Shrek ninth monster in Douluo continent

Chapter 93 Nine Red Soul Rings

Chapter 93 Six Red Soul Rings
In the meeting room, the atmosphere was a little dull.

Wang Yan looked at Fu An and Ning Xiao'ao, and said, "Fortunately, you have the foresight, Fu An commanded properly."

Ma Xiaotao bowed and said, "I am completely convinced."

Dai Yaoheng also said: "You are our saviors, if you need anything in the future, just ask."

And at this moment, Ma Xiaotao and the others had completely accepted the soul tool. Without it, everyone might have left for that mission.

Indeed, without Seraphim, without Fu'an, without Ning Xiaoao's soul tool, really, this competition is really over.

Guangling Douluo smiled slightly, and said, "Now, you all know the power of controlling a soul master, right?"

Fuan said: "In the future, when carrying out missions, I hope that everyone will be more cautious. Impulsiveness will not solve any problems."

Qing Ning added: "Thousands of years ago, the seniors and sisters defeated so many strong teams because they never underestimated any team player."

The seniors and sisters lowered their heads, their minds had been dazzled by the honors of so many years, and they couldn't see clearly what was ahead or themselves.

Wang Yan coughed and asked, "How long do you want to cultivate?"

Ye Weiwei said: "Seventeen days for Senior Dai, fifteen days for Senior Ma, ten days for Senior Ling, eight days for Senior Fu Ming and Senior Yu Xinghan."

Wang Yan nodded, "Okay, you all try your best to recuperate, take an hour every day, and find Wei Wei for treatment together."

Ma Xiaotao nodded, "Okay, we've made a note."

Guangling Douluo coughed and said, "Introduce the rules, and then Fu'an arranges tactics, that's all."

Wang Yan nodded, "This competition is divided into three stages."

In the knockout round, half of the 130 three colleges will be eliminated, and then they will be divided into random groups, with nine colleges in each group, and a round-robin match will be adopted.

In this round robin, the competition system is randomly selected.

It may be a one-on-one, or a team battle, or a three-three-three competition system, which is a test of overall strength.

Wang Yan looked serious and asked, "An'an, what's the arrangement?"

Fu An coughed, "I, Xiao Ning, Xiao Yi, Xiao You, and Xiao Ao can fight, there is no big problem."

There are four more, Fu An looked at them and said, "Senior Beibei, Senior Xu Sanshi, Huo Yuhao, Wang Dong."

Everyone has no opinion, so the tactics are set like this.

At this moment, Sea God Pavilion has received the news.

Yan Shaozhe smiled slightly, "Fu'an's command is excellent, Seraphim and Ning Xiao'ao's defensive soul guides have done a good job, this time there is no death."

The children are fine, and after a while of cultivation, they will be fine.

Elder Mu smiled slightly, "Senior Guangling said that the life and death missions that Fu'an child has experienced, there are not one thousand, but eight hundred."

Now it seems that what was said was indeed true.

Yan Shaozhe also laughed and said, "This time, the soul tool saved their lives, so they should be able to accept it."

Elder Mu nodded and said, "There is no need to send reinforcements for seven or more soul kings, they can handle it."

Yan Shaozhe said: "Okay, Mr. Mu. After the children come back, do you need to reward Fu An, Qian Xiaoyi, and Ning Xiao'ao well?"

Mu Laodao: "Of course, just watch the arrangement."

For the inner court, although it was an ordinary task, it was a great achievement to show the power of the soul tool and keep the school team.

Yan Shaozhe said again: "The teacher of the healing department said that it's a good thing there is a soul master of Jiuxin Haitang, otherwise the two assistants would be useless when they brought them back."

Elder Mu nodded, "She is a good child, she should be rewarded."

On the other side, Star Luo City.

The opening ceremony began, and everyone in Shrek felt the enthusiasm of the audience, thinking in their hearts that they must not lose.

After the emperor had spoken, he announced the official start of the game.

The first match was Shrek vs. Tianling Advanced Soul Master Academy.

Fu An smiled slightly, and said, "Xiaoyou, you go. Yuhao used the simulated soul skill to give him the strength of a soul emperor."

Huo Yuhao nodded, "No problem."

The spirit eye martial soul is activated, and the second soul skill is simulated.

Feng Zhiyou walked in the front, released the spirit, and six blood-red spirit rings appeared on his body, saying: "I am enough alone."

Tianling Academy was already stunned, trembling all over.

The auditorium was also very surprised, Shrek is so powerful, do other academies still use competitions?
Feng Zhiyou released the wind wings, flew into the sky, and then launched the upgraded version of his father's self-created soul skill, Gale 72 consecutive slashes.

Each attack can superimpose the power of the previous attack.

Tianling Academy hurriedly resisted, but they were just a group of soul sects, with the tyrannical wind blade power, they couldn't stop it at all.

When No.60 made eight consecutive cuts, the referee made a move.

Then, the referee loudly announced: "Shrek Academy wins."

With such a quick battle, thunderous applause broke out in the audience, and everyone shouted Shrek's name.

Feng Zhiyou hissed, and the scene fell silent, "I'm from Shrek, and I'm also from Tang Sect."

As soon as these words came out, everyone at the scene shouted Shrek and Tangmen.

Beibei was very moved, "Thank you."

Qing Ning smiled mischievously, and said, "The sect master of the Tang Sect is my father and mother's brother, we can help if we can."

Fu An nodded, "That's right."

In Huo Yuhao's heart, his determination to revitalize the Tang Sect became even stronger.

The game was over, and everyone left the field one after another.

Only Wang Yan stayed and watched the next match. He had to make the best preparations for the round robin competition within the group.

Feng Zhiyou yawned and said, "My dad's upgraded self-created soul technique is very powerful, but it consumes too much soul power."

Qing Ning smiled slightly, "It's okay, there is Huichun Pill."

Fuan said: "During the competition, you can't eat it."

Huo Yuhao asked curiously: "What is that? Is it also a pill to improve your physique?"

Wang Dong answered her, "No, to restore soul power and physical strength."

Beibei was very surprised and said: "Then we can continue to fight. Where did you get this kind of elixir?"

Qing Ning said: "Immortal Sword City."

Of course not, it was taught by the grandpas of the Eastern God Realm, and she also has an alchemy flame on her body, which seems to be called Nanming Lihuo.

The strange formation that Fu An and the others added to the soul tool was also learned from the Eastern God Realm.

Beibei looked at Senior Fuming who was walking towards him, "Immortal Sword City is so powerful, and there are also pills to restore soul power and physical strength."

Fu Ming was stunned, then nodded, "Ah? That's right."

After returning to the hotel, everyone entered the state of cultivation, because the subsequent competitions will only become more and more difficult.

Finally, the knockout round was over, and Teacher Wang Yan called everyone for a meeting.

Wang Yan coughed and said, "Tell me about your abilities, so I can arrange tactics."

Fu An said: "I have five soul skills, the eye of the dead, the night walk of ghosts, the impermanence of black and white, the gate of hell, and the master of the underworld."

Then I talked about the effects in detail, all of which are controlled and stormed.

Then came Qing Ning, "Break Mountains and Rivers, Break Soul Slash, Seven Emotions Sword Formation, Kill God Sword Formation, and Group Attack Ten Thousand Swords Guizong."

(End of this chapter)

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