Not long after Gao Jingwen entered the store, Li Lu, the store manager, rushed over after hearing the news. She trotted all the way to Gao Jingwen, waiting for Gao Jingwen's instructions.

Gao Jingwen did not discuss work issues with her in a public place, she pointed to the direction of the office, and then took the lead to walk to the office.

Li Lu is also very sensible, instantly comprehending the leader's thoughts, and silently followed behind Gao Jingwen.

After entering the office, Gao Jingwen sat down on the sofa in the office, "Give me a copy of last month's financial statements!"

"Okay, wait a minute!"

After a while, Li Lu came to Gao Jingwen with a thick stack of financial statements. The financial statements piled up on the desk were as thick as several volumes, and they couldn't be read in a short time.

Gao Jingwen waved her hand to Li Lu, "Okay, go ahead and do your work first, I'll watch for a while, and I'll call you if I have any questions!"

"Okay, Mr. Gao, you are busy first!"

Li Lu didn't say much, nodded and got up to leave!
It wasn't until Li Lu walked out of the office that Gao Jingwen picked up the documents on the desk and looked them up one by one.

She used to work as a middle-level manager in one of the world's top [-] companies, and she was familiar with simple tasks such as reading financial statements. She quickly analyzed the strong chain fruit store and Lufthansa branch from the thick financial statements. Details of the month.

In December 1996, the per capita consumption of Lufthansa branch was 12 yuan, the number of daily customer orders was 178, the daily turnover was 689 yuan, and the monthly turnover was 12.4 million yuan.

Among them: VIP customers accounted for 73%, ordinary users accounted for 27%, and second and above repurchase customers accounted for 59%
From the perspective of data alone, the daily order volume, per capita consumption, and turnover of Lufthansa branch are all very good.

However, one of the most important external factors must also be considered, that is, Lufthansa Mall belongs to the top consumer circle in Beijing, and the location of the fruit shop is also near the main entrance on the first floor of the mall.

With such unique natural conditions, coupled with the top-quality fruits in the store that cost 99 yuan/catties and 199 yuan/catties, the per capita consumption is only 178 yuan, which is actually not too much.

Of course, this is related to the fact that the Qiangsheng fruit chain store has just opened and its reputation has not yet been fully established.

Gao Jingwen believes that her fruit shop will continue to operate for a period of time, and the daily business will increase significantly around May 5.1 this year.

The success of the Lufthansa branch has given Gao Jingwen enough confidence, allowing her to see the feasibility of building a top domestic chain fruit store.

She gently placed the financial statement in her hand on the desk, tapped rhythmically with the tip of her right finger on the desk, thinking in her mind that it was time for her powerful fruit store chain to start an expansion plan.

Gao Jingwen conceived the business map of chain fruit stores as early as the beginning of her business, and her expansion plan has long been deeply engraved in her mind.

Her plan is to use the two first-tier cities, Beijing and Tianjin, as her experimental subjects.

If the fruit shops in Beijing and Jinmen develop well, she will expand to other first-tier cities in China, and the main targets are the developed cities along the southeast coast.

Gao Jingwen is confident that within a year, she will expand her strong fruit chain chain to all first-tier cities across the country.

Today, the sales of the branches in Beijing and Jinmen are good, and her planting base has also been expanded. It is time to start the expansion plan.

She picked up the phone on the desk and dialed an internal number. Within 2 minutes, the store manager Li Lu came trotting all the way to the office.

She looked at Gao Jingwen with some anxiety, and asked in a low voice, "Mr. Gao, what instructions do you have?"

Gao Jingwen stood up with a smile, "Don't be nervous, the operation of the Yansha branch was good last year, but there is still room for improvement, you have to keep working hard."


Li Lu let out a long breath. She was afraid that Gao Jingwen would be dissatisfied with her work, so she would replace her.After hearing Gao Jingwen's words, she let out a long breath.

"Don't worry, Mr. Gao, we will continue to work hard."


Gao Jingwen nodded slightly, telling the most important thing about her visit to the branch this time.

"I will draft a few recruitment documents later, you can help me apply to the talent centers in various districts of the capital, and by the way, help me see if there are any office buildings around 200 square meters in the CBD area. It is best to buy, if not, you can also rent. "

Hearing this, Li Lu's eyes lit up. From Gao Jingwen's words, she smelled a strong message of business expansion.

She had long heard that Gao Jingwen had a relationship with the wealthy Li family in the capital, and her background was terrifying, but Gao Jingwen's business in the capital seemed to be only a strong chain of fruit stores.

Now it seems that Gao Jingwen is ready to make efforts to expand her business territory in the capital.

Although Gao Jingwen's property has nothing to do with her, she still couldn't hide her inner excitement.

"Okay, Mr. Gao, I understand!"

"Then first"

Gao Jingwen was halfway through speaking when the mobile phone on the desk suddenly vibrated.

Looking at a string of unfamiliar numbers on the caller ID, Gao Jingwen frowned slightly. This is an unfamiliar capital number.

She waved to Li Lu, motioning her to go to her own work, and then answered the phone.


"Hello, is this Gao Jingwen, Miss Gao?"

The other party's voice is very magnetic, but from the other party's voice and tone of speech, Gao Jingwen can tell that the other party is a man similar to Kudo Shuichi, who has received a good education since childhood and has a gentle personality.

"I am, who are you?"

"I'm Li Yucheng!"

Li Yucheng?
Gao Jingwen's first reaction when she heard this name was very strange. She was sure that she did not know this man, but she felt vaguely that she had heard of this name somewhere.

Seeing that Gao Jingwen didn't respond for a long time, the other party asked with a smile: "Why, that kid Chengyan didn't mention me to you?"

Hearing the word Chengyan, Gao Jingwen suddenly remembered, isn't Li Yucheng the young master of the wealthy Li family in the capital, Li Chengyan's own brother?
The acquaintance of Gao Jingwen and Li Chengyan was an accident. She never thought that she could still meet Li Yucheng, the young master of the Li family.

She said with some uncertainty: "Mr. Li, I don't know if Mr. Li called me suddenly. Is there something wrong?"

"I know you, you are not simple!"

"My younger brother, who only knows how to do nothing every day, has started to work hard since he met you. I am very interested in you."

Hearing this, the smile on Gao Jingwen's face quickly faded, and her complexion became serious.

Although Li Yucheng's words sounded kind, she felt a warning.

It seems that the situation of Li's family in the capital is far more complicated than she imagined. It's not just that Li Chengyan is not taken seriously, Li Yucheng's brother is very hostile to him.

Li Chengyan's side has just started to improve, and he is ready to rely on himself to achieve some results, but Li Yucheng's side is ready to make small moves.

Has the battle between the wealthy families reached this level?

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