Chapter 103 Punishment
In itself, Wang An and Chu Yin's marriage has not yet been written off.

Concubine Jing did not let go, and no one dared to overstep the bounds.

Empress Dowager Xie has a good relationship with Concubine Jing, and she will not deliberately go against Concubine Jing's mind.

Close and distant, it has always been like this.

King An was dumbfounded, why did he feel that he had entered the palace, and felt that his future was bleak.

Then he is useless, can he still be worthy of Chu Yin?

cool cool cool!
Even if there is a one in ten thousand chance that he is not cool, then he is still in the situation of staying alone in the empty room and weeping till dawn.

Chu Yin is very clear about how much he wants to be famous.

What else can I do, I will definitely not be able to hold back, because I will be kicked off.

After much deliberation, it is still suitable to be a small pendant.

"Brother Huang, you are not authentic."

King An was extremely resentful.

Cui Canwen raised her eyebrows, and said with a light smile, "It's just a chance for her. Whether it will come to an abrupt end, or go all the way through thorns and thorns, it all depends on her."

"You love her not because of her meekness, not just because of her pipa sound."

Empress Dowager Xie was still sitting upright, her eyes were constantly turning between Cui Canwen and Wang An, with a worried and dignified look.

How can I explain this to Concubine Jing!

Concubine Jing packed Wang An into the palace in order to let her make a final decision so as to get rid of Wang An's thoughts.Now, he has paved a ladder for Chu Yin with his own hands.

But if the Cui family girl can help her, Chu Yin must be good.

So what can she do, she has to stand in front.

"King An, instead of worrying about gains and losses, it is better to think about the impeachment of Yushitai tomorrow."

Empress Dowager Xie pretended to be disgusted and reminded.

Queen An realized it later, and muttered to herself, "Yes, it is a taboo to knock on the palace gate at night. Even if it is a military newspaper, you must enter the palace according to the procedure, otherwise it will be regarded as treason."

According to the Law of Dayong, there are ninety sticks at the gate of Yekou Temple, eighty sticks at the gate of the palace gate and the palace city, seventy sticks at the gate of the imperial city, and sixty sticks at the gate of the capital city.


He will be killed.

"Brother, you killed me."

Because of today's relatively harmonious relationship with each other, Wang An also lost his restraint, and boldly said sadly.

Yushitai's dog nose is particularly keen on the wind and grass in the palace.

King An looked at Empress Dowager Xie as if asking for help.

Empress Dowager Xie helplessly spread her hands, "There is nothing Ai Jia can do."

King An: Heaven will kill him!
"Hit now!"

Wang An gritted his teeth.

"Yes, the cane will be executed now."

If you fight now, you can still paddle. If the imperial censor is impeached, there will be no chance of cheating in full view.

Cui Canwen was slightly taken aback, her eyebrows moved slightly.

King An's mind is more than a little brighter than Liang Shaoyuan's.

If it weren't for his lameness, after the death of King Yong, the throne would probably fall on King An's head, and Liang Shaoyuan would not be able to pick it up.

"If someone asks, why did you knock on the palace door at night?" Cui Canwen looked at her with a hint of darkness in her eyes.

King An frowned and gritted his teeth, "In the middle of the night, thinking about the emperor's brother, I tossed and turned, deeply feeling that I have owed the emperor's kindness, so I came here non-stop to plead guilty."

"Under panic and anxiety, I violated the palace ban."

Cui Canwen: She was shocked by this reason.

Thinking about my brother...

The brotherhood is touching.

Empress Dowager Xie was also dumb for a while, but didn't say much.

"After the cane punishment is over, I will be sent to the Xingqing Hall of Ai's family, where I will confine my feet while recuperating."

Immediately afterwards, Empress Dowager Xie left the Hall of Eternal Life with Xiang Jia's support.

After a while, there was a heart-piercing cry in the Hall of Longevity.

Call for a while, drink tea to moisturize your throat, rest for a while and continue.

In the end, when King An was carried out of the Hall of Eternal Life, his face was pale and bloodless, his eyes were closed and he wailed hoarsely and unconsciously.

This scene caught the eyes of all the palace guards outside the palace.

King An lay on a stretcher and was sent back to Xingqing Hall in a state of embarrassment.

Liang Shaoyuan who received the news: so ruthless?

It was terrible, but fortunately she left in time.

In Xingqing Hall, Empress Dowager Xie announced the imperial physician in a serious manner. The lights were brightly lit all night, and the imperial physician came in and out, and there were bloody cloth strips in the copper basin.

Wang An secretly wondered if it was too exaggerated.

According to this appearance, it would be impolite for him not to be seriously injured or dying.

At dawn, the official of Yushitai who wrote the memorial by lighting the lamp all night, walked to the gate of the palace, and after a little inquiring, he knew that the palace was flying around last night, and suddenly felt that the memorial in his sleeve was a bit hot.

Now, can this memorial still be handed over?

King An knocked on the palace gate at night. The Empress Dowager and His Majesty had already punished him in strict accordance with the Great Yong Law. King An was seriously injured and was restrained in the Xingqing Hall.

However, if there is no performance, the rigid rule of daily thousand-character memorials will be completed.

Yesterday, scratching my head and scratching my head, I received the news that An Wangye had knocked on the palace gate when I was in despair. Immediately, my inspiration came, and I wrote eloquently, as if writing with spirit.

No, hot hands have to be handed over.

They didn't believe that His Majesty could have the energy to read all the memorials.

Well, the main thing is a fluke.

It's better than being humiliated and conspicuous by the servant and Qianniuwei knocking gongs and drums at the door.

The officials in Qianyang Palace were worried, each with their own ghosts.

"My loves are so quiet today, I can't get used to it."

"As for the memorial, it stands to reason that it should have been delivered to the palace before sunset yesterday. I am already hungry and thirsty and can't wait."

"My dear friends, just start playing if you have something to do."

All the officials felt that the long morning court was getting more and more difficult.

"Won't Yushitai impeach King An for breaking into the palace gate at night?"

Cui Canwen strikes first.

The ministers sighed and wanted to impeach.

"Your Majesty and the Empress Dowager have already dealt with it according to the law, and the ministers dare not comment."

"Your Majesty and the Empress Dowager are wise."

To be honest, there was really no business this morning.

"It's really nothing to play?" Cui Canwen asked again.

Still no one said anything.

Cui Canwen hooked the corners of her mouth happily, smiled recklessly and brightly, and stretched out her sleeves a little, "Wang Bao, collect the notes of the ministers."

"I think Zhu Qing's memorandum is too sincere, and I am too embarrassed to say it out loud, so I will be considerate."

Wang Bao took the order, held the trays, and put them away next to each other.

Some people are calm, some are contemptuous, some are flustered, and some are lucky.

Cui Canwen had a panoramic view of everyone's small movements and expressions.

That's the benefit of being condescending.

It's like in a private school, the teacher standing on the rostrum can clearly see all the small expressions and small movements that he thinks are seamless.

Wang Baolu collected the notebooks one by one one after another.

Because it was the first day, no one was stupid enough to touch the emperor.

Many people had the same idea, and when they got tired of watching it, they naturally let it go.

The point is, disperse!
However, contrary to everyone's expectations, when stacks of memorials were placed in front of the young emperor sitting on the dragon chair, the emperor became visibly excited.

(End of this chapter)

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