain has weakened two levels of power, and the double defense blocked the seven-level attack. Fighting Soul Masters, there is no life-threatening at this moment.

And Ning Xiaoao saw the bracelet turned on for defense, dragged a senior to turn on the accelerated soul guide and ran away.

The remaining two auxiliary soul masters were not so lucky. Although most of the attacks were blocked by the defensive shield, they still fell into a coma.

Seeing this, the bandit leader rushed towards Huo Yuhao and the others with his puppets, but they didn't know that Fu'an was also a soul king.

Feng Zhiyou was shaken away by the explosion, but he reminded in time: "The fish that slipped through the net may have passed, An An be careful."

Fu'an releases the spirit of the god of death and opens the realm of the undead.

The moment the bandit leader stepped in with the puppets, the power of the underworld brought the puppets back to their senses.

Fu An smiled slightly and said, "I will give you a chance to take revenge. The god of death controls the soul, not the body."

Those puppets stopped, turned around and rushed up, tearing the people who controlled them to pieces.

Huo Yuhao was stunned, and the others persuaded him to vomit.

Guangling Douluo came over and said, "This is something you all have to go through. Ye Weiwei, let's start, don't insult Jiuxin Haitang."

Ye Weiwei nodded, released his martial soul, and immediately activated the healing soul skill.

This is a range of extreme healing for all. The comatose people have woken up, but it is still difficult to participate in the arrangement.

Others are in much better health, but need training.

Elder Xuan also came and asked: "Children, are you okay? If you die, I will be blamed for death."

Ma Xiaotao coughed, "We're fine."

Ling Luochen also said: "Fortunately, there is a defensive soul guide, protected by the power of angels, otherwise all the explanations will be left here."

Qian Xiaoyi asked with concern: "Xiao Ning, are you okay?"

Qing Ning wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said, "I didn't enter the central battlefield, and my injuries are not serious. It's enough to be treated by Nine Hearts Begonia."

At this moment, Ning Xiaoao came back and let out a sigh of relief, "Fortunately, I ran fast and took Senior Gongyang Mo with me."

Gongyang Mo smiled and said, "Thank you."

Qing Ning said with a smile: "He has excellent escape skills. When we follow our uncles to carry out missions, we don't have to worry at all."

Ning Xiaoao was very proud and said: "Mom told me that Dean Flender said that an auxiliary soul master who can't escape is not a good soul master."

Guangling Douluo coughed, "Xiao Yi is going to clean up the battlefield."

Qian Xiaoyi nodded, ascended to the sky again, released Angel Luowu, and a sea of ​​golden flames burned everything.

Ye Weiwei withdrew his martial soul, "The seniors are not in danger."

Xixi said: "Chen Zifeng and I need to cultivate for about two months at the earliest. If we participate in the competition, it may be too late."

The two assistants also woke up, but they couldn't move their bodies.

The other two substitute seniors are also not in good condition. It should be impossible to join the team.

The slightly better ones are Ma Xiaotao, Dai Yaoheng, Yu Xinghan and Fu Ming, so they can participate with the team.

Elder Xuan nodded and sent a signal flare, "Those who are seriously injured go back to the academy to recuperate, and the others follow me to the competition."

After a while, someone arrived, and Yao Haoxuan, Ningbo, Chen Zifeng, Xixi and the two substitutes were sent back.

The others put on the flying soul guide and continued on their way. Finally, on the last day, they arrived at Star Luo City and successfully signed up.

(End of this chapter)

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