Chapter 102
"Is this the etiquette you learned?"

Empress Dowager Xie's eyes were cold, like ice in the twelfth lunar month of winter, staring at the finger raised up in the air.

"He is the emperor, the lord of a country. If there is something wrong, the Ai family can't punish him to ground him."

"Queen, you are out of your wits."

"Aijia doesn't want to repeat what he said just now."

"Bai Lu, help the Queen back to Kunde Hall."

Bai Lu was also terrified.

Bai Lu didn't know that the Empress Dowager Xie knew about the body swap, she just thought that the Empress Dowager really annoyed her own lady.

Cui Canwen tilted her head slightly, and blinked her eyes unobtrusively.

Bai Lu took a step forward, supported Liang Shaoyuan who was full of dissatisfaction and wanted to continue clamoring, and said in a low voice, "Miss, it's not appropriate to make noise."

Liang Shaoyuan only felt a mouthful of old blood in his chest.

Empress Dowager Xie is simply domineering and unreasonable!

Liang Shaoyuan was reluctant to leave the Hall of Eternal Life with the help of Bai Lu.

Taking one step at a time and turning back three times, it seems that one has to wait for a result to get a psychological balance.

There was only a muffled sound in the hall, like palms slapping the table, or kneeling and kowtowing.

"Does the emperor really feel that this palace cannot let you go, and wants to put on wings and fly out of the palace to stand shoulder to shoulder with the sun?"

Empress Dowager Xie's angry voice slowly reached Liang Shaoyuan's ears along with the night wind.

Is this reprimand?

This is indeed a reprimand!

But why is it so funny.

"A gentleman does not stand on a dangerous wall, and a wise man does not fall into a nest!"

"Your Majesty has read the sage books for so many years, have you read them into the dog's stomach?"

"The dog may feel wronged after hearing this."

Hearing Liang Shaoyuan shudder in the corner, he didn't expect the enraged Empress Dowager Xie to scold people dirty.

"Are you still listening?"

Unable to control it, Bai Lu burped again.

Liang Shaoyuan nodded solemnly, "Listen."

From Cui Canwen, he drew a lesson.

Words can also become the sharpest and most invincible weapon.

Bai Lu: This is so-so.

If she really wants to learn, she doesn't mind organizing it into a book.

"A group of you, one is the emperor, the other is the prince, and the other is the queen, and you just left the palace with a court lady and eunuch swaggering?"

"If there is an accident, do you want to die and let the first emperor die?"

"Ai Jia used to only know that your brains are incomprehensible, but they don't know that you are so stupid."

"You're a lame, not a fool."

"You are His Majesty, you are not going underground."

"The regiment is gone, how will the Ai family explain to the late emperor, how to explain to Qinghe Cui family."

"Could it be that you are tired of living and looking for death?"

Liang Shaoyuan: These words are even dirtier, but what if they rhyme inexplicably.

After a comparison, Liang Shaoyuan once again felt that Empress Dowager Xie had shown mercy to him.

My heart is suddenly balanced!
"Mother, I, no, I am the queen, and the queen is very good at fighting."

Cui Canwen explained.

Empress Dowager Xie was still full of momentum, "Two fists are no match for four hands, and even masters are afraid of kitchen knives."

"The emperor refuted, is he dissatisfied?"

"Don't dare!"

Such a queen mother, she also panicked.

"Queen, hide your shadow, shame on you!"

Liang Shaoyuan, who was listening to the corner of the wall, left in despair.

Empress Dowager Xie let out a long breath of relief, and took a sip of her tea.

"Go ahead."

"How is the result?"

Wang An didn't react to the sudden change.

Stop scolding?
Mother and concubine have not scolded fiercely.

"I knew I couldn't hide it from my mother." Cui Canwen said flatteringly.

"Chu Yin's first impression on my son was good, and my son entrusted her with a big event."

"If this matter is successful, I would like to make an exception and let her be honored."

Cui Canwen stood beside Empress Dowager Xie, stretched out her hand and rubbed her temples for Empress Dowager Xie, and said in a warm voice.

An Wang: I always feel dazzled.

Both the emperor's brother and the queen mother have turned hostility into friendship, and there is nothing impossible in this world.

Empress Dowager Xie pursed her lips and frowned, "Concubine Jing is firm."

"Even if you and Ai's family give you a marriage offer, Concubine Jing will refuse without hesitation."

Empress Dowager Xie believes that Cui Canwen has a discerning eye, but she also understands Concubine Jing's good intentions.

Chu Yin was not just from a low birth.

As a singing girl, many people in Chang'an City should be familiar with her face.Once she became Concubine An, even the entire royal family would be discussed.

"The queen mother misunderstood."

"My son means that I will give her a reward."

"Nowadays, when the queen is in court, there must be someone who is smart and handy by her side. Although Chu Yin is of low status, she is well-educated, has a resolute and courageous temperament, and has her own difficulties in her heart. If the next thing is done well, it will show that It has the ability and the means.”

"It's okay to let her appreciate and promote her to be a housekeeper, and to be in charge of the imperial edict."

"But the premise is that she returns with a great deal of credit, so that the minister can have the opportunity to reward her."

Cui Canwen took her time and explained in a gentle voice.

Chu Yin's decision to return to Hailing was a gamble in itself.

Chu Yin himself is also betting.

Bet that she can seek justice, bet that she can return with glory, and create a possibility for her and Wang An.

Empress Dowager Xie did not break the casserole and asked the end, but said indifferently, "Then what about her marriage with King An?"

Wang An, who was still kneeling, nodded hurriedly.

Yeah, that's the point.

"Mind-to-heart connection is important in marriage, but it also pays attention to the words of parents and matchmakers."

"The key to this matter lies in Concubine Jing's attitude."

"It depends on King An."

"Of course, the brighter Chu Yin is, the less Concubine Jing's resistance will be."

"In this world, there are very few mothers who do not love their children."

In particular, Concubine Jing regards King An as her lifeblood.

Cui Canwen knew that Empress Dowager Xie handed over this hot potato to her intentionally to create opportunities for her to win over the Jing family behind Concubine Jing.

However, after seeing Chu Yin with her own eyes, she even wanted to help Chu Yin to a high position with her own hands and become her arm.

Wang An was at a loss, "I tried crying, making trouble and hanging myself, but it didn't work."

He cried, and the concubine also cried.

He made trouble, and so did the mother and concubine.

He hanged himself, and the concubine also went to look for Bai Ling.

In the end, he had to coax the queen mother.

"You won't change the way?"

"The more threatening, the more Concubine Jing thinks that Chu Yin is despicable and has taught you badly."

In the eyes of the vast majority of parents, their children are all good, and all the bad things are brought down.

"If you really have no choice, just die honestly and marry a woman of the right family to live in a down-to-earth manner."

King An: I always feel that my royal brother is plotting against Chu Yin, and now he wants to put him in the palace.

Cui Canwen looked at Wang An who was in a daze, and felt that it would affect her cultivation of right-hand men.

King An's heart is Chu Yin.

Chu Yin's heart was filled with countless things.

Love and love can only make Chu Yin icing on the cake.

yes, yes.

No, it won't be heartbreaking.

"I repeat, I will never get involved with Chu Yin."

Cui Canwen said angrily.

She can't!
(End of this chapter)

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