Chapter 146 To Alice
Coming out of the planting shed, Kudo Hideichi noisyly visited Gao Jingwen's dried fruit planting base again. Gao Jingwen had no choice but to take him around the hazelnut planting base.

The hazelnut harvest season has long passed, and at this time there is only a bare hazelnut tree covered by heavy snow.

Gao Jingwen pointed to the neat hazelnut trees in the field and said: "Hazelnut is one of the dried fruits that I value most. It is not only an important raw material for our dried fruit factory, but also an important raw material for my chocolate factory. It is the dried fruit with the largest planting area. .”


Kudo Hideichi nodded silently, looking around the hazelnut tree in the vast white snow.

When he witnessed Gao Jingwen's large-scale planting base with his own eyes, he was convinced that Gao Jingwen was not the spokesperson of a big family, but really had his own planting base.

After verifying Gao Jingwen's true strength, he was even more convinced that he would deepen cooperation with Gao Jingwen.

He gently swept the snow off his shoulders, and said softly: "Miss Gao has such a large family business at such a young age, it is really rare, she is indeed a model for our young generation!"

Gao Jingwen didn't have time to talk about life with Kudo Shuichi in the university field. She folded her arms around her chest and shook her head vigorously, shaking off the snow on her head.

"Mr. Kudo was joking. Compared with you, how can I be called a model of the younger generation? I also hope that in future cooperation, Mr. Kudo can take care of me, a little girl."

Kudo Hideichi is a quick-witted person, he can see that Gao Jingwen is not interested at the moment, and it just so happens that he is almost done visiting.

"I'm bothering Ms. Gao today. I will treat Ms. Gao to a banquet in person some other day."

Gao Jingwen shook her head again and again, "No, no, we are partners, so we don't need to be so polite. Sign the contract early and start construction is the kingly way."

"Okay, then I will prepare a formal cooperation contract when I go back, and strive for an early construction."

"Well, it's too cold today, so that's about it!"

"Okay, but today I have prepared a small gift for Miss Gao, I hope Miss Gao will not dislike it."

Gao Jingwen's expression paused, she was ready to leave the show, and went home to eat roasted sweet potatoes, but Kudo Shuichi suddenly gave her a surprise.


She and Kudo Hideichi have always maintained a very good cooperative relationship. The topics they talked about most were profits and interests, and they rarely talked about personal relationships.

So when Gao Jingwen learned that Kudo Hideichi was going to give her a gift, her first reaction was very unexpected.

"Uh, well, we're old friends, what kind of gift do we have?"

Gao Jingwen politely refused, but Kudo Hideichi did not give up.

"Because today is Christmas, if you don't give a gift to such a beautiful partner as Ms. Gao on Christmas, you will not be a gentleman enough."


Gao Jingwen wants to say that it's just a bad Christmas, it's not a great holiday, it's not gentlemanly enough, it's pure bullshit.

But she had clearly rejected Kudo Hideichi once just now, and if she refused again, it would seem a bit too shameless.

She could only respond politely: "Thank you so much Mr. Kudo, I am looking forward to your holiday gift very much."

Gao Jingwen is also very smart. She bites the word "holiday" very hard, indicating that I accept your gift for festival reasons, not because of special personal emotional reasons.

Kudo Hideichi smiled and nodded, "This way please, the gift is in the car."

"it is good!"

Gao Jingwen silently followed behind Kudo Hideichi, stepping on the snow covered with footprints.

Soon, the two came to the gate of the planting base. Kudo Hideichi took out a gift box about 15cm in length and width from the Rolls-Royce car. .

"Merry Christmas!"

"Thank you, I'm too hasty today, I didn't prepare a gift for you, next time, next time."

Gao Jingwen said politely, and took the gift box from Kudo Hideichi.

This small gift box is very heavy, at least weighing more than 2 catties. The first thing Gao Jingwen thought of was the crystal carvings that her classmates gave each other for their birthdays when she was in elementary school.

However, a rich and wealthy son like Kudo Hideichi should not give that kind of cheap gift, probably relatively expensive gifts such as jade and jewelry.

"See you later!"

Kudo Hideo waved to Gao Jingwen, cleaned up the snow on his body, and drove away.

Looking at the Rolls-Royce sedan that was gradually disappearing from sight, Gao Jingwen shook her head helplessly. Now she is not sure whether Kudo Hideichi has that kind of thought about her.

But her idea is very firm. Kudo Shuichi is a very good business partner, but in terms of the relationship between men and women, the other party does not belong to the type she likes.

"Oh, I hope I'm thinking too much!"

As she said that, Gao Jingwen casually opened the gift box in her hand. After opening the outer packaging, it turned out to be a very small crystal music box inside.

This music box is divided into upper and lower parts. The upper part is a woman carved in crystal. The woman seems to be dancing with her hands slightly open.

The lower part is an ivory white box with a gold spring on one side that turns the gears and plays the music programmed inside.

When Gao Jingwen saw this gift, she opened her mouth wide in surprise.

Because in her perception, a wealthy young man like Kudo Hideichi should be the kind of person who spends a lot of money. They should give limited edition Hermes, Prada Couture and so on.

This kind of crystal music box is a small gift that Gao Jingwen remembers from her classmates when she was a middle school student.

She didn't think this gift was cheap, but she didn't expect Kudo Shuichi to give her this type of gift.

She smiled and turned the clockwork of the music box. When she let go, the little crystal figurine on the music box turned slowly, and a very pleasant sound came from the delicate music box.

But when Gao Jingwen heard the familiar rhythm of the music, she stopped holding the music box, and the expression on her face froze.

Because she is very familiar with the music played in the music box, even people who don't understand music have probably heard its name, it is - To Alice.

Pieces of crystal clear snowflakes fell on the small music box, but Gao Jingwen didn't care to clean them up. Before the music finished playing, she put the music box back into the gift box and wrapped it tightly.

Then, she opened the car door in a panic and drove home.

Tuesday, April 1996, 12.

Today is the last day of 1996, and tomorrow is the new year.

Big cities pay more attention to the Gregorian year, but only in rural areas. The Gregorian year is no different from ordinary days, and few people celebrate the Gregorian year.

But for Gao Jingwen, today is indeed an extraordinary day. Today she officially signed a contract with Kudo Shuichi, and it is also a big day for Dongteng Dried Fruit Factory to officially start construction.

Gao Jingwen rushed to Xinhe City Development Zone early in the morning to participate in the company's cutting-off, and was busy until the afternoon before returning home.

(End of this chapter)

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