Chapter 120 Zhao Yutian Visits


The old Gao family gathered around the dining table, chatting about some trivial matters in life while eating.

During this period, the person who talked the most was Gao Qiming, the eldest son of Gao.

Since his accident, he stayed at home and planted greenhouses with his parents.

At first, he still felt that he might continue to be outnumbered as before, and he was already mentally prepared to accept these words.

He is ready to do his job well and doesn't care about other people's gossip.

But what surprised him was that after he returned to Zhaojia Village, he was busy with the work that he didn't care about in his own land every day, and became a dutiful farmer.

No one looked down on him, spoke ill of him behind his back as he imagined.

On the contrary, those neighbors who lived next door took the initiative to please him and wanted to have a good relationship with him. Some villagers even wanted to learn some planting techniques from him.

It wasn't until this moment that he fully understood that those people who said bad things about him behind his back were just jealous that he had a powerful sister, and he couldn't get angry with him, so they used those bad words to provoke him.

At that time, he was still foolishly trying to prove that he was better than Gao Jingwen, but now that he thinks about it, he was really stupid.

"Sister, how long are you going to stay this time, why didn't Brother Xishun come back with you!"

"The work in the capital city has just started on the right track. I asked him to manage the transport fleet. He is still learning."


Gao Qiming nodded and said, "You don't know, but now Uncle Yutian brags to everyone, saying that brother Xishun is following your capital to do big business, and he manages hundreds of people."

"Ha ha!"

Gao Jingwen smiled noncommittally, but did not directly expose Zhao Yutian's lie.

Zhao Xishun's transport fleet has just been formed, and there are only more than 10 truck drivers at all times, which is a thousand miles away from a few hundred people.

However, Gao Jingwen is very concerned about this freight company and plans to vigorously develop it. If all goes well, the freight company will be divided into two parts in the future.

Some of them are responsible for delivering fruit to Qiangsheng fruit chain stores, and responsible for the full-time freight work of the fruit store.

The other part is to develop into logistics, and strive to develop into a full-time freight company like 4-way and 1-way.

Gao Jingwen's goal is lofty, so there is nothing wrong with what Zhao Yutian said. Sooner or later, Zhao Xishun will become a great leader who manages thousands of employees.

It's just that Zhao Yutian moved forward the timeline of Zhao Xishun's leadership.

Talking about this, Gao Jingwen turned her head to look at Gao Qiming, and asked with a smile: "I heard that you have worked hard recently, how is it, do you still despise this job that you despise?"

Hearing this, Gao Qiming scratched his head in embarrassment. He used to be confused by others, but now he has figured it out, and he is no longer confused.

"I was ignorant before, but now I understand that making money doesn't matter whether it's high or low, as long as it's a legal business."

Seeing the changes in Gao Qiming, Gao Jingwen was very happy for him.

After all, she will go to a big city to develop in the future, and Gao Qiming's future path will depend on his own luck.

"Xishun followed me to the capital to develop, don't you envy?"

Mentioning Zhao Xishun, Gao Qiming was stunned for a moment, saying that he would be lying if he said he didn't envy him, it was the capital city, the most prosperous metropolis in China.

Not to mention Gao Qiming, who in Zhaojia Village, or even Xinhe City, would not want to develop in a big city like the capital?

Fortunately, Gao Qiming has an accurate positioning for himself. He doesn't have a business mind, so even if he goes to a big city with Gao Jingwen, he can't do anything.

Maybe when the time comes, things will be messed up and Gao Jingwen will be in trouble again.

"To tell you the truth, I actually really want to go to the capital to see the world. After all, I haven't seen what this big city looks like."

"However, I know that I don't have that ability, and I can't do it even if I go to a big city. It's better to grow a greenhouse at home honestly."

"I'm fine now. I'm planting sunshine roses and Kyoho grapes with my parents. When I have experience in the future, I can contract a piece of land and grow grapes myself."

Hearing this, Gao Jingwen nodded in relief, her incompetent brother finally looked a little better.

If he develops in a down-to-earth manner, he can accumulate more experience and reward Gao Jingwen to help him a little and make his life better.

"You should learn from Dad. I have already talked with Dad. Next year, I will help him contract a fruit mountain or a planting base."

"You follow them to learn more about planting experience. When you have experience in the future, I will help you think of ways to make money."

Gao Qiming didn't expect Gao Jingwen to be willing to help him, his face flushed with excitement for a while, and he looked at Gao Jingwen excitedly, "Sister, don't worry, I will definitely do a good job, and I will never let you down."

Gao Jingwen shook her head, "It's not that you don't let me down, just don't let yourself down, just don't let your parents down!"

"Yes, yes, I will work hard!"

The next day.

As soon as Gao Jingwen woke up to take a shower, Zhao Yutian came to visit her.

"Uncle Yutian, why did you come here so early in the morning?"

Zhao Yutian waved to Gao Jingwen, asking her to wash up first, and then sat on the chair in the small courtyard by himself. Seeing his familiar movements, he should be a frequent visitor to Gao's house recently.

Gao Jingwen guessed that Zhao Yutian was coming, so she definitely wanted to talk to her about Zhao Xishun. It just so happened that she also wanted to ask Zhao Yutian if any suspicious people had entered the village to take pictures recently.

After quickly washing up, she ran all the way to Zhao Yutian's voice.

"You girl, you are already a big boss, why are you still so frizzy?"

Gao Jingwen waved her hands nonchalantly, the boss's airs are for outsiders to see, and Zhao Yutian is considered one of her own people, and it's chilling to show the boss's airs in front of her own people.

"Uncle Zhao, you are not an outsider, so we don't need to care about those details."

"You came here to inquire about brother Xishun, right? He did a good job in the capital. I hired professional staff to train him. It won't be long before he becomes a real leader."

Hearing this, Zhao Yutian's expression brightened, and the wrinkles on his face formed a wild chrysanthemum in full bloom.

"Haha, it's lucky to have you, Erya, otherwise our family, Xishun, wouldn't be able to become a big leader in the capital."

"During this time, he often called his family, saying how good the capital is, how famous your business is before it starts, and so on. He also told me that he was going to be a big leader soon, and he was very happy."

Gao Jingwen nodded with a smile. Although Zhao Xishun also has no higher education, he has a sharp mind. He has been fascinated by Zhao Yutian's behavior style for a long time, and he already has his own way of doing things.

What he lacks now is orthodox business experience.

Gao Jingwen believes that if Zhao Xishun works in the freight company for 2 or 3 years, he will be able to make it through and become a talent who can take charge of himself.

(End of this chapter)

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