Gao Jingwen could feel the other party's hostility towards Li Chengyan from Li Yucheng's words, so she didn't understand why the other party called her.

Could it be that he threatened her and didn't want her to continue to cooperate with Li Chengyan?

She frowned, and asked in a deep voice: "Mr. Li's name, I'm afraid there are not many people in the capital who don't know it, but I don't know why Mr. Li suddenly contacted me, a small businessman, what's on his mind?"

"Miss Gao is young, and she is able to make a living in the shopping mall without relying on the support of her family. She should be a smart person. There are some things between smart people and smart people that don't need to be said too clearly."

"I bought the shares of the MP3 company in your hands at double the price. From now on, this project has nothing to do with you. I will use the business channels of the Li family to help your fruit company expand rapidly in China."

"How about it, is my sincerity enough?"

After listening to Li Yucheng's words, Gao Jingwen's face was tense, and her two willow eyebrows were tightly clustered.

She has seen the internal competition of the wealthy family today, and it really is bloody.

No wonder Li Chengyan has been criticized before. Everything he did was helped by his family. Without the Li family, he is nothing.

According to Li Yucheng's routine, no matter what achievements Li Chengyan made, his brother Li Yucheng would stand up to disrupt the situation in the end.

Gao Jingwen can be sure that if she agrees to Li Yucheng's conditions, Li Yucheng will definitely publicly declare that the success of the MP3 project depends entirely on him, and Li Chengyan has not done anything in this matter.

In the end, all of Li Chengyan's hard work was in vain, and instead he made a wedding dress for Li Yucheng.

In all fairness, Gao Jingwen is a person who pursues commercial interests.

However, she is also a businessman with a bottom line. If she joins forces with Li Yucheng today, she will sell Li Chengyan.Tomorrow Li Yucheng will betray her in the same way.

Therefore, she will never abandon Li Chengyan and cooperate with Li Yucheng anyway.

"Sorry, Young Master Li, I don't accept your terms!"

"The MP3 project is the joint effort of Li Chengyan and I. Even if you pay 10 times the price for this project, I will not transfer it to you."

"In addition, I would like to say that the real strong are those who defeat their opponents dignifiedly. Those who only use some dirty tricks will never be able to reach the level of elegance."


As soon as Gao Jingwen finished speaking, there was a burst of harsh laughter from the phone.

As the eldest son of Li in the capital, Li Yucheng has taken over the Li family's property since he was a child. In this three-acre land in the capital, no one will not give him face.

He had already forgotten how many years ago it was the last time someone rejected him.

Gao Jingwen, a little girl, not only rejected his 'good intentions', but also dared to speak sarcasm at him, she really has a big heart.

"No wonder my incompetent brother didn't seek cooperation from Lin Cailuan, but instead sought you out. The two of you have really similar personalities."

"However, you are sure to fight against me."

In the end, Li Yucheng's words were full of warnings, but Gao Jingwen didn't care.

Commercial competition is the same as battlefield games. If you are timid because the enemy is strong, it is better to surrender directly.

Her character is to take the soft but not the hard, and if the other party is really playing tricks on her, she doesn't mind doing everything she can to hurt the Li family.

"You really think I'm scared?"

"To give you face and call you Young Master Li, but not to give you face, who are you?"

"Let's leave it at that, I'm sure about the MP3 project, and I'll keep Lee Seung-yeon too. If you're not convinced, just come together in secret, and let me see what your wealthy Li family in the capital can do to me!"

"Well, I haven't met such an interesting opponent for many years!"

"Don't worry, I won't use those unsightly methods to deal with you, a little girl. Let's see the truth in the mall!"


After hanging up the phone, Gao Jingwen let out a long breath.

To be honest, she regretted a little, she was unwilling to be an enemy of the top giants in the capital, but if she was given another chance to choose again, she would still make the same choice.

As a businessman, she can use some commercial means for profit, but betraying her partner is a taboo in the business world, and she will never do such a thing.

"The original business development was very smooth. I didn't expect this guy Li Yucheng to appear suddenly, and I don't know what methods he will use."

Gao Jingwen is very confident in her MP3 project. They have excellent hardware engineers, professional production lines, and very avant-garde and excellent design ideas.

She is confident that her product will become a domestic MP3 hit!

If Li Yucheng really makes a move in the mall, she has no fear. The most worrying issue now is that Li Yucheng uses some not-so-good business methods.

In addition, she is also worried that Li Yucheng will take action on her own Qiangsheng fruit chain store. Now Qiangsheng chain fruit store is the only stable profitable project in her hands, and each branch can bring more than one million profits.

If Li Yucheng makes a move on her fruit shop project, it will seriously affect her return of funds, making it impossible for her to carry out subsequent business development smoothly.


Just when Gao Jingwen was thinking about where Li Yucheng would cause her trouble, the mobile phone in her hand vibrated suddenly, and she looked down, and it was actually Li Chengyan calling.

For some reason, when she saw Li Chengyan calling, she felt that something was wrong, so she hurriedly answered the phone.

"Hey, are you okay?"

Li Chengyan's voice was a little trembling, which was very different from the usual chattering and laughing appearance.

Gao Jingwen tried her best to adjust her mentality and try to make her tone calmer.

"I'm fine, what's the matter with you, what's the matter?"

Hearing this, Li Chengyan was taken aback. He had just received the news that the chief designer Edward had just left suddenly, and his cell phone number had become empty.

Chief designer Jin Huanying also approached him, claiming that someone paid a lot of money to poach her just now, but she refused.

He instantly understood that the black hand behind all this must be his "good brother" Li Yucheng.

He was worried that Gao Jingwen would be threatened by the other party, so he called Gao Jingwen immediately.

As a result, Gao Jingwen said that she did not receive a call from Li Yucheng, which was not in line with Li Yucheng's usual style of conduct, and he suspected that Gao Jingwen had lied.

"Something happened to the company, our hardware engineer Edward ran away, I suspect he was bought by my brother."

Hearing this, Gao Jingwen's face changed instantly. Li Yucheng's offensive came so fast, and she was still trying to win her over just now, and turned around and poached away their most important hardware engineer.

You know, hardware is the most important part of MP3.

Moreover, Edward is very clear about the MP3 design of Gao Jingwen's side. If Edward switches to Li Yucheng, it will be a fatal blow to Gao Jingwen's side.

Li Yucheng's ruthless methods, the infighting among wealthy families, is really terrifying!

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