Chapter 145 Christmas (V)
Just when Gao Jingwen and Kudo Hideichi were having a hot chat, the mobile phone in Gao Jingwen's pocket suddenly vibrated 'buzzing', she hurriedly waved to Kudo Hideo, walked aside and took out her mobile phone.

When she saw Li Chengyan's name on the phone's caller ID, Gao Jingwen's little heart skipped a beat for no reason, as if she had been caught doing something bad.

Why did this guy suddenly remember to call me? Is there any progress on the MP3 project?
Gao Jingwen picked up the phone while guessing what Li Chengyan was calling for.


"It snowed heavily in the capital today, is it snowing in your place?"

Gao Jingwen was a little surprised by Li Chengyan's first sentence, he didn't even come up to talk about MP3, but first mentioned the matter of snowing today.

For some reason, Gao Jingwen's heart beat faster, and a faint blush appeared on her little face.

"Well, we have also had a lot of snow here, and it will probably continue for a while."

"That would be great. Have you ever built a snowman or had a snowball fight?"

Gao Jingwen shook her hand holding the phone, Brother Xindao, we are all adults, and we are so busy with work every day, how can we have time to build snowmen and have snowball fights?
However, if I have the chance, I would also like to try it.

"Well, I've been busy recently, I don't have much time, I'm busy, do you have anything else to do?"

"Are you with that Kudo Shuichi!"

Hearing this sentence, Gao Jingwen felt flustered for a while, and couldn't help looking in the direction of Kudo Shuichi, just in time to meet Kudo Shuichi's gaze.

She hurriedly turned her head and continued to talk as if nothing had happened.

"Yes, yes, how do you know?"

"Tch, don't you know that I have a number one spy on my side, I don't know anything!"

It was only then that Gao Jingwen remembered that Li Chengyan had a lick dog, Lin Cailuan. As Kudo Shuichi's partner, Lin Cailuan might know Kudo Shuichi's schedule.

It is not surprising that Li Chengyan knows what Lin Cailuan knows.

Now that Li Chengyan already knew about this, Gao Jingwen simply told Li Chengyan about her cooperation with Kudo Shuichi, and did not hide it, and explained that Kudo Shuichi came here this time to visit her planting base.

"Oh, that's it, be careful with that guy, I think he has bad intentions for you!"

Hearing this, Gao Jingwen's small face flushed red, like the sunset glow at sunset, extremely beautiful.

It's a pity that Li Chengyan on the other side of the phone couldn't enjoy this beautiful scenery.

"You, don't talk nonsense, Mr. Kudo and I have a very serious cooperative relationship, there is no such relationship between us."

"What kind is that?"

"I didn't say anything, you didn't ask yourself!"

In terms of messing around, Gao Jingwen is not Li Chengyan's opponent at all, she quickly stepped into Li Chengyan's trap.

"You don't come here, anyway, there is no such relationship, do you have any business, if not, I have to be busy with work."

Li Chengyan knew that if the conversation continued like this, Gao Jingwen might really get angry, so he hurriedly got to the point.

"Isn't it Christmas? As your important partner, it's okay for me to care about my major shareholders."

Hearing this, Gao Jingwen was speechless for a while, she always felt that Li Chengyan's phone call today was a bit strange, and it was very different from the past.

Normally when Lee Seung-yeon approached her, he mostly talked about project progress and MP3 issues, but today he didn't mention anything about work, which was very inconsistent with Lee Seung-yeon's usual style of doing things.

Coupled with the fact that today is indeed a special day, Gao Jingwen inevitably thinks a little too much.

"I'm fine, just take care of your MP3 project, don't worry about my affairs."

"You are my important partner, of course I have to care, what should I do if you are cheated away, do you think so?"

"Okay, I still have business to do, so I won't talk to you about these useless things, goodbye!"

Speaking of Gao Jingwen, she was about to hang up the phone. The moment she was about to hang up, she heard the words "Merry Christmas", followed by some unfinished words.

But unfortunately, she had already hung up the phone, and she could no longer hear the following content.

She was a little dazed holding the phone that had ended the call, and she was vaguely expecting that the other party would call again.But Li Chengyan didn't call her cell phone again, which made Gao Jingwen feel a little empty in her heart.

"Miss Gao, are you okay?"

Kudo Xiuyi on the other side had a strange expression on his face after seeing Gao Jingwen hang up the phone. He thought something happened to Gao Jingwen's house, so he hurried over to care.


"Oh, nothing, let's continue to visit!"


Kudo Xiuyi keenly noticed that Gao Jingwen was a little restless, but Gao Jingwen was unwilling to say, and he couldn't take the initiative to ask, so he could only follow Gao Jingwen to continue visiting the planting shed.

Soon, the two visited several greenhouses and came to the last watermelon greenhouse.

Seeing the patchwork plastic molds in the planting shed, Kudo Hideichi finally understood why Gao Jingwen could grow such regular heart-shaped watermelons and square watermelons.

He couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "Miss Gao, your whimsical idea is simply a stroke of genius. Can you explain how this wonderful method of acquired cultivation came about?"

Gao Jingwen smiled awkwardly and politely. All of her planting methods were borrowed from others. They were all ideas of others, but she borrowed them.

"That, that, is just a small idea that came up by chance, just try it!"

Gao Jingwen's evasion, in the eyes of Kudo Shuichi, is low-key and humble, and he admires Gao Jingwen more and more.

"Miss Gao is indeed a business genius. Just such a small mold can increase the price of ordinary watermelons by more than 10 times. It is really amazing."

What Kudo Hideichi said was actually wrong. Gao Jingwen's heart-shaped watermelons and square watermelons are not just as simple as their good-looking appearance.

The watermelon itself is also a brand-new variety specially bred by Gao Jingwen, with a more unique taste, otherwise it would not be possible to increase the price several times just because of a special appearance.

There is no need for Gao Jingwen to explain this kind of thing to the other party too clearly, just talk and laugh and let it go.

Before parting, Kudo Hideichi suddenly said: "Miss Gao, I have a heartfelt request. I wonder if our 'Tiansuke Watermelon' can also be cultivated in this way?"

"Don't worry, I won't use your creativity in vain, and I will give you a certain amount of financial compensation."

The Tiansuke watermelon in Kudo Hideichi's mouth is a high-grade watermelon cultivated by the Kudo family. It is of the same grade as the red strawberry and Zhang Ji strawberry.

The most important thing is that Tianzhu Watermelon will not be sold outside, and it will not affect Gao Jingwen's business, so Gao Jingwen is happy to give a favor.

"Mr. Kudo was joking. We are partners. You can use this kind of small idea. Just keep it secret, don't be copied by other planting bases, and spread it on a large scale."

Hearing this, Kudo Hideo looked happy.

"Great, it happens that we are competing with the Mitsui family for the market share of high-end watermelons. With this help, we will definitely be ahead of them. Thank you, Ms. Gao!"

"You're welcome, we are partners!"

(End of this chapter)

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