Chapter 121 Trouble coming!

"Brother Xishun is doing pretty well now, Uncle Zhao, you don't have to worry about him. If you miss him, I'll arrange a vacation for him and let him come back to get together with you."

Hearing this, Zhao Yutian shook his head again and again. In his heart, a man's career is more important than anything else, and homesickness is something only a worthless man would do.

It is rare for Zhao Xishun to have such a precious opportunity. He should put all his thoughts on work, instead of being like a child who has not grown up and homesick every day.

"He is already an adult. If you miss home and don't want to go home, you let him work honestly. If he can't get results, don't let him come back."

As expected of being the village chief, Zhao Yutian treated Zhao Xishun very strictly. However, Zhao Xishun's affairs were not Gao Jingwen's top concern. After a few polite words with Zhao Yutian, she brought the topic back on track.

"Uncle Zhao, how about the incident I told you before, have any reporters come to our Zhao Village recently?"

Hearing this, Zhao Yutian's expression changed, he got up and closed the door of Gao's house, then walked quickly to Gao Jingwen's side, leaned into Gao Jingwen's ear, and whispered: "I think you seem to be in big trouble, and recently A group of people came to our village to inquire about your fruit."

"Also, these people are not only journalists and other official personnel, but also some wealthy businessmen and big bosses."

"Some time ago, there was a rich boss who came to my house and prepared 5 yuan for me, asking me to find a way to help him get some seedlings of your fruit trees, fruit seeds and so on."

"After he was driven away by me, he went to other people's homes in the village. I guess someone might have agreed to him."

Hearing this, Gao Jingwen frowned. She had expected that this kind of thing would happen one day, but she didn't expect it to happen so soon.

Zhao Yutian was able to refuse the other party's 5 yuan because he wanted to protect Zhao Xishun's bright future. He knew in his heart that Zhao Xishun's future was worth far more than the 5 yuan, so he refused the other party very simply.

But other people don't necessarily think so. They all work for Gao Jingwen. Although they earn more money working under Gao Jingwen than outsiders, 5 yuan is a huge sum of money for ordinary villagers.

Under such a big temptation, there must be someone who couldn't bear the temptation of money and secretly offered Gao Jingwen's excellent fruits to the big boss.

Fortunately, Gao Jingwen has already made sufficient preparations to register trademarks and apply for patents for all top fruits such as 'Dazzling Ruby Grape'.

Even if the samples are obtained by outsiders and cultivated, Gao Jingwen can protect her own rights through legal means.

Some other precious foreign fruits such as Huanglong fruit, durian, and arctic fruit can only grow normally in Gao Jingwen's planting base. After leaving this soil, they will die immediately due to unacceptable water and soil.

Therefore, Gao Jingwen is not very worried about her fruits being stolen by outsiders. What she is most worried about is the fruits she cultivated twice, such as 'printed apples', 'heart-shaped watermelons', and 'ginseng fruit'.

Once these fruits cultivated through special methods are exposed, many people will imitate her planting methods, and there will be a large number of similar products on the market next year.

Once this happens, the gimmicks she played before will become worthless, and the prices of those specialty fruits will definitely be affected.

After a moment of silence, she shook her head helplessly, because she knew in her heart that such things could not be hidden.

Those ordinary employees are not related to her, as long as others are willing to pay, they dare to sell Gao Jingwen's secret.

They don't give a shit about 'non-disclosure agreements' or anything like that!
"Oh, I didn't expect the trouble to come so quickly!"

"It is estimated that these bosses who inquire about the news are all colleagues in the fruit business. They are willing to spend huge sums of money to buy my secrets. This matter cannot be stopped."

"How about this? In the past few days, I organized a meeting for the people at the planting base and told them that if they disclosed my business secrets, they would not only have to pay huge sums of money, but also be imprisoned. I hope that some thoughtful people will give up these unreliable Spectrum ideas."

Hearing this, Zhao Yutian shook his head again and again, as soon as he heard Gao Jingwen's thoughts, he knew it was unreliable.

As the head of Zhaojiatunzi Village, he knows the virtues of the people in his village very well. These guys are all rural people with little education.

They don't have the concept of law at all in their hearts. They must think that Gao Jingwen is talking big to scare people. I am afraid that only when they really commit a crime and are caught, they will know how serious their mistakes are.

"Well, there is really nothing to do about this kind of thing. These peasants in our village don't understand the law at all, and they don't know how much damage it will cause if you reveal your things to others."

"Even some people have complained about you and are willing to take the initiative to disclose these things to outsiders."

"There's really not much we can do!"


Gao Jingwen nodded helplessly, she had already figured it out, this matter cannot be avoided, she could only use legal means to protect her legitimate interests.

"I will find a way recently to apply for trademarks and patents for all my products to prevent people from stealing my ideas."

Speaking of this, Gao Jingwen was silent for a moment, and said with a cold face: "In case someone leaks commercial secrets to the outside world, I will hold them accountable to the end. Whether it is people from our village or other villages, I will None will be tolerated."

"Once these commercial secrets are leaked, my loss will be at least a million dollars. The person who disclosed the commercial secrets is destined to reflect on his crimes in prison."

"Uncle Zhao, if it's this person, someone close to you, don't blame me for not being sympathetic."


Zhao Yutian heaved a long sigh. He watched Gao Jingwen grow up all the way, and knew how difficult it was for Gao Jingwen to start from scratch.

At the same time, she also knew that Gao Jingwen's planting of those excellent fruits was a key project that Zhao Xuemin was very concerned about. If Gao Jingwen's business suffered a loss, Zhao Xuemin would probably not agree.

"You, Uncle Zhao, I haven't seen anything big in the world, but I can still tell the difference between right and wrong. If anyone discloses your business secrets to the outside world for those bad money, they deserve it."

"Hey, let's not talk about these things. I just have one more thing to inform you today. Xinhe City is going to develop agricultural planting and help poor rural areas, do you know?"

Zhao Yutian nodded repeatedly. Zhaojiatunzi belongs to Zhao County, which is one of the four impoverished towns in this planting plan.

As the birthplace of this planting plan, Zhaojiatunzi was assigned to 15 impoverished households. These impoverished households have been pre-determined, and they are waiting for the city to allocate funds to officially start planting activities.

"You haven't been at home for a while. I don't know how lively the news is in our city. Our Xinhe TV station has been reporting it for several days in a row."

"Our village also has selected poor households who are waiting to build greenhouses and grow 'colorful ruby ​​grapes'."

(End of this chapter)

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